Lorega Disease Outbreak


I am writing to the East Pacific to warn of a pathogen that has the potential to become an epidemic. A new disease has been documented within the Most Serene Republic of Gollifray. Scientists have dubbed it Lorega necrotic dermatitis, or Lorega for short.

Symptoms of Lorega include, in the first stage, fever, sore throat, muscle cramping, and headaches. Nausea and gastrointestinal difficulties usually follow, but the concerning part is the rash. The defining symptom of the Lorega virus is a rash that spreads over the skin, then turns into a site of liquefactive necrosis. The skin begins to melt off of the body, leaving the patient’s internal layers vulnerable.

At the moment, there have been five confirmed cases within the country with two fatalities. At least a dozen more possible infections have been counted. The pathogen has been confirmed as viral, making antibiotics ineffective. There is little information so far about how it spreads or the origin of the disease.

As Undersecretary of Public Health, I have already arranged for a domestic press release about Lorega, in an effort to notify the citizenry of the potential danger. I urge every leader of the East Pacific to maintain a vigilant eye in their own nations for any cases. Our Most Serene Republic is a popular tourism destination, and I fear it may have already spread via air travel around the region.

While I fear causing a panic, I believe that making this information widely known will ultimately benefit us more than keeping the people in the dark. I remain confident in our ability to overcome this disease, as we have done with so many others in the past. In the meantime, I again implore you to take all precautions necessary to contain the spread of Lorega.

Undersecretary of Public Health Calvin Barstein
The Most Serene Republic of Gollifray


Following the recent announcement from the Gollifrian Office of Public Health, the Republic of Kohlandia has been monitoring the situation on the ground in the Serene Republic. Kohlandia is sending an offer to share medical knowledge and resources to fight this deadly outbreak and will provide aid where it is needed.

However, we must also be aware of the potential risks to our own nation. It is therefore necessary at this time to close our ports and airports to all traffic to and from the Republic of Gollifray until this threat is dealt with.

— Begin quote from ____


Following reports of an outbreak of ‘Lorega necrotic dermatitis’ in the Republic of Gollifray, Parliament opened an emergency sitting. The House of Trustees had a number of propositions before them, and after a three and a half hour debate, the bill put forth by the Minister of Health was passed. Within the hour of passing, the President’s council ratified the bill and invoked the immediate international threat classification.

This ‘Infectious Agent Control Act’ is promised to be first step toward a comprehensive policy for the suppression and response to infectious outbreaks. The Act empowers the Government or President to restrict international travel or detain international travellers suspected of being exposed to the disease. Among other powers, an Executive Order may now declare quarantine zones in any part of Aelitia.

By morning, the President had barred any international travel or goods which have been to the Republic of Gollifray in the last 21 days. Flights, chartered cruises, and any shipments from Gollifray have been cancelled or stalled indefinitely.

The Presidential Inquirer for Public Health has stated that “all officials are on high alert and are very much aware of the threat which is developing in the region. We also suggest all of our Regional partners follow suit to prevent the spread of this disease.”

— End quote

The Most Serene Republic Of Gollifray

Marcus Claire Luyseyal was sent by Reverend Mother Tertius Eileen Anteac to Cennov as a part of the Assessment Of The State Of The Region. The Sisterhood had obtained her an internship in President Harold Darrence’s administration, and as a Truthsayer, a Bene Gesserit specifically trained to determine whether someone is lying by analyzing their speech, body language, and physical signs like pulse and heart rate, she was able to glean a lot of information from administration officials, including President Darrence himself. However, it was when she spoke to Calvin Barstein, the Undersecretary of Public Health, that she knew it was critical to incorporate Lorega necrotic dermatitis into the assessment itself. She kept an eye out for people displaying symptoms of Lorega, and she hoped to make use of her internal organic chemical control to transport a sample back to The Fourth Imperium for study.

OOC: Kind of timeskipped a lot since the previous RP died.

Most of the crew had been deported weeks ago, however, after a nail-biting trial and a final ‘not guilty’ (as there was no criminal intent), Leo was finally free to go, none the less, contact with the crew of the Air Force jet was limited, and he noticed he was the only one aboard along with the final members of the crew, and about 10 scientists of various forms, the rest of the 707 was packed with various scientific and medical gear.