As if the jumble of ships and narratives converged couldn’t get any worse…
The Bardoytch navigator sat in his cabin and massaged his temples. “Go explore the ocean, they said. You’ll have fun in the ocean, they said. Discover new islands and people, they said…”
The Gunner’s Mate picked up from across the room. “Don’t worry about freakin’ large storms blowing you off course, they said. Don’t worry, you won’t get lost in the middle of nowhere, they said…”
At this point the two been began to weep uncontrollably.
They were still sobbing when the Captain of the vessel threw open the door. “One of you, the one that took over the Radioman’s job when he fell overboard, set up a signal. Looks like we’ve finally got company. A cluster of ships up ahead, perhaps they’ll know where in the devil we are.”
The Captain looked out the Command Deck window as the ship began to steam faster towards the vessels. The Gunner’s Mate was blabbering into a mouthpiece, struggling to understand the man on the other end. This wasn’t unfortunate. This was hope.
With those vessels lay a future not unfortunate in any way at all.