Introducing... TEPwiki

Yesterday I pushed out the new FAQ page that will be split right now in three categories: Frequently Asked Questions, Knowledge base and Essays; Additional Resources at this time will still be managed by myself. You will see that it is hosted directly from UTEP/Bachtendekuppen Memorial Library as it is becoming a true community project.

The biggest change will be how things are managed going forward. You will see that the new system is a forum-webpage hybrid system that essentially it will be a wiki-type system for us. Wikieditors (basically the majority of citizens[note]Most Citizens will get the ability but not anyone who is really new or anyone on any kind of corrective action(s)[note] in the near future) will have the ability to edit and update topics and anyone can submit a new article or suggest an informative one get move in on the forum side and it will show on the webpage site.

Me and BGP have been going over rules for editing and so far we figure that a spoiler should be kept at the bottom of any of the information and keep a edit log (name, what was done, date, etc). At this point I would really like to see if anyone had any thoughts to add, editing rules and any other suggestions.

Now the one limitation that it will have is the script that was made for me is that it can only do 100 topics at a time. So if we get to a point of reaching that then I figure that we can do more specific categories. = = =