Killing this forum?

Yea…really, I’m the only one who’s even been trying to keep this alive, and while it’s a good idea, no one seems interested at the moment…I’d suggest deleting everything in it, except maybe the OOC topics, and just leaving it be till someone jumpstarts it.

I got some ideas here, but am busy in RL

My interest and time for national level rp has waned a bit lately so don’t keep it on my account.

Somwhere in the future, a group of possible RP’s fall dead…

is it wrong to abort RP’s jsut because they are unwanted?


Anyway, I’ve been busy (HAHAHAHAH I just typed ‘busty’ HAHAHA. Sorry.) in RL, all sorts of things going on. I am intending to finish off my blockbuster terrorism epic eventually :wink: and hope you don’t delete it for my sake.

Is the intention to move everything to the League of Pacifics forum after a while?
Pres :fro: