Lanozza Today — News from Quariin

Lanozza Today is the leading news broadcaster in the Democratic Union of Quariin, bringing you news from the capital and the world since 1980.

Axdel Withdraws from Puntalia Treaty; Quariin Government Takes Strong Stance in Support

LANOZZA– In an announcement that took the international world by storm on Friday, Axdel has withdrawn from the Puntalian Compromise Treaty, the agreement that brought an end to the 2020 Puntalian Crisis, citing what President Diego Corbinn called “the failure of the treaty to normalise the geopolitical situation of South Arcturia.” Additionally, Corbinn called for the state of Puntalia to be reunited and for Rodenian military personnel and installations to be removed from the country. The Axdelian West Fleet has been redeployed to the Kolstream Isles and Tawuse alongside other forces from the Axdelian Azure Fleet in presumption that military action may be necessary.

Lead-Draughtsman Hawqa Kuri issued a statement on Friday in strong support of Axdel. “We stand in solidarity against the fascist menace and the fools who believe they can be appeased,” they said in a press conference held shortly after news broke from Axdel. “The so-called compromise treaty was a farce that was never deserving of anything but contempt, and Quariin is proud to stand with Axdel as they make the correct choice today.” During the press conference, news broke that Norgsveldet pulled out of the treaty as well, which all but assures the end of UCA cooperation in the treaty. “Obviously, the more people who stand against fascism, the merrier,” said Mx. Kuri.

Norgsveldet announced the deployment of several ships to the southern Arcturia region, focusing on Rodenia’s western coast. When asked if Quariin was considering a military response as well, Mx. Kuri was noncommittal, saying “We will make that decision when we have more information from our intelligence partners.” It is also unknown if any further UCA response will be made, as the situation is still rapidly evolving even as this article goes to press. At press time, Rodenian media were reporting with no evidence that Axdel’s moves were a “communist plot” possibly designed to cause a radioactive disaster in Rodenia similar to the event that occurred in Vesienväl last month, according to Rodenia Live.

Ñalin Awx̂a, Secretary of the General Assembly, echoed Mx. Kuri’s sentiments. “Anything other than the total nullification of fascism in southern Arcturia is a failure, and I can confirm that broad support exists in the legislature for Axdel’s actions and for a positive Quariin response to events.” According to Professor Raqi Lux̂a, chair of the Political Science faculty at the University of New Kenuqii, “with elections on the horizon, everyone likes an enemy that’s easy to pick on and universally disliked. Rodenia certainly fits the bill, and it’s likely that we may see this issue become prominent in coming campaigns.”

“No wonder the MBE doesn’t want to fix this mess - They caused it,” says Aux̂in

PORTO IDOLA– During a scheduled KRP Rally ahead of the 2022 Federal Election, Koralin Aux̂in, leader of the Kozam Renewal Party, addressed the escalating tensions between Axdel and Rodenia after being asked for her opinion by a member of the crowd. Ms Aux̂in, as many expected, expressed her displeasure towards the response to the situation from Packilvania, who Rodenia has furthered cooperation with - signing onto the Packilvanian Preferential Market Access and Foreign Military Assistance programs on the 12th of February - as well as pointing to the “unapologetically incoherent nonsense” present within the article by the state-sponsored Rodenia Live discussed in our previous report.

She also went on to levy criticism against the response from Flarin Street, which was made yesterday afternoon following the withdrawal from the Puntalia Compromise Treaty by Alksearia and Durakia, with the latter renouncing recognition of the New Republic of Puntalia which would have previously violated Section 3 - specifically 3.1.10 - which stipulated that the Union of Commonwealth Alliances shall recognize the New Republic of Puntalia as a sovereign state. While the response was far more muted than the motions of other nations, it made clear Morstaybishlian disdain for the manner in which Axdel conducted itself, something which Aux̂in commented on.

“The Aurorans sit on their stolen wealth, trying to take the moral high road when none exists for them. They ask Axdel why it doesn’t turn to them to muffle Axdel’s words in the name of some diplomatic decorum we have never seen on their part. They ask why Axdel has not gone to the International Forum, knowing full well neither Packilvania nor Rodenia will ever listen to a word the IF says. For the sake of all that can be understood if they don;t listen to sense I doubt Christie Island has any better solutions.

Do you want to know why we don’t come to you for arbitration, MBE? Because there’s a simple answer, and it’s written all over your history. You are the ones who have taken so much from so many, then move to decry the drums of war when you are satisfied with your gains. You are the ones to set up a thousand dictatorships that bleed out and war and kill at your leisure, and you do nothing but sit upon your ivory tower and wonder why you are not turned to when war is on the horizon. The most grievance I take with Axdel is how long it has taken them to realise you never have their interests, never have anyone’s interests, in the way you conduct yourselves instead of you.

Citizens, Comrades, Members of this nation who can still see the scars of the Morstaybishlian-backed Juntas, ask yourself as to why the MBE will not lift a finger to stop Pax from bringing us to the brink of another Great War. Ask yourself why the Prime Minister cares not for the Puntalian people, and instead brought ships in support of Rodenia in 2020. Ask why Rodenia exists, and at every layer you will find out why we still speak of the Staynish as if they were a plague.

It is no wonder the MBE does not stop Packilvania from supplying fascists on the doorstep of their colonial holdings. In fact, it is no wonder the MBE doesn’t want to fix this mess - they caused it.” stated the KRP leader to the crowd of supporters.

While the comments of Aux̂in are not shared by all, they mark another significant example of the Anti-Morst sentiments still felt by those all across the political spectrum. As Quariin looks towards the future with an uncertain gaze, The voices of the extreme grow ever louder to further oppose the influence of the MBE and Packilvania in South Arcturian politics, a future which - at least in the current circumstance - seems far from coming to fruition.