(Readers discretion be advised, this post will include topics about troubling variety. Expect far darker tone)
Johanna could barely believe it herself but she genuinely had a lot of fun tonight. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had an ‘movie night’. The last time she did that was during high school when Eva forced her to spend some time with her and her friends. Though she did miss Jørgen who likely went to sleep at the yacht. Though with the amount of spelling mistakes the Jarl made during his texts to her, well she could easily guess why he was spending the night there. Even sent some photos which, well… Johanna might have saved it on her phone. After having finished brushing her long white hair she was dressed in her nightgown as she wast prepared to go to bed, that was until she heard the door of the bedroom open quietly.
Esta sneaked in, silently cursing at the door creaking open. Her footsteps were near completely silent, though one could smell the booze coming off of her and see the glint of her knife in her hand. After both talking with Olav and Jørgen, she still couldn’t just accept this bitch coming in and ruining her brothers’ relationship. She moved carefully, despite being nearly completely drunk after Wilhelmina’s 'encouragement’ to drink before she went to bed.
“You need something?” Johanna said in a completely cold and calm tone from the bathroom’s doorway. Raising an eyebrow at the elven woman in her bedroom as she crossed her arms.
She raised her knife to show it off, “Break up with him.” She said in a semi-drunkard tone but somewhat seriously. “Just take whatever money you wanted from him and leave, that is all you type of people ever wanted from him.” She starts walking forward to her.
“I think me and Jørgen make quite the pair.” Johanna said in a simple tone as she placed her brush on the bathroom counter before walking back to the doorway, giving Esta a cold icy look. “I am giving you the benefit of the doubt, that you’re just drunk and thinking unreasonably because of that. But please, what do you think Jørgen would feel when he comes back? You think he’d jump in happiness to see my corpse in his bedroom?”
“I can get rid of a body, I’ve done it before.” She slurs, “You’re just another gold digger, I have gotten rid of gold diggers before.” She gives a hick, “Another power hungry, money seeking bitch trying to ruin his relationship with Wilan.” She waves her knife around wildly.
“Well I am glad we have established that you were not deserving the benefit of the doubt.” Johanna said, still acting calm and cold as she walked into the bedroom having poured a glass of water for herself. “Try to act rational for once in your life, Esta.” The ex-politician took a sip from her glass. “This is not your dungeon in Lapiliszna. You don’t have dozens staff willing to ignore screams of torture and the smell of blood. You have none of that, you’re in Jørgen’s palace, surrounded by his staff and Olav’s NCIS agents.” She gave the elven royal a cold icy glare. “Do you really want Jørgen to visit you in a prison cell, crying his heart out demanding why his ‘little sister’ killed his girlfriend? You want Jørgen to find out all the torture you done?”
She thinks about it for a moment, still not fully convinced save the part about Jørgen visiting her. “You won’t always be surrounded by people, and I don’t need a knife. I can just poison you later and make it look like a heart attack you thieving witch.” She at least lowered her knife.
“Or you can not do that, and I won’t tell him about your torture chamber.” Johanna said, finishing her glass of water before leaning her back against a wall. “The NCIS has evidence of your actions, If that gets revealed… Well, do you really think Jørgen will call you his little sister anymore?”
She nervously bit her lip, thinking about it. “If they reveal it, you don’t have the backing of Norgsveltian intelligence now do you.” She raises up her knife again, not quite in a position to strike but more so she reconsidered it. “Olav would have shared it with him by now if they were going to.”
“Well I think Olav would be quite up to sharing it if you killed me.” Johanna was acting completely unfazed by Esta, almost looking bored as she placed the glass on her nightstand. “Afterall with all those tapes of you stalking him? Obsessing over him? I don’t think he’d let it slide if you killed me. After all, if you’re bold enough to do that, would he consider himself safe?”
“Olav doesn’t even lik-” She stopped refuting when she brought up the tapes. This white hair bitch was in her room. She could have seen all the others… More concerning tapes she has of Jørgen… Or of Wilan in that matter or any number of tapes far worse than just her simply stalking Olav. She gave a violent yell at her, speaking in Blåskovian and lashed out at her side of the bed. Stabbing the pillows, slashing the blankets, picking up her water glass and throwing it against the wall. She walked right up to her, giving her a look showing off her soulless purple eyes. “You’re lying, you’re lying, you’re lying, you’re lying, you’re lying, you’re lying!” She screamed into Johanna’s face with a furious tone.
Despite the elf’s anger Johanna did not flinch though she was quiet for a good few seconds before speaking up as her icy blue eyes looked into Esta’s soulless eyes. In a stoic voice she spoke. “Does ‘My vacation to Nyveldet’ ring any bells? You quietly stalk Olav while in some bushes? What do you think your big brother would think seeing you stalk him? With you whispering to yourself, commenting about Olav’s physique?”
She gave a scream into her face, slamming the knife next to Johanna’s head. Turning around and stormed out, knocking things over in her rage. At least she could seek comfort; it was not any of the truly ‘disturbed’ ones as her biological brothers put it. She slammed the door on her way out.
Johanna waited a few minutes to ensure that the elf who just threatened her was fully gone and wouldn’t just storm in any second to kill her. After having waited for what seemed like an eternity the ex-prime minister simply slumped down towards the floor leaning her head against the wall as she looked up at the knife that was still stuck in the wall. Breathing in and out rapidly as she felt her having a panic attack as she clutched her chest, “I I-” She said over and over again quietly to herself. She was absolutely terrified, she gave a look towards the bed. “I-If I-I had fallen asleep I-” She muttered to herself. She was not a very religious person but whatever beings helped her keep calm earlier she would pray too.
Connected to the upper arch of the bed frame, a small charm dropped onto Johanna’s head. Loosen up by Esta, rather furious slashes against Johanna’s side of the bed and the various destruction around the room. The charm dropped off of the frame, hitting on top of Johanna’s head. The charm being a small Akuan protection ward, with the symbol of Hækhimånoric, deity of war, Ny’Sænuri and most importantly of protection. The charm was placed on Jørgen’s bed frame by Wilhelmina after his family was murdered years ago and stayed there ever since until now of course. Johanna couldn’t help but let out a weak chuckle as she gently picked up the charm. “I guess it was effective after all.” She said holding it into herself as she once more tried to calm herself.
“I need to call someone to fix this…”