Bai Lung is ranked 3,366th in The East Pacific and 71,629th in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden.
Bai Lung is ranked 2,945th in The East Pacific and 63,663rd in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden.
I’ve slipped a bit - used to be world top 5%. I’ll get back to it once my civil liberties hit benchmark again.
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Almonaster Nuevo is ranked 19th in Canada and 9,291st in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden, scoring 1 on the Hayek Index .
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Much the same…
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Almonaster Nuevo is ranked 17th in Canada and 7,791st in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden, scoring 2 on the Hayek Index .
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Bai Lung is ranked 2,286th in The East Pacific and 51,733rd in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden.
Bai Lung is ranked 3,861st in The East Pacific and 76,924th in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden.
Why does this keep coming up after income tax has shot up to 1%?
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Almonaster Nuevo is ranked 14th in Canada and 4,432nd in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden, scoring 4 on the Hayek Index.
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Bai Lung is ranked 3,428th in The East Pacific and 83,686th in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden.
The Third Imperium is ranked 63,085th in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden, scoring -6 on the Hayek Index.
Bachtendekuppen is ranked 1,819th in The East Pacific and 47,815th in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden, scoring -4 on the Hayek Index.
A Slanted Black Stripe is ranked 4,596th in The East Pacific and 115,097th in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden, scoring -10 on the Hayek Index.
If you live in ASBS, you pay a lot of taxes. We get a lot of tourists, not a lot of immigrants.
A Slanted Black Stripe is ranked 4,483rd in The East Pacific and 113,225th in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden, scoring -11 on the Hayek Index.
The Hayek index is now at -11. We probably raised taxes again.
Bachtendekuppen is ranked 842nd in The East Pacific and 24,648th in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden, scoring -3 on the Hayek Index.
Bai Lung is ranked 3,731st in The East Pacific and 89,599th in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden.
Rennen-Slovette is ranked 3,421st in The East Pacific and 80,712th in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden, scoring -7 on the Hayek Index. O_o
Ramaeus is ranked 447th in The East Pacific and 13,359th in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden, scoring -1 on the Hayek Index.
Bachtendekuppen is ranked 896th in The East Pacific and 27,496th in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden, scoring -3 on the Hayek Index.
A Slanted Black Stripe is ranked 4,309th in The East Pacific and 110,861st in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden, scoring -11 on the Hayek Index.
This one seems to come up a lot. In the 8 days since this was last reported, out Hayek Index has not changed, so maybe we went a whole week without raising taxes. The citizens of ASBS celebrated this event by moving some of their underground economy money to foreign banks.
A Slanted Black Stripe is ranked 3,698th in The East Pacific and 99,613th in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden, scoring -11 on the Hayek Index.
Bachtendekuppen is ranked 269th in The East Pacific and 10,301st in the world for Lowest Overall Tax Burden, scoring 0 on the Hayek Index.
Those taxes can be lower.