Leaves of Change

It is best for the forest
when an old timber falls
after it has reached its fullest
and lets the rainfall
reach the saplings.

Throughout my time in TEP’s government, my roles have been in constant flux. I joined the Magisterium when we needed more legislators, then the Executive as Deputy Minister of Information and Communications and blazed a path into Cabinet as Secretary when Marrabuk called on me. I subsequently left the former and was removed from the latter when I no longer fit the role. I stayed in the middle one because I saw improvements that could still be made.

I hope to help TEP in the best way I can, and I no longer think that my ambassadorship nor my deputyship are the way to do so. Other voices will be better suited to improving TEP via these roles. As such, I am hereby resigning from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and from the Ministry of Information and Communications. These changes are already reflected in my Evrigenis Public Disclosure Form - The East Pacific - Tapatalk and my signature.

This does not mean I’m leaving TEP—the truth is far from it. It just means we should be a strong community, and we will be able to further that objective better after my resignation.

Denied :stuck_out_tongue: