I just realized I never submitted a request to formally incorporate Serdemia into Aivintis. Apologies for the delay of over a month. Per the discussion between me and the cartography team last year, this incorporation was to take place following an RP which, instead of being an expansion RP, simply demonstrated the value Serdemia has within the lore of Aivintis. This was discussed in a help ticket on the Evolved server which I no longer have access to, but y’all may be able to find it with your permissions in the server. The RP in question was True Justice, a 50-post 6-month 86k-word RP heavily involving Serdemic cities, organizations, and characters in the revolution to overthrow the Aivintian Kritarchy and establish democracy within the nation.
Also I don’t remember if y’all told me to submit it here or in the expansion thread, but I can move this post if you’d prefer.