I, Lucklife, solemnly swear to uphold the Concordat of The East Pacific and work with other Magisters to create reform when applicable. I will make it my personal duty to keep the best interests of the common East Pacific citizen to heart and work for the greater good of The East Pacific region. I pledge to serve The East Pacific to the best of my abilities.
Nation: Lucklife
WA Status: EPSA
Public Disclosure Form: Lucklife’s Public Disclosure Form
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Accepted pursuant to § I.1.2 of the Standing Orders. Sorry for the delay!
I, EvanRikuta(Aster), solemnly swear to uphold the Concordat of The East Pacific and work with other Magisters to create reform when applicable. I will make it my personal duty to keep the best interests of the common East Pacific citizen to heart and work for the greater good of The East Pacific region. I pledge to serve The East Pacific to the best of my abilities.
Nation: Vulbania
WA Status: EPSA
Public Disclosure Form: https://forum.theeastpacific.com/t/public-disclosure-form-vulbania/17693?u=evanrikuta