Lions, Tigers, and Delegates. Oh my!

The Central performed a cutting motion, going hard to port and stopping after the hull of the ship obstructed the shore from the wreckage.

The message “You are within the Exclusion Zone of a South Hills Warship. Divert your course immediatly” was played through LRAD’s on the side of the ship, directed at the civillian craft coming from the shore.

Captain Juhmo, having seen (or having a guess) of why they where coming, grabbed the microphone.

“We are aware there are people in the water and are doing our best to get them. What we need from you now is to return to shore to make our jobs a lot easier and to enable us to focus on rescue efforts.”

The little boats complied…sort of. They stopped advancing towards the sinking ship, and paused for a moment. There was some distant shouting back and forth among them, a few people pointed in different directions. Then they started their engines again. Instead of returning to shore, though , they began to circle out towards the sea. Of course, they gave the formation a wide berth, not coming any closer. Now, however, they sailed/sputtered between the Central and the open ocean.

“They’re trying to keep people from being swept out to sea,” the man in the first boat explained. He suddenly changed subject, “I’m George, by the way, and that’s Victor,” he motioned to the other man on the boat with him, “Anyways, just give them a break; it’s Gollifrian nature to help others in distress.”

Tinian sat in the interrogation room, silent. He glanced up at the two guards, then then looked down at his hands on the table. He had to get out of here…but his chances seemed slim, at best. Even if he managed to overpower his two guards, he would have to sneak out of this monstrous ship, then past the destroyer. No, there was no way he could do that. Even if he found a lifeboat, all it would take would be an alert to the destroyer, or some eagle-eyed sailor, and he would get blasted out of the water.

“Listen, guys,” he tried to reason with his guards, “is there anything at all I can do to convince you that I am NOT a pirate?”

President Darrence rapidly tried to re-establish contact with President Hunter; this was escalating out of control!

Suddenly, Secretary Oliver burst into the room. “You wanted to see me?”

“Yes! I’m trying to get a hold of the South Hills president again, I had to hang up with him to address the Defenders. At this moment, I’m giving you leadership of the Gollifray Defenders. Keep the situation under control, and for God’s sake do not make anything worse!”

“I…I…” Oliver was stunned, “I’ll do my best.”

“I hope so. Keep an eye on that phone. If it rings, it’ll be the militia.” He stopped to redial for President Hunter.

The pair of NGP EFH came low over the lead vessels coming from the mainland. The menacing gunship continued its orbit of the sinking hull. “All unknown vessels are ordered to cut power immediately!” The voice over the lead helicopter’s LRAD was sharp and aggressive. “Comply or be destroyed.”

Gordy couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “Biggest bunch of dumbfraks I’ve ever seen.” He said wryly to the corporal assisting with extraction of the steamer’s crew. “They saw a vessel sink for failing to comply and now they are pushing the same buttons.”

Captain Pearce overlooked the situation through his binoculars, letting out a heavy sigh.

“A Steamer, a sinking rustbucket, and a bunch of fast-boats. Oh the joy.”

The McCloud class cruiser, “Tiger Bay” had entered the combat area, and was heading towards the other ships.

“Bring weapons online, don’t want any surprises while we’re sitting ducks here.”

“Aye Aye, captain”.

“And someone get me a briefing on who the hell lives here.” He looked around the bridge, to notice the communications officer on the phone, she paused, looking over at the Captain.

“It’s President Hunter, Capn’.”

He shrugged, not quite knowing why the President would directly call a combat vessel, but proceeded to the communications console nontheless, taking the phone from the Vulpine communications officer, who stood back a few feet at attention.

“Yes, Mr. President?”

“I’m aware that we captured the ‘undersecretary of defense’, Mr. President”. He spoke into the phone with a deep, serious tone, the other end of the line not being audible to everyone else.

“Very well, Mr. President. Have a nice afternoon.” He handed the phone back to the Communications Officer and made his way back to his old position.

“I’m heading over to the Central to “finish” interrogation of our suspect to see if it was actual piracy or a ‘government operation’, Commander Yi has the bridge.” He sent a nod over to the same vulpine communications officer, and she moved over to the captains spot before he walked off the bridge and headed to a helicopter on the Cruiser.


The two soldiers ignored his comment, then as the door slung open they both moved to the side, revealing Captain Pearce, a thickly-built human in naval dress with a Captains insignia.

“Oooh, how much trouble you’ve caused.” He chuckled as he hung his coat on the doorframe and sat down.


“Mr. President, the sooner you get these civillian vessels out of a military operation the sooner we can sort this out.”

Leo was pissed and confused as he his crew was pulled from his steamer with barely any explanation.
He saw a sinking boat explode and heard helicopters making threats as prisoners singing aloud.

Leo had enough and reached for his flare gun and shot it in clear air.

Leo took Gordon’s radio peice and yelled¨ Calm the hell down!¨ before being butted in the gut and tackled.

Finally getting the message, the little vessels decided to follow orders, and began to backtrack their course; the sailboats swerved around, and the motorboats put their engines in reverse. A faint chorus of booing could be heard from little craft.

“Bloody hell,” Victor said, “We better get out of here!” He roared the engine, and returned to the shoreline. At least they had rescued four people in their boat, better than none.

“I didn’t cause anything,” Tinian labored to keep himself calm, “I was only trying to identify an unknown vessel, and keep my country safe. It’s you guys who made this into a huge hullabaloo, who violated our sovereignty, who abducted officials from Gollifray and the Artist Republic. I didn’t do anything.”

“Civilian vessels?” Darrence asked aloud. “Oh boy…excuse me.” He covered the receiver with his hand.


“Yes sir?” the secretary peered through the door.

“Tell the Defenders I said stay out of the water!”

“Alright,” Oliver disappeared.

“I’m sorry, President Hunter, our vessels will be out of the way soon.” Darrence was back on the phone. “Anyways, as I was asking, can we appeal to the piracy court in any way?”

“Hey, look down there” Both pilots looked out of the cockpit, looking at there british grand pacifican’ counterparts around the sailboats.

“People are fucking idiots.” replied the co-pilot, sighing.

“Yeah, tell me about i-…” He looked back forward, seeing they where flying right into the bubbling mass of a phospherous flare.

“What the fuck is that-…DIVE!” He jamumed the stick forward, in an attempt to dive below the flare, but suddenly a loud cackling noise was heard.

“I’m loosing RPM on engine 1…engine 2 too…”

“Fuck!” The pilot switched over to the main comms radio.

“Tiger 1-2, declaring emergency, RPM stall on both engines…standby…0 thrust at this time.” He cut out the radio, looking for the nearest ship to try and land on, knowing a water landing won’t be pretty; then he saw the stationary Central and its landing pad; a trailing plume of black and red (color of the flare) smoke could be seen as the helicopter spiraled out of control.

“Autorotate!” exclaimed the co-pilot, holding onto the stick with the pilot.

“I’m trying, gorramit! We’re coming in too fast!” The flight-deck of the Central came into view, with crew scrambling off the helicopter flightdeck as the chopper came in.

“Hold on!” Suddenly, the helicopter smashed into the flightdeck of the Central, rocking the helicopter pad and badly damaging the helicopter. All faded to black for the pilots and crew inside.


“Everyone get back here!” one of the Defenders yelled. All of the Gollifrian boats were retreating back to the dock. “Christ, it’s all going to pieces over there!”

They watched as the helicopter flew into the flare, went out of control, and crashed onto the Central.

“Shit…” a woman remarked as she watched, “I hope the undersecretary and the others are okay.”

Tinian had just finished talking when a loud explosion sounded. “What was that?” he asked. Both he and Captain Pearce turned to stare at the door.

The men in the brig were still singing.

“Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!”

Leo could of not failed his country in anymore than what he managed to in those five seconds.
He watched in horror as he watched the helicopter make a crash landing. ¨Oh My God…¨

Leo braced himself for the retaliation he is about to feel in a few seconds.

As the boats got back to shore, the rescuees were helped onto the dock.

“Hello?” A woman came up to the captain of the sunk ship, “Are you alright?”

The poor man was tired from his ordeal, and seemed on the point of collapse, “Yeah, yeah, I’ll live…I just…errrhh…”

“It’s alright, you’re safe now. You’re in Gollifray,” the woman told him, “I’m Diana Frederickson, a member of the Defenders. Where are you from?”

“I’m from Bardoytch,” the captain answered. “We were investigating this…this mess,” he pointed behind his back with his thumb, “and we ran out of fuel. Suddenly, we got fired upon!”

“Don’t worry, we’ll get you home as soon as possible.”

“Keep it coming!” exclaimed the seaman as his partner unwound a firehouse, several crewmembers began putting out the small fire the helicopter crash had caused, and within a few minutes had it put out.

2 of the 4 of the crewmembers died from either the crash or the resulting fire, with the other two (Co-Pilot and Crew Chief) surviving, The right door gunner and pilot being fatalities. The helipad on the Central was badly damaged due to the impact, and the other aicraft would be unable to land there.


Having been briefed on what happened, Captain Pearce sighed, moving himself up from the chair before nodding to the two guards.

“Best I get out to my ship, Transfer this guy to the Campbell for sorting.”


“Admiral on deck!” exclaimed a Marine, and the bridge stood at attention as Admiral Forrest made his way to the bridge of the Baldwin class LHD - ‘Campbell’

“At ease, what do we got?”

“Steamer and suspected pirates, Steamer crew set off a flare that damaged one of the Central’s helos, crash landed, Central’s flight deck superstructure is damaged but otherwise she’s operational, We’re making space for her second helo now.”

“Very well, is the landing bay ready for incoming prisoners?”

“Aye, the rear bay is read to receive prisoners.”

“Green light transfer of prisoners from the Port Astur, Tiger Bay, and Central.”

“Done, Sir.”

“Inform Captain Juhmo once he is finished transferring prisoners his ship is relieved to return for repairs”

“Aye aye”

“Ensure the Port Astur and Tiger Bay finish cleaning everyone off the Steamer and await further orders- May or may not scuttle the rustbucket. Are we ready for there Captain that decided it would be fun to kill two sailors?”

“ONI is ready for his transfer now, sir.”

“Very well, keep me posted.”

Leo sat in the interrogation room with a dismayed look, he kept quiet the whole trip there and stared grimly at the table his hands were binded to his chair he was waiting for his punishment.
HIs fear of never seeing the Crimson Red and Marble White streets of Penna again seemed to come true.
He realized his whole life was devoted to undercover work for his nation and never really had a life to speak of even since childhood.

Leo teared up a little from the guilt of the possible dead weighing on his shoulder as he was raised to hold all life dear.
¨Some life I lead…¨

The helicopter came to rest on the flight deck of the Campbell. The engines powered down and the rotor blades were slowing their oscillations as a pair of towering Tsinuk in pacific gray uniforms disembarked with their prisoner. The official statement would cite the source of Leo’s blackened eye and swollen face as a result of multiple concussive blasts, everyone knew better.

The remaining pair for helicopters were mopping up CSAR operations and delivering nonessential survivors to the so-called Defenders on Gallifrey’s shoreline. SHACOG’s naval ensign was flown on the fantail of the Astor in honor of the lost aviators. Her captain already delivered the AAR to Victoria. He still couldn’t believe the events that transpired and how so many people could act as foolishly as they had.

The Captain looked around, seeming exceptionally dazed and confused. “Gollifray? Gollifray? As in… where the doctors come from? And the phoney-boothey thingies?”

The Gunner’s Mate limped up to Dana and the Captain. “I suppose we can be a little more informal now. I’m Ernie, that’s Bert. You’ll have to excuse him, whenever he gets knocked around a bit, he confuses reality with some common TV shows back home. It is rather annoying, but when you’re lost at sea and have nothing to do, it is nice to watch him do a little Gilligan’s Isle. Or Castaway.”

The Navigator, against all odds, managed to find a handhold on one of the larger ships, and decided that scaling the side to the deck was a better idea than swimming to shore. It wasn’t until he reached deck level that he saw a charred deck and many men milling about that he began to reconsider.

The Head of the Federal Republic of Bardoytch was growing increasingly upset with the failure of the most recent bill in the House of the People. These guys used to be efficient. Now they’re like some North American attempt at a legislative body. Pitiful.

Suddenly the Secretary-General of the FR entered. “Sir, there’s been a development with Exploration Fleet One. We’ve made contact with other vessels.”

“Wonderful, wonderful!” said the Head. “Wait… didn’t we last hear from them two years or so ago?”

“That’s the development, Sir. Follow me to the War Room.”

The Dean of T.A.R. was at the congressional house of scholars reviewing artwork for gollifray’s regional art show artshow,
when a press secretary barged in and whispers in the Dean’s ear.
The Dean rushes off his chair and runs to the media room, as he enters the room he sees a familiar disturbed face of one Gollifray’s secretaries.

“To the Dean of the Artist Republic,” Undersecretary Franklin spoke with a grim look on her face, "there is a crisis unfolding off of the shores of Gollifray, that we believe involves one of your ships. We do not have many details right now, but we can confirm these:

"A ship bearing your flag entered our eastern waters earlier today. When Undersecretary of Defense Tinian attempted to investigate the ship, both he and your ship were suddenly seized by foreign powers. We have so far identified the British Grand Pacific and the South Hills as the intruding powers, and successful contact has been made with the latter. However, they have not released the men they have captured, and when we last heard they were being flown away from the site.

"I wished to contact you for two reasons: First, to inform you that while the incident occurred within our borders, we did not perpetrate it. It was a gross violation of our sovereignty by a foreign power, and we share our empathy with you as a good number of our own people have been taken.

“Second, I wish to express solidarity with the Artist Republic in the course of this crisis. Our efforts will be concentrated not only on the return of our own citizens, but also of yours. Any aid at this time will be greatly appreciated, especially in the form of diplomatic pressure. Thank you.”

The two agents moved up to the helicopter, one a rather stiffly built human male, the other a female vulpine, with it quickly becoming evident the latter was in charge.

They nodded to the Tsinuk escorts, and took control of Leo’s custody before handcuffing him.

“You are under arrest for the homicide of Lieutenant Francis J. Vanardane and Gunnery Sergeant Michael Santos.” she spoke in a serious tone, before nodding to the man to take Leo to a appropriate cell.


Admiral Forrest observed the rear bay from the railing, looking at the 70-80 people being observed in various manors, some more cooroporative than others.

Suddenly, he had control of a microphone, and his voice echoed throughout the area.

“I am, apologetic for the current set of circumstances, however it was a rather unfortunate accident granted the circumstances and particulars that we intervened as a ‘piracy intervention operation.’”.

He paused, noticing the large area now had his attention before continueing.

“Anyone here operating under the Gollifray flag upon engagement is hereby released from custody. As soon as we work out the details for your return, they will be executed. The crew of the Steamer shall remain here into we sort out what to do with you - the vessel is being confiscated as the captain is under criminal charges by the Office of Naval Intelligence.”

He looked around the room; some looked happy, some rather gloom.

“As for the 3rd vessel, it violated the exclusion zone and after failing to change course was engaged as a threat, the explosion it caused supported these fears. As soon as I have details on what will happen to those onboard, I’ll give them to you. That is all” He walked off the railing, entering another room.


“I have organized the release of your citizens, as soon as a landing zone can be organized, airlift will begin.” Mr. Hunter paused, continueing on the phone a second later.

“As for the Steamer, the captain killed two of my men; we can not simply let him walk away, even if the circumstances where accidental leading up his his action. I’m sure you understand and if you have contact information to the government owning the vessel it would be appreciated.”

As the broadcast went off air, the Dean was a relieved the hear that his men were atleast alive and found, but was struck cold that they were taken by mystery nations.
It was just a day since he discovered Gollifray’s existence and learned T.A.R. was inferior telecommunication wise, now he is certain that he lacked the military advantage and advancement if even Gollifray was even helpless in retrieval of thier own personnel.

The press secretary rested his hand on the disgruntled Dean’s shoulder
¨Sir Dean I believe we have a development in the tech department, a few scientist came forward with some inventions now that you properly funded research.
Come with me¨

The Dean followed the bony fellow outside and across the street to the defense building where a man in a top hat stood at the door as they reached the steps the top hat man came forward the press secretary introduced him
¨This is Mr. Alberson, Sir Dean. He has something that will help us get involved in world affairs.¨

Mr. Alberson shooked the the Dean’s hand and then grabbed him by the arm
¨Right this way sir, I have discovered a motherload.¨
They all stopped at a radio room and Mr. Alberson began to explain the details.
¨You may notice our telecommunications are in thier infancy and just barely able to broadcast television to Gollifray’s antennas and our radios just have no towers big enough to expand on.
what if I were to tell you that there is a signal overcasting every inch of our island and is extremely precise that it only give two commands on and off in rapid combinations.
I’m going to spare you details we decoded the combinations with a team of the nation’s best mathimatic minds and code-breakers. We have been working on it for some time now and found it was a two way line for communication it’s capable of sending text and voice.¨

The Dean was amazed at the concept ¨Where is this signal from? Can I use it now?¨

Mr. Alberson looked at the Dean with cautious eyes
¨We can only guess upward for signal orgin and as for use it’s too early, this is truly difficult.¨

Leo before being carried off yelled out
¨The map, use the map it holds the location to my nation talk to the mapman!¨
Leo was carried off out of sight to his cell

“Thank you, President Hunter,” Darrence breathed a sigh of relief, "you are indeed a great leader. The people of Gollifray will not forget your kindness.

“As for contact with the Artist Republic, we will be more than happy to facilitate communications. They lack two-way communications at this time, so we communicate through broadcasts. I’ll have my tech-team send you the specifics on how to reach them at once.”

“Alright,” Tinian watched as his handcuffs were removed by a vulpine officer, “You’re free to go, special pardon. Get out of here.”

The undersecretary rubbed his wrists as he looked up, “Thank you, very kindly.” He smiled briefly, “Where are my men?”

“Coming up from the brig, right now.” No sooner had the officer spoken than five men appeared on the deck of the ship.

“Tinian!” they called, and they raced over, clapping him on the back, “You missed our sing-along!”

“No, I didn’t,” he chuckled, “No one did, they could hear you over the fighting.” There was a wild bunch of laughter at this.

“The map!” someone yelled. Tinian turned around to see Leo being taken away, hollering as he went. He seemed to be addressing the undersecretary, “Use the map, it holds the location to my nation! Talk to the mapman!” Then he was gone.

“Excuse me?” Tinian spoke up to the officer, “What’s he being arrested for?”

“Homicide,” came the reply. “He fired a flare and caused a helicopter to crash. Two of our men died.” A few of the freed Defenders whistled low, and muttered, “Bloody hell…”

Tinian groaned, “Agh, he’s in for a bad time.” He was silent for a moment, then asked, “Would it be possible for us to talk to the mapman of the vessel, or at least get a copy of his maps?”