Largest Manufacturing Sector

Dragonia is ranked 22,212[sup]th[/sup] in the world and 423[sup]rd[/sup] in The East Pacific for Largest Manufacturing Sector, scoring 20,066.71 on the Gooback-Jerbs Productivity Index.

Dragonia is ranked 22,014[sup]th[/sup] in the world and 424[sup]th[/sup] in The East Pacific for Largest Manufacturing Sector, scoring 19,984.81 on the Gooback-Jerbs Productivity Index.

Bai Lung is ranked 1,709th in the world and 41st in The East Pacific for Largest Manufacturing Sector.

Bai Lung is ranked 1,998th in the world and 31st in The East Pacific for Largest Manufacturing Sector.

Bai Lung is ranked 2,119th in the world and 30th in The East Pacific for Largest Manufacturing Sector.

Bai Lung is ranked 2,154th in the world and 30th in The East Pacific for Largest Manufacturing Sector.


Bai Lung is ranked 2,489th in the world and 26th in The East Pacific for Largest Manufacturing Sector.


Bai Lung is ranked 2,493rd in the world and 26th in The East Pacific for Largest Manufacturing Sector.