Invitation to the Regional Games

Hi East Pacificans!

We would be very honoured to have you in our Regional Games. This is an event in which nations from different regions are randomly assigned into teams and have to compete in different challenges. While the challenges are very fun and engaging, the real benefit is that the Games are an excellent opportunity to meet people from other regions and establish new friendships. How to participate? Simple!

[ol][li]Create a nation that identifies who you are and from which region you come (example: South Pacific Kringalia or Kringalia of TSP)
[li]Move it to the special region we have created (to go there click on the invitation)
[li]If you prefer forum activities, we will have a special pavilion in our forum during the Games, so stop by and we’ll have a good time there[/li][/ol]If you have any questions just send me a telegram and I’ll be glad to help.

Thanks for reading, and we hope to see you next week in the Games!

Looks very interesting.

— Begin quote from ____

Looks very interesting.

— End quote

It will be very interesting! :slight_smile:

Looks wonderful :slight_smile:

Thanks for the invitation!

Thanks for the invite.