Lokanian Embassy

Official Lokanian Embassy

Lokania - NSWiki is a country in Arcturia that borders Louzaria (MBE), Rufuina, South Peragen and Vivancantadia. It has a population of 74.2 million in 2019. Its capital city, Efraford, is where over 3.8 million people live. Lokania has a total area of 292,540 km² (112,950.33 sq mi). Lokania is a member of the Union of Commonwealth Alliances since April 2020.

Prime Minister: Arngrímur Sigurdarson
GDP (nominal)
Total: $501,349,601,250
Per capita: $6,750

You may apply for the following:

  • Diplomatic recognition
  • Embassy exchange
  • Military alliance (please specify)
  • Alliance (please specify)
  • Trade agreement (please specify)
  • Non aggression pact (please specify)
  • Other (please specify)

Thank you.

Great Morstaybishlia:

Embassy exchange
Diplomatic recognition
Free trade agreement
Visa agreement
Military alliance
Non-aggression pact
One shared military base (South Staynes)
3K troops deployed
1 naval vessel deployed

Diplomatic Recognition
Embassy Exchange
Non-Aggression Pact
Free Trade Agreement

Diplomatic Recognition
Embassy Exchange

Diplomatic recognition
Embassy exchange
Reduced trade tariffs

Diplomatic recognition
Embassy exchange
21 day visa program

Diplomatic recognition
Embassy exchange
21 day visa program

Diplomatic recognition
Embassy exchange
21 day visa program
Thalria: VOID

Diplomatic recognition
Embassy exchange
Consulate (Lambertus Dendrick)
Trade agreements
Non-aggression pact
Cultural exchange
Student exchange


Diplomatic recognition
Embassy exchange
21 day visa program
Kuthernburg & Altaesia:

Diplomatic recognition
Embassy exchange
21 day visa program
Intelligence cooperation

Diplomatic Recognition
Embassy Exchange; Consulate Faye Tongara


Diplomatic Recognition
Embassy Exchange; Consulate Danni Devarden
50% off trade tariffs
Non-aggression pact
Free usage of the Urthian Workers Canal

From the Foreign Ministry’s Office of The Republic of Tivot

Greetings from The Republic of Tivot!

Seeing as you have recently opened up your nation for foreign diplomatic requests, our nation would like to cordially welcome you to the international community! Along with this greeting, we as a nation would like to request the following:

[li]Embassy Exchange
[li]Non-Aggression Pact
[li]Diplomatic Recognition
[li]Free Trade Agreement[/li][/ul]

We understand if any of these requests are denied, and hope that our two nations may cooperate more closely in the future!

Humbly yours,
Ivan Trikolovich
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Tivot


The Commonwealth of Lokania cordially accepts all requests by Tivot.

We hope our relationship prospers in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Arngrímur Sigurdarson
Lieutenant Governor


Official Communication from the Federal Republic of Assowolf
To: Lieutenant Governor Arngrímur Sigurdarson
From: Secretary of Foreign Affairs Gouir Moravia
The Federal Republic of Assowolf is interested in diplomatic recognition, an embassy exchange, a nonagression pact, and a free trade agreement with the nation of Lokania. Furthermore, we are also interested a possible defensive alliance and joint military cooperation if you are willing to further ties.


The Commonwealth of Lokania already recognises Assowolf as a sovereign state.
The Commonwealth of Lokania cordially accepts all requests by Assowolf. However, before establishing defence and military pacts; we wish to go into more depth.

We hope our relationship prospers in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Arngrímur Sigurdarson
Lieutenant Governor

To:Arngrímur Sigurdarson, Lokania

On behalf of the Axdelian Government I, ambassador Lily Nimitza, formally apply for the following;

-Diplomatic recognition
-Embassy exchange
-Reduced trade tariffs

Ambassador Lily Nimitza,
Axdel Office of International Affairs


The Commonwealth of Lokania already recognises Axdel as a sovereign state from working alongside in the Auroran Pacific War.
The Commonwealth of Lokania cordially accepts all requests by Axdel, and wishes to further establish both a 35 day Visa Programs and a Free Workers Movement Agreement. We hope that upon allowing for a Free Workers Movement Agreement, unskilled workers and skilled workers will evenly distribute across both countries.

We hope our relationship prospers in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Arngrímur Sigurdarson
Lieutenant Governor

To:Arngrímur Sigurdarson, Lokania

Your request for a 35-day visa program has been accepted, though we shall have to negotiate the terms of the free movement of workers between our nations, especially considering the income disparity. We are, however, willing and open to further future coordination.

Ambassador Lily Nimitza,
Axdel Office of International Affairs

A communique from United Kingdom Of Kuthernburg & Altaesia to Lokaniahttps://postimg.org/image/awnkwcf7p/https://s18.postimg.org/awnkwcf7p/1000px-_Royal_Coat_of_Arms_of_Spain_1580-1668_.svg.png


Kuthernburg will like to request the following

-Diplomatic Recognition

  • Trade
  • 120 Day Visa Program
  • Culture Exchange
  • Military Alliance
  • Joint Scientific Cooperation
  • Intelligence Cooperation
  • Joint Police Cooperation
  • Student Exchange
  • Embassy Exchange
    We Hope to hear from you soon

Her Majesty
Naomi Truden II


[font=Monaco]A communique from The Royal Republic Of Atiland to Lokania:


Atiland will like to request the following

-Diplomatic Recognition

  • Trade
  • 60 Day Visa Program
  • Culture Exchange
  • Joint Scientific Cooperation
  • Student Exchange
  • Embassy Exchange
    We Hope to hear from you soon

Vice President
Laura Ward


Dear Naomi Truden II,

Lokania only wishes to accept and return diplomatic recognition, accept an embassy exchange and a Visa program, but not to that extent. We are willing to agree on a 21 day visa program.
Furthermore, we do agree on joint intelligence cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Arngrímur Sigurdarson
Lieutenant Governor


Dear Laura Ward,

We accept and return diplomatic recognition, an embassy exchange and a Visa program, but not to that extent. We are willing to agree on a 21 day visa program.

Yours sincerely,

Arngrímur Sigurdarson
Lieutenant Governor

updated (making Lokania relevant again)


Greetings from Fargo
Glory to the confederated state

We apologise for the time it has taken us to attempt diplomatic communications with you, as you likely know, we’ve overthrown the Wolfen government and established the revived nation of Rufuina, we understand that you did recognise the Wolfen republic as a sovereign nation, we hope within the confederacy that this does not sour or impair what could be close relations, we’re close with the MBE as you are becoming.

We propose the following:
-Mutual embassy exchange
-Mutual recognition as sovereign nations
-Exports of firearms for currency
-Commercial pact (Meaning businesses are free to conduct business within each other’s country’s.)

We also wish to discuss potential plans for an Arcturian economic union in private, we eagerly await your response.

Yours truly
Embassy of Fargo
Glory to the confederated state


The idea of an Arcturian Union is a pleasant surprise to the Lokanian cabinet, something that we have pushed to achieve for years but have made little to no progression. That being said, we will be willing to cooperate fully on laying the groundwork for a new Arcturian Union of the future.

Our relationship with the Wolfen Republic was sour, and as such, both sides had a military presence on our border for many years. With the revelation of a new government and your apparent friendliness with Great Morstaybishlia, we wish to discuss ending this. I invite you to discuss this with me in Efraford, Lokania’s capital.

We extend our gratitude on a successor state to the Wolfen Republic, and therefore recognise your sovereignty. We are happy to establish an Embassy program and wish to send Lolla Pardens as Ambassador from Lokania.

We agree to a commercial pact with our two nations, but wish to finalise this if you accept to travel and meet with me in Efraford.

We hope our relationship prospers in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Arngrímur Sigurdarson
Prime Ministers Office


Greetings from Fargo
Glory to the confederated state

We are glad to hear that we can assure cooperation from our new neighbours, we’ve received word from the Rufunian military that they will be withdrawing any major military forces from the border and only leaving behind the professional border force.

We’ve also been assured that the secondary supreme president close friend of the supreme president himself will be honoured to make a visit over to Efraford to better discuss the terms of our commercial pact and further dealings of an economic union.

We will state this now that this economic union shall be pro free market, the secondary supreme president and the confederacy as a whole will not tolerate talks of economic alignment of any communists within Arcturia, particularly the communist nation of Osterlicsh, they go against our way of capitalistic lives and only seek to spread their vile ideology.

We do hope that the prime minister agrees with this sentiment and we eagerly await your response.

Yours truly embassy of Fargo
Glory to the confederated state

To the Lokanian Embassy,

Grindoligarch sees it as a mutually beneficial endeavor for our nations to establish an exchange of embassies, a mutual acknowledgment of sovereignty, and a non-aggression pact to ensure peace between our nations and protect/secure any future pacts or arrangements made either through this correspondence or in the future.

If it would prove that both of our nations are working towards similar technological advancements and are at a similar point in such endeavors, a research agreement may prove mutually beneficial as well.

Furthermore, Grindoligarch is interested in opening trade between our nations and is able to provide the following exports: machine parts/manufacturing (on request for specific parts or machines), military equipment (infantry equipment, tanks, planes, drones, ships, etc.), Information Technology, computer parts/computers, mining, and timber. In large part in regards to types of machines/machine parts, military equipment, and computer parts/computers production is very flexible and we can change the production of certain factories to fulfill specific requests in any of the previously mentioned fields that apply. Though we will need to specify the security measures we take in order to secure our nation before a trade can begin.

Let’s hope for a mutually beneficial relationship and for a continuation of peace and prosperity for our nations.

~Mikhail Volkov, International Representative of the Grindoligarch Administration Party


Thank you for your considered application. Unfortunately due to the nature of your undemocratic government and Lokania’s continuing resolve for freedom and democracy, we do not wish to open trade at this time.

We do however recognise Grindoligarch as a sovereign state and wish to provide an embassy program for any Lokanian citizens living, residing or working within Grindoligarch, and subsequently invite a Grindoligarchian ambassador to Efraford. If you accept a Lokanian ambassador, we will send Faye Tongara.

Yours sincerely,

Arngrímur Sigurdarson
Prime Ministers Office

Arngrímur Sigurdarson
Prime Ministers Office,

Grindoligarch respects your decision to not trade with our nation and hope that at some point that can change between our nations. To clarify we meant a diplomatic embassy within our capital’s (Kalistad) main administration district where you can set up your ambassador and any other necessary staff, our nation not permitting any immigration or emigration barring special cases. We will be accepting your ambassador and will send you one of our own should you accept, Ben Belsky. Please do keep in mind that all outside communications, all uses of the internet, and location at all times will be recorded of your ambassador- but assuming they act relatively professionally things should be fine. Furthermore, all citizens of your nation sent over for diplomatic reasons are not permitted to leave the island of Kalistad without alerted Grindoligarch and not permitted to go to any other part of Grindoligarch barring special cases.

We hope that in time your nation will reconsider and we can establish trade between our nations.

~Mikhail Volkov, International Representative of the Grindoligarch Administration Party

FAO: Lokania, Foreign Affairs,

Arcturian neighbour, the Democratic Republic of Osterlicsh extends to you a hand. We wish to establish a positive relationship with your nation in the name of spreading peace in Arcturia. We wish to extend to you free passage to all Lokania-registered vessels through the World Worker’s Canal as an offering of friendship. We hope that in doing so, any maritime routes to your west will be made faster by transiting our waters. We also wish to extend the following relations with your nation,

  • Diplomatic Recognition

  • Embassy Exchange

  • Non-Aggression Pact in light of recent developments on our continent.


Thank you for reaching out to us, and we gratefully accept usage of the canal for Lokanian registered vessels going forward.

Lokania will accept the request for diplomatic recognition and an embassy exchange, and in light of the recent events in Arcturia wishes to establish a non-aggression pact with Osterlicsh.

We wish to establish a free trade agreement with Osterlicsh, hoping to mutually benefit both our economies.

With respect,

Arngrímur Sigurdarson
Prime Ministers Office