Mer-Liger East

Oh Hello there ! Come on ! Come in ! If you wish, go to the changing room nearby for some clothes that have been eerily tailored to your size and your associates if you have any. Don’t even think about approaching me with a Gun, it would’ve disintegrated already through the advanced security Emancipation you’ve walked through.

This was one of my best ideas on a free media. I tried this in the North Pacific and it started an entire sub forum. The South beared with it rather fine. Since I’m here momentarily, might as well make one to raise credibility and honesty to my commitments here as a student.

So you’ve worn your clothes comfortably ? Good. Have a seat, order a food or beverage. Welcome, welcome to Mer-Liger Island. Sit down as I spin quite a yarn.

Today I completed the UTEP prelim civics course. It’s hard considering I am on what’s technically a student visa. There is some facts I had to search by word of mouth, scrubbing ancient forum posts and tutoring from Executive friends who can double as a NS historian Teachers. I hope this extra elbow grease is enough for Manson College.

Moving on, it seems that a Friend or mine by the name of Miss Hungary wants me to sponsor a slight blip of discourse to the NPO. I don’t know whether to laugh it as a light joke or take it seriously. I mean she’s the sole person who reformed TRR into a New Hell that prides lawful evil instead of the old chaotic evil.

Oh yeah, you can freely engage conversation here. Just be 100% sure it won’t prompt Queen Yuno to revoke my Virtual Student visa.