Interesting Talks While Skydiving

If you haven’t noticed, I tend to error on the side of gimmicks. Mini-Scrolls, Uni-Vs., and Small Claims Court are all examples. Next is “Interesting Talks While Skydiving.” I want to create a list of volunteers for students to interview. It’s always hard to know where to begin, and where to end up. What better way than to start by jumping out of a plane? What better way to end than in a crater the shape of your body like Wily Coyote?

First Question: How are you jumping out of this airplane? Tandem jump? By yourself? Without any parachute at all? With a cape and an S-shield on your shirt?

Middle Question: When will you pull your parachute cord? Jump, then count to three? Are you too busy freaking out?

Last Question: How do you land? On target? In a lake? Gliding into power lines?

List of Volunteer Interviewees:
Old Federalia

Sounds nice. You can sign me up as volunteering interview victim.