Just to make it known

Im probably not RPing anymore.

Me either; especially not if you’re just going to delete everything. Sigh

Yeah, Screw you all!!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v497/RaptorRed/kumiex.gif
I might just go back to the main RP forums if you losers quit over this crap.

I’m so friggin’ confused!

And may I ask: is Gov really an ADN spy, or it this just a show trial before the purges begin? Nit that I’d mind Govindia being purged…

oh shut up krech, seriously…

i think this is a show trial, seeing as they all know I have little knowledge on the ADN, nor have I talked to anyone from ADN.

furthermore, I’d like to point ou that it appears as the threads have been moved to a secret location, not deleted.

How do I know this? I will present this to trial, if this is actually not a show trial. Otherwise I’ll present it here.

I’m kidding, Gov… Take a joke once in a while.

— Begin quote from ____

I’m kidding, Gov… Take a joke once in a while.

— End quote

i don’t care. with all this crap that has happened, the joking has already ended…and i am now far from a joking mood…and not, not a majority of it was your fault.

http://invisionfree.com/forums/The_East_Pacific/index.php?showtopic=3264&st=0 Have fun! :smiley:

i cant see it…


These threads were also partly to get Govindia’s reaction for possible trial evidence… Please do not taunt.

Thank You,


— Begin quote from ____

Due to recent current events, it is hereby ordered by Federal President Turan Varume that the civillian controled government of Neo Arcadia be dismantled and replaced with the organization called the Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.).

From hence forth Neo Arcadia is a Toltarian Military Police State with only military personal and Sci Lab employees allowed inside any of the domes. Visitors will now be restricted as to were they can go. Production of KS series robots will ensure complete and total order.

Nanites have been unleashed to reconstruct the islands of Luzon and Mindanao to suit the needs of A.I.M. as they advance to Arcadia Project Stage Two. All other islands will be converted into Bioderms mining processing stations and framlands.

A.I.M. will still honor any miltary agreements made prior to this change. However, all relations will now be made soley for trade. Furthermore, no direct contact with A.I.M. will be made by any non Fith Great Alliance mebers. All foreigener will deal with the Neo Arcadian A.I. H.O.M.E.R.

A.I.M. shall now drive the war machine that is Neo Arcadia.

— End quote

Can you see me now?

— Begin quote from ____

— Begin quote from ____

Due to recent current events, it is hereby ordered by Federal President Turan Varume that the civillian controled government of Neo Arcadia be dismantled and replaced with the organization called the Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.).

From hence forth Neo Arcadia is a Toltarian Military Police State with only military personal and Sci Lab employees allowed inside any of the domes. Visitors will now be restricted as to were they can go. Production of KS series robots will ensure complete and total order.

Nanites have been unleashed to reconstruct the islands of Luzon and Mindanao to suit the needs of A.I.M. as they advance to Arcadia Project Stage Two. All other islands will be converted into Bioderms mining processing stations and framlands.

A.I.M. will still honor any miltary agreements made prior to this change. However, all relations will now be made soley for trade. Furthermore, no direct contact with A.I.M. will be made by any non Fith Great Alliance mebers. All foreigener will deal with the Neo Arcadian A.I. H.O.M.E.R.

A.I.M. shall now drive the war machine that is Neo Arcadia.

— End quote

Can you see me now?

— End quote


I posted it in the Fifth Alliance board. My bad.