Maskings and new colors

Hello all, how are you? We’ve done a few new things here, but they mostly have to do with forum maskings. You might notice some of the changes, but in case you don’t, here’s a run-down:

[ul][li]Fixed Historical Protection and Member maskings. They should now be able to see all the forums they should have been able to see in the first place.
[li]Color-coded branches. Magisterium is blue, Conclave is Orange, Executive is purple. Darker colors in those groups indicate the group leader (Provost, Delegate, etc).
[li]New Ambassador mask. It’s pink. Ambassadors who are citizens remain under the citizen mask.
[li]Non-citizens are no longer able to post in the WA forums or Magisterium. This had been made a request for some time now, but was finally enacted.

If anyone thinks they might be under the wrong mask, PM me or post below.

After elections, we (the Conclave) will be going through old citizenships. That is all.

It was you? Are you insane or just bored? :stuck_out_tongue:

I am organized. At least, I try to be.

You literally caused the server to melt down.

Great. I’m glad to see some change. When my PC is back up I plan to update the custom admin page to reflect the new admin/mod titles. Needs to be updated anyways.

Nicely done