Map Proposal

There are several people coming up with maps for the region I know, but I got a little impatient, so I put together my own map over the last several days. I’ve tried to be respectful towards the old map, while simultaneously laying the foundation for new RPing.

[li] Landmasses drawn carefully in a manner as to simulate real life geography.
[li] Borders drawn very narrowly to facilitate future changes.
[li] Beautiful water symbols.
[li] Numerous open plots.[/li][/ul]
Let me know your thoughts. Linky.

Needs more phallic shaped landmasses.

I’d like to place a claim ahead of time. One of those spots above pax looks nice.

That’s an exceptional work of art. Truly a class act.

I can truly see that you spent hours on this project. A work of genius.

I’d totally marry that map. Seriously, damn sexy!