Kingdom Claims Thread

Hail and well met, stranger! To apply for a spot on the map, please reply below with the name of your kingdom (or kingdoms), any large settlements, and roughly where you’d like your borders to be.

I’m not sure if this helps, but Vekaiyu was in a weird spot during this time. Back then, cities had much more power than they do now, at least as far as Vekaiyu is concerned, and to provide them with even more power, they established trade leagues in the nation. Although they were all still under the kingdom of Vekaiyu, they operated almost as separate states, continuously vying for power and threatening independence if they didn’t get their way. Needless to say, the king at this time was pretty much a lame duck.

This is what I have as far as a map. The leagues are highlighted, but not the borders. One would presume the borders would extend, especially in the southeast portion of the map. I apologize, the map was “painted” on the old map, and looks like an agonizing mess.