Kohlandia Election Crisis



In the interests of democracy and repairing our nation’s faith in the electoral process I, as President of Kohlandia, hereby request that an independent group of invigilators be sent to Kohlandia to examine the votes cast in our recent General Election.

While I have faith that there has been no wrongdoing in this election, I appreciate the need for an expedient resolution to our current situation. This can only be achieved by demonstrating to all involved (and to the world as a whole) that our elections were held correctly, with no undue interference.

Under normal circumstances, my Home Secretary would usually coordinate efforts such as this. Under the circumstances, I have no option but to oversee this matter myself with the assistance of my Cabinet Secretary, Melissa Worth. Please contact her in the first instance if you are able to assist us in restoring the confidence of Kohlandia’s citizens in the democratic process.

From the Most Serene Republic of Gollifray:

As a nation dedicated to the idea of democracy and rule by the people, we will be more than happy to help ensure that your own democratic process has not been tampered with. We do not have any elections scheduled for this year. Therefore, our Office of Ethical Government is free to verify your General Election results.

Our advice is to hold the General Election again. This time, staff from the OEG will be present to monitor all election sites, ensure the safety of voters and staff, and oversee the tabulation of cast ballots. If you accept our offer, we can be prepared for the election in two weeks.

Harold Darrence
President of the Most Serene Republic of Gollifray

Chapter House
The Fourth Imperium

Tertius Eileen Anteac was practically alone in Chapter House with Luyseyal on assignment in Cennov, but, having heard the request from President Kirk, she thought she had finally found something to occupy her time. Anteac was particularly well suited to fulfill this request as she was secretly a mentat. As a mentat, she has been specially trained to mimic the cognitive and analytical abilities of electronic computers, a skill prohibited in the Imperium by the God-Emperor himself. However, it may amuse him to see her practicing her abilities outside of his reach so she sat down and penned a letter to Melissa Worth.

— Begin quote from ____

Secretary Worth,

Thank you for the invitation. I, Reverend Mother Tertius Eileen Anteac, will be happy to attend to your issue. Thank you again.


Tertius Eileen Anteac
Reverend Mother, Bene Gesserit Sisterhood

— End quote

The journey to the Cabinet Office was fraught with trouble this morning, following another night of riots. Fires still burned on the outskirts of Dunhallow but Melissa Worth tried to put those thoughts aside as she sifted through the morning newspapers for any other news except her country’s sudden domestic crisis.

This can’t go on much longer, can it? She asked herself. Surely things will calm down soon?

The newspapers could not hold her attention that morning. With a sigh, she folded the papers up, stuffed them in her briefcase and looked out of the train window. The skyscrapers of the new city slowly gave way to the centuries-old brick and stone buildings of Kohlandia’s past. Each building was a monument to the glory of the old trade empire; a time when the fundtfluselv, Kohlandia’s flag, had flown far and wide. Now they were relics of an era that seemed so distant as to almost be a fable.

She stepped off the train and hurried down the road to the Cabinet Office building. Thankfully the police had managed to keep the riots away from the Old City, the seat of Government. She entered her office, dropped her briefcase onto her desk and sifted through the morning’s letters.

Two countries had answered Kohlandia’s call for help. Finally, some good news. She read each letter carefully, then sat down to pen a response.

Thank you for your kind offer to aid Kohlandia in this troubled time. Our need to not only hold fair and open elections but to also be seen to hold fair and open elections is paramount to restoring the faith in the democratic process that our people so desperately need. Kohlandia is an ancient and proud nation and the thought that corruption could have possibly spread into the heart of our Government is almost too much to bear.

We welcome any assistance your great nations can provide. We can certainly be ready for a new batch of elections within two weeks.