Map of Stromburg

Map of Stromburg

Centreford is the capital while New Helm City is the largest city in the nation

Those red line are the provincial borders. Haven named them yet. Just want some feedback before I publish a series of map on Stromburg. To me, it looks plain.

Looks good so far! It may look plain due to there only being provinces and two cities. I assume you’re going for a political map, so maybe add some other cities and highways, perhaps even change the colors of the specific provinces?

Maybe I will publish two map. One is a political map and a more detail map. I will put that map on ns wiki.

Just curious, how did your procure a map like this? Did you make it yourself, or did you request it from someone else? I would like to make one as well.

I draw this map myself with paint and took me a few hours long to do it.

You’re far, far better with Paint than am I, Stromburg. I’ve been playing with the smaller version Todd made for me and feeling like a little kid finger-painting. Fun, but not terribly effective. :frowning:

— Begin quote from ____

I draw this map myself with paint and took me a few hours long to do it.

— End quote

Quite impressive. My Paint skills are not up to par with yours, unfortunately.

Well, I can provide some assistance to map drawing.