“Thank you, President Hunter,” Darrence breathed a sigh of relief, "you are indeed a great leader. The people of Gollifray will not forget your kindness.
“As for contact with the Artist Republic, we will be more than happy to facilitate communications. They lack two-way communications at this time, so we communicate through broadcasts. I’ll have my tech-team send you the specifics on how to reach them at once.”
“Alright,” Tinian watched as his handcuffs were removed by a vulpine officer, “You’re free to go, special pardon. Get out of here.”
The undersecretary rubbed his wrists as he looked up, “Thank you, very kindly.” He smiled briefly, “Where are my men?”
“Coming up from the brig, right now.” No sooner had the officer spoken than five men appeared on the deck of the ship.
“Tinian!” they called, and they raced over, clapping him on the back, “You missed our sing-along!”
“No, I didn’t,” he chuckled, “No one did, they could hear you over the fighting.” There was a wild bunch of laughter at this.
“The map!” someone yelled. Tinian turned around to see Leo being taken away, hollering as he went. He seemed to be addressing the undersecretary, “Use the map, it holds the location to my nation! Talk to the mapman!” Then he was gone.
“Excuse me?” Tinian spoke up to the officer, “What’s he being arrested for?”
“Homicide,” came the reply. “He fired a flare and caused a helicopter to crash. Two of our men died.” A few of the freed Defenders whistled low, and muttered, “Bloody hell…”
Tinian groaned, “Agh, he’s in for a bad time.” He was silent for a moment, then asked, “Would it be possible for us to talk to the mapman of the vessel, or at least get a copy of his maps?”