Kingdom of Landzberg


Nation Name (long): The Kingdom of Landzberg
Nation Name (short): Landzberg

Motto: “Gloriie et Miht Narodi”
National Animal: Red Eagle
National Anthem: “Zierengit ins dobriien Narodi”

Capitol: Swiegard
Largest City: Swiegard

Demonym: Landzbergian
Language: Landzebergianys
Species: Humans

Population: 19,140,147
Government type: Constitutional Monarchy
Leader(s): King Bogdan IV
Prime Minister Bozhidar Stanko
Legislature: The Parliament
Formation: 560 AD

Total GDP: 312,492,000,000$
GDP per capita: 16 324$
Currency: Landzbergian Merk

Calling Code: +572
ISO 3166 code: LB, LZG
Internet TLD: .lzg

Historical Summary:
For centuries the areas of today’s Landzberg were mostly inhabited by the Bergiatus tribes. It is assumed that these people came to these lands around 4000. B.C.E.
Most of the time these tribes grew apart from the rest of the world, and this isolation would become the norm throughout much of the history of these lands.
At that time, the basis of the Landzebergiatus language began to develop, and at the same time the pillars of Landzberg’s values and culture.
Bergiatus tribes as early as the 2th century BCE began to turn into city-states. The strongest and richest of them, Vysokova, dominated most of the city-states at that time.
Despite the fact that people were scattered among different city-states, they still considered themselves persons of one culture. They called the land where they lived Bergatia, and themselves - Bergians.
Bergians believed in their polytheistic beliefs, myths and various legends. Each city had its god, each phenomenon had a patron, and it is impossible to name them all.
Most of the city-states were ruled by absolute monarchs, known as Kniezes, but sometimes there were democracies where rulers were elected through democratic elections.
Due to its domination, the city-state of Vysokova was at first the main center of culture. However, despite this, Vysokova focused more on military development, neglecting culture. However, another city-state was also important, with a proto-democratic government, i.e. Swiegard. The rulers of Swiegard loved art and culture, and did not care about the army or conflicts. The period of Kniez’s rule in Swiegard lasted two years, after which a new ruler was elected through a democratic process. It was in Swiegard where philosophy, art, music and Bergatian culture developed significantly.
Bergian society has operated this way for millennia. By 400 BC most city-states have adopted the Swiegard system of democracy.
Around 200 CE, the newly crowned Kniez of Vysokov Bogumil IV Piesnowki began to promote the idea of a unified state of Bergatia. This idea met weak support, but it laid the foundation for a future unification movement.
In 250 the nomadic Polnicid peoples invaded the northern Bergatia city-states, and endangered the existence of all existing city-states. For this reason, a coalition of many Kniezy decided to push out the northern threat.
Kniez Branko of Jarogard, Kniez Miro of Novymesto, Kniez Dobrilo of Ivatka, but most importantly Kniez Radovan of Vysokova and Kniez Tomislav of Swiegard joined forces for one goal.
The war with the Polnicids lasted 15 years, and ended with the final victory of the Bergians.
Kniez Radovan was killed in the last battle of the war, the Battle of Ternopil. He died without any heir to the throne. Kniez Dobrilo of Ivatka, Radovan’s brother, sat on the throne of Vysokova.
Dobrilo saw the lack of unification of these lands as their greatest weakness, and spread the idea of a united Bergiatus state.
He gained the support of the neighboring Kniezes especially those who were most affected by the invasion of the Polnicids.
The idea was called “Landze Bergiatus”, meaning “The land of the Bergians”.
Unfortunately, Dobrilo died of a heart attack shortly after, at the age of 32. In Vysokov, the ruler was succeeded by his sister’s grandson, and Ivatka’s throne was taken over by his 10 years old son.
Despite this, the idea of a united state survived among the rulers and the common people.
Kniez Branko of Jarogard , Dobril’s distant cousin, decided to continue his legacy and spread the idea of unification further.
In the meantime, there was a military revolt in Swiegard, called “Revoluciet Leittozroinych”, which, however, could be dealt with.
Another landmark event happened in 540, when Kniez Wersillas, who ruled Vysokova for 20 years, dreaming of the unification of all of Bergatia under his rule, began his campaign of conquest.
This campaign was a great success, and much of Bergatia managed to unite under one ruler. However, the north still resisted, in which Swiegard still dominated with its influence. Kniez of Swiegard Dragomir looked at the absolute monarchy in Vysokova with contempt, praising the democratic values of his nation. He even spoke of democracy at times as a blessed and beautiful creation of Kraion, and absolute monarchy as the evil and ugly product of Dievol.
During the reign of Dragomir, Swiegard grew drastically, constantly developing its culture, but also investing in a stronger army. The population began to increase rapidly, and over time the population of Swiegard even surpassed the population of Vysokova.
However, Wersillas did not give up, and continued to strive to unite the nation with the same constipation as before. In 552, a war broke out to determine the further history of Bergatia. War between democracy and monarchy, south and north. The war between Vysokova and Swiegard.
Wersillas led Vysokova’s troops, starting a campaign to the north. During this time, Dragomir gathered his allies, mobilized an army, and headed the defenders.
The two armies met on the outskirts of the city of Prierun, where Dragomir’s troops established a strong and fortified defensive line. Wersillas ordered a charge to Dragomir’s position. The Vysokov infantry was approaching Dragomir, archers were shooting at the enemy’s warriors. The Battle of Prierun has begun.
Wersillas stood shoulder to shoulder with his warriors at the forefront of the attack. Vysokova’s army collided with Swiegard’s defense, and the hand-to-hand combat began.
After hours of fighting, it would seem that the final victory will be won by Vysokova, however, the unexpected happened. Wersillas fell to the ground, killed by Dragomir. His warriors fell into chaos without their ruler. Few resisted Dragomir’s counteroffensive, the rest fled.
Now Dragomir started his march to Vysokova, and in a week he reached the city. Without a leader, the state surrendered without resistance.
In the negotiation process, Dragomir showed an equal willingness to unite the state, but only under democratic rule and with considerable autonomy for individual Kniezes.
In the course of the negotiations, Vysokova’s son, Lubomir, ascended the throne. Lubomir agreed to Dragomir’s proposals, but asked to be allowed to keep his title, at least ceremoniously. In return, he offered to make Swiegard the capital of the new state.
Such an agreement was reached, and thus in 560 Landzebergien, called Landzberg in English, became a country, united from the Bergian city-states.
After reunification, the Status Quo was maintained for the rest of the centuries, but the power of Kniez of Vysokova decreased and the power of Parliament increased. With time, the Prime Minister of the Government obtained more real power from the Kniez. Over time, democracy became more and more like what it is known today.
For the vast majority of its existence, Landzberg did not interfere with the rest of the world, remaining in a kind of isolation.
Culture continued to be of great value to the Landzbergians. With time, more and more emphasis was put on political freedom and human rights, which today set an example for the whole world.
Industry and economy are developing calmly, albeit successively. A deep economic crisis came in 1840 when The Stock Market collapsed. For many decades, the economy was unable to recover, and the effects of this event are still felt today.

The history isn’t complete, and will most likely change a few times.

Following a vote on 23rd October 2022, this nation claim has been APPROVED by a vote of 4-0-0. Further votes will be amended to this post as they come in.