Right before Packilvanian Withdraw from 130-131-132-134-125-129-outside of 77
130-131-132-134-125-129 will be know as the Wachovian States for invasion purposes

Aboard Packilvanian Capitol ship
“The Wachovians have pushed us to far this time. It is time for the final solution to this problem. The Hoop will also do well under us, I suppose.”

“Yes sir. Shall we begin bombardment?”

“No, We want these lands left relativaly intact. However, fire the Particle projector on the Wachovian Capitol before the launch pods land…that should take care of whatever resistance we will meet.”

“Yes sir!”

<Wachovain Capitol>
As the sun rose over the Capitol of Wachovia, Tom left his house thinking it was a beautiful day. He was going to take his son fishing in the nearby lake. He glanced up to look at the sky when his son asked him why there were two suns in the sky. The beam hit the city 4 seconds later. They never had a chance.>
Wachovia can play this as he wants, but I planed for most of the civilian population to be killed.

Soon after the Beam ceased, the Packilvanian Troop ships jettisonned ther pods, and the started to plummet towards the Earth. They landed randomly in the 130-131-132-134-125-129 territories. Packilvanian troops poured out. Half the troops were the Packilvanian hive cybernet troopers, and the other half were the elite cybernet Neko. <The Nekomimi that left Earth with Packilvania have eveloved somewhat, and became cybernets. To show that they no longer consider themselves Loop controlled, the refer to themselves as Neko.>

<Above Hoophoopland>
Broadcast Message to residents of Hoop
“You will be brought into the hive. There is no other choice. When the troop ships land, all the resisiting military forces will be destroyed. All resisiting civilians will be forcibly connected to the hive, and pacified. All surrendering civilians will be connected to the hive, and be given a degree of autonomy. Resistence is pointless. Surrender now.”

<The Packilvanian troop ships crash int the Hoop landscape, and the troops poor out.>

OOC: Wouldn’t it be best for you to smash the Wachovian military rather than civilians, as then you’d get more people into the hive without any real active resistance? Oh well, it’s done now! :wink:

IC: President Pratt regretfully issues the order for HoopHoopland forces to surrender and report for connection in order to save as many people’s lives as possible. Though he knows this to be an empty call, he resolves to fight for the freedom of his people from the inside…

Meanwhile, as the HoopHoopland population is both passively and forcibly joined with the Packilvanian collective, several last ditch attempts are made by the armed forces and even civilians to hurt the Packilvanian occupiers. A light aircraft is flown into a group of Packilvanian troops, grenades are tossed into enemy vehicles, random shootings of Packilvanian personnel at connection facilities occur. All this is to no avail though, and HoopHoopland quickly falls under both physical and mental occupation by the outsiders…

Codexian Command Vessel Draken-Corin, High Orbit over the Moon

“So,” her captain intoned. “It begins”

Ships began to move in the fleet around her. The Alma-Lodaka began to move away, its gravitational propulsion system coaxing the space around it into ripples as it passed. Shrouded, a small squadron of Furies departed from the Draken-Corin and began to silently glide towards the Packilvanian Capitol ships.

The Library of Codex did not hold life in especially high regard. Knowledge, it considered, was worth infinitely more in the long run. Such mindful destruction, however, was beyond all rational meaning. The Particle Projectors utilised in the attack on Wachovia were, whilst technically inferior, nonetheless destructive, and the mind that issued the command behind their use was considered a threat to all of mankind.

The Furies moved in to the side of the behemoths, processing arrays moving them in line with the particle projectors that had just fired. Magnetic clamps, affixed to the hulls of the furies released, and reengaged with the side of the capitol ships. The Furies turned away, their mission complete, as the countdown begun on the Gravitational Pulse weapons affixed to the ships’ hulls.

The Library was not, despite its appearance, a militaristic nation. What in any other country would count as a military was half consumed as an information gathering service and research division. Full scale singularity weapons, such as would have had the capacity to destroy the Packilvanian capital ships entirely, had not been produced or used since the attempt to use one to divert the asteroid, that, ironically, was the cause of the entire situation. The gravitational pulses, however, were small scale equivalents of the same thing; suited for tactical use in destroying key systems or weakpoints. Such as the particle projectors.

The captain stood at viewscreen, eyes watching unseen as small implosions rocked the Packilvanian fleet. “Your move,” he whispered.

The screen turned black

OOC: I leave you to determine the extent of the damage. The explosives were designed to take out the particle projectors, and would likely not have done a great deal more damage than this

Commander Kreft jumped up from his chair in the UN office of the regional capital


The full staff of aides stood in the office looking at the floor as Kreft turned to the wall in rage.

There is no report from the council at present commander. We expect they are all dead, though that remains to be seen. The only information we have has been obtained from outside sources.


Decimated Commander. We assume outlying garrisons most of the Verlotion area are already overwhelmed. We have no news yet but I would not be surprised if the Juoi will be a greater challenge.

GET OUT… I’m sorry, please leave. I need time to think…

as the aides leave, the first of many tears began to fall

in the outer room, the aides arm themselves with guns recently shipped from the South Pacific.

I never expected we’d need to use these.

Yes, neither did I.

To Hoop: Wachovia has ticked us off. We want them dead. As for Hoophoopland, we want them to live prosperously under the Packilvanian hive.
To Codex: THanks…I’m gonna leave it up to you as to when the actual fighting begins. I was hoping for Loop to be here before then.

<Aboard the Particle Cannon ships>
“Sir, the shot was succesful. We also have reports of Hoophooplands surrender. It seems it was mostly peacefu.”

“Good. We shall keep our word. Make sure everyone who surrendered remains autonomous. THe land will also get to kepp its name. However, we will begin work on a new flag as soon as possible. We need to get the world to accept the Packilvanian rule of Wachovia.”

“It shall be done as soon as possible. We also have word, that no action has been taken by either Loop or Codex.”

“I figured we would have a message by now. Well…keep the channels open.”

<The commander retires to study the terrain maps in Wachovian territory, and Loop/Codex if hostilities were to arise.>
<The particle cannons explode and mass destruction is caused as the quantum reactor in one of the ships is breached>
Aboard ship 2
“Mam! Report shows that both particle cannons have been destroyed. Also shown is a breach in Ship 1’s quantum chamber!”

“Damn! I’m glad we didn’t outfit the singularity reactors like we did with the behemoths. Any causes?”

“No Mam. Reports do show ghost ripples in the space fold flux slightly before the explosions.”

“Damn…Codex. Send a message to the Codexian government. Tell them not to interfere. It will be a pain in the ass fighting their ships, but lets see if they want their space over-run by Packilvanian troops. We haqve no choice with Ship one. It is doomed. Have them activate their space fold and retreat to the astroid belt.”
<Ship 1 explodes in the astroid belt>

“I just wish we knew where their damn space bases were!”

Message broadcast to FPS
“Greeting from the hive. You are going to allow a hive center to be built in your nation, and you are going to allow your population to become part of the hive. If you allow it to happen now, your nation will reamian autonomous, and sovereign. If you refuse, you will face the might of Packilvania!”

Message to Kelssek
“Greetings ally. We may be in need of Occupation/peacekeeping forces soon. We are calling on you to assist us in the occupation of territories. If you agree to help, we will allow regions of Wachovia to come under your control.”

Packilvanian diplomats arrive in the regional capitol and demand to speak with Kreft.

“We demand to speak with Commander Kreft to discuss his nations complete surrender to Packilvanian forces. We come bearing no hostility towards him on this neatral ground. Take us to him at once!”

[forthcoming Loop post]
(Shortly after day break 6:00 am)
an alarm bevan screaming in the EPIA central command, NKVD officer Kitsurabami looked in Disbelief at the readout.
“Great Will of the People, they didnt.”
she hits a button her Desk,
“Comrade Roush, initiate operation Ygddrsil, I repate, Initiate Operation Ygddrsil Target is coming in encoded now.”
Roger looks on in awe, as he listnes to the voie of the Supreme Commander of the NKVD.
“By your Command Comrade”

6:05 am
Kitsurabami picks up the green phone, a similar phone begins ringing in Comrade Hikarus office.
“Comrade People General Secretary, I am forewarding intel just recieved From out intel satelites a grave situation has ocured”
Hikaru looks over the initial paragraph, “by the Great WIll of the People, I truly hoped this would never occure.”
6:08 am
Hikaru takes out a Custom Laptop, and initiates full Def Con 1
“For the good of teh dialectic” he enters a complex password,
High above aboard the 409th Emperor Glashal SHiplord Teserec looks at the order
he waves a clawed hand at his second
“operation Ygdrsil, is Go.”

Deep in a concealed Cavern Complex, 30 Legion of Cylon activate at Rogers command, in unison they say “by your Comand” as their optical scanners change to yellow
Simultaniously they begin hacking into the Packilvanian Hive, as they do the local nodes begin to fail, and for the first time in a while many of the Packilvanian Citizenry are alone.

High above as the ships systems begin to fail aboard the Packilvanian ships Cscores of Cylon raiders begin their first run, dropping mines within 15 meters of the assorted Packilvanian ships then Fleeing.

in the asteroid belt, Aboard the “starship” Mjolner, the reactor cores reach full power.
the commander a older man, looks over the readouts,
“Comrade, we are ready, Target Principal B1 and prepare the crew”

6:30 am

the Atomic mines begin exploding bathing the ships in electromagnetic waves, Circuits fuse and melt on the outer parts o the ships.

Four of the Battlestars appear on the cardinal points as the Base Star Nova acquires its target
the second largest of the Packilvanian ships. unleashing its primary weapon, a Neutron Pulse cannon.

It carves the ship into pieces,
Upon this the Lizard ships still in orbit activate, and begin moving toward the Packilvanian Armada.

the Battlestars begin deploying thier Viper and Raider flights as well as opening up on the closer ships with their own Smaller versions of the Super Pulse cannon

Mjolner, a tremendous powered Asteroid appears on the Horizion Scanners moving at 3/4 Impulse on a dead target with the Packilvanian Behemoth Capital ship.
Some of the smaller Packilvanian Ships begin to swell and pop as Deep penetrating Nukes pierce the hides og the ships and explode.

[More to come namely the on planet stuff]
{note I can modify this if other actions have already been set into motion, }

Here comes the science
the Atomic mines disrupt the already taxed electronics and fuse the circuits of hte nearer systems, they were used for their EMP ability rather than their destructive capability

During the First Cylon War SPecific Cylon Units were used to “hack” for lack of a beter work
teh Colonial ships and systems so as to render them Dead in teh water.

Pulse Neutron Cannons, at ful strengh Disintigrate anything, it is commonly used to Disintigrate enemy ships.
at lower settings it will Vaporize Flesh through armor.

IL is a comglomeration of 4 nations of 1 billion to 3 billion in populatoin

The Wachovian aides standing guard at the office stiffen to attention as their military training returns to them. It is perfectly clear that they have heard the demand but they remain stoic and block the entrance. Waiting a few moments, the junior aide speaks without looking at them.

You are hereby granted permission to leave this area. We will not discharge our weapons in the capital unless provoked.

President Joan O’Conner looked over the telegram, and swore. Fucking cyborg scum thought they could push FPS around? “Well” she thought, “It could be worse.” After holding a senior staff meeting, she replied to the telegram.

Packilvanian Commander,
FPS is greatly disturbed by your thinking you can inform our nation of what it can do. You should be advised to ask, and not threaten…you would get a warmer response. Even the largest empires can be taken down. Look at the Romans. However…due to the constitution of our nation, I am forced to take this matter before the FPS congress for a vote. Should they vote to allow this to happen…then it will happen. Should they vote against…then we will have need to talk again.

-President Joan O’Conner, FPS

P.S. Exactly what would “joining the hive mind” entail, and would our peoples be allowed to continue thinking for themselves? Or would they be forced to join the hive mind?

As she finished tpying the telegram, O’Conner took a last sip of her warm cofee, stood up from her desk in the Trapezoidial Office of the Blue House in Liberty City, FPS, and headed towards the press conference room. Today was going to be the biggest day of her life. First, she would have to tell the public about Packilvania’s “offer”, and then bring it before congress. Not exactly a fun experience, especially since she despised the idea.

A delegate from Kelssek addresses the Congress

We do declare our military alliance with Packilvania. We take great offense at recent Wachovia actions, including the incident when they stood in front of the entire Regional Congress and told blatant lies about our government, refusing to recant or to apologise afterward. Also, we have a longstanding friendship with Packilvania and we are obliged to protect the 200,000 of our citizens who are hive members.

The Federation of Kelssek hereby declares that a state of war exists between us and both The Library of Codex and The Wachovia Coalition. We will agree to any settlement reached between Codex and Packilvania, but we shall persist in conflict with Wachovia regardless of any deals struck with our allies.

At a nod from the Defence Minister, he pulls out a large, rectangular black object resembling a TV remote. He presses one of the buttons, and an energy beam from the sky slams into the Wachovia government centre. The Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Agriculture are reduced to concrete shells. The Minister of Defence calls the Presidential Palace, and ground units begin moving into Wachovia and Codex, joining up with Packilvanian forces

***OOC Codex, isn’t it spelt “Draken-Korin”? It’s spelt like that in my books.

ILNN News at Noon

“I greet you Comrades” Says Melissa Mantenegro, a Nekomimi news caster
"this morining at approxomatly 6 am, Packilvania, attacked the nation of Wachovia Coalition, Disintigrating a civilian township with an estimated Death toll of 300k.

Our General Secretary Authorized Retrubutive strikes shortly therafter More details to come, on the outcome,
The nation of Codex has stepped to the Defense of the Wachovia Colaition.
we are currently preparing evacuaiton and Medical care for Displaced WC nationals.
Citizens of IL and her colonies are encourages to make Disaster preparations exact orders can be found in your Home terminal and on your passport page 9.

More to come as we recieve more information.

How exactly are alliance being drawn up?

Not sure of the time but shortly after Kelssek attacks WC

a hundred new suns are born above Kelssek, one over each city and known Military facility, local communication begins to fail as the EMP of the atomic weapons fuse circuits and kill electronic devices.

as the EMP dies off, IL Submarine carriers rise from the sea Launching Vipers and Shinigami class atmospheric fighters, who scream to their assigned targets, carrying
their payloads of bombs.
the Subs sink below the waves to await th ereturn of their planes.

Hikaru looks at the reports,
“By the Emperor, why did they do this, did they not know the eventual outcome?”

I am going to play Packilvania as not relizing that Loop would attack so quickly. More Packilvanian ships are going to leave the Space fold, and put up a better fight. The Packilvanian hive has a backup unit. <I was hoping to make the hive pretty much impossible to shut down. Hacking may be a possiblity, but it wqrecks some of the resistance of the Packilvanians.

Packilvanian Hive
“Members of the Hive. Your fellow residents were attacked ferosiously today, and without just cause. We have therefore issued a declaration of Total war against the Loop Empire. Negotiations are being held with Codex as we speak. FPS will be brought into the hive soon enough. <note: If FPS doesn’t vote to join, they will be stripped of all autonomy and forcibly entered. If they do they will just be rendered docile to the Packilvanians.> Kelssek will be aided as soon as we can get the war onto the ground.
I hereby give the last order <In case of hive death which shouldn’t happen> that all Loop citazens, Wachovian citazens shall be terminated or brought into the hive.”

"Sir it appears our “diplomatic fleet has been rendered 67% inoperative.”

“Good, they fell for the bait. There ships will be out in the open. GENERAL ORDER! ALL SHIPS LEAVE SPACE FOLD!”

The entire Packilvanian invasion fleet drops into real space inside of the Sol system. <Note: Packilvania is a warring empire. We have ALOT of ships, but we will admit our tech falls shorter than that of Codex and somewhat of that of Loop.>

“All bomb ships are ordered to commence attack on Loop Colonies. Destroy the offworld.”

Massive amounts of ships swarm the outer planets destroying what resisistance the Loop colonies could give, and quickly retreat back to the Martian colony.

“Order is given to release the Gigabombs.”

Loop’s ship’s scramble desparetly trying to get close to the Packilvanian ships, but several Gigabombs are detonated around the Martian Planet destroying, or rendering the smaller ships inoperative. The Packilvanian carriers release the swarm, and 500,000 smaller intercepter class fighters swarm out, and converge upon the larger ships. <I will let Loop determine casualties here, but I plan on doing alot of damage myself.> While the smaller ships were busy, the particle beam was fired at the Martian colony, destroying it.

“Let them burn… Order is given to converge on Earth system. Full fleet advance. Destroy all Loop ships, and allow troop ships to drop into real space to land on Earth.”

As this is happening, the Wachovian Provinces are totaly brought under Packilvanian control. The Packilvanian troops leave, and let the Kelssek troops garrison the occupied territory. The Packilvanian troops are seen headed towards the region of
42, to build a hive controller to bring parts of future captured Loopites under Packilavnian control.

“It comes to this. Contact the NPO. We will see if any hive Allies will help bring order to the EP.”

ooc: we need to step back for a second. we’re violating some important roleplay precepts that are getting us in way too deep way too fast. you’ll see a thread soon.

I see what you mean…It seems that each of us wants to quickly decimate the enemy…

oh that is just IL initial retaliatory strikes for infractions against soverign nations of the region

As Packilvanian ships drop from space fold
remember IL gave them teh technology and would make sure that they could track folded ships

in the red bathed bridge of teh Yamato and the Nibelung Vailesti

“there they are”

two Cloaked space cannons decloak and begin firing
Combination of Pulsed Neutron cannons and Deep penetrating Atomics.

Official Telegram to: Packilvania
Re: Hive Conversion Center
At this time, via congressional act 2314556., the Socialist Federation of Free Pacific States, at this time, will allow Packilvania to create this conversion center within Free Pacific States. However, by our own constitution, and due to Supreme Court act 2931C, we can not, and will not, force civilians to enter the conversion center in order to be…er…assimilated? However, any civilians or military personel willing will be allowed to do so.

-Vice President Matthew Terrus

OOC: About 70 to 80% of FPS’s population will be willing to become part of the hive as long as their allowed to keep their individuality intact. Which, I’m kinda clueless about…if they enter, will they still be individuals, or borg like?