Merlogate 3.0 (Nope, still not a scandal)


Not to imply the previous two terms haven’t been anything short of charming, but they do say third times the charm. I am today running for a third term as your delegate, and I’m excited to lay out my hopes and plans for the four months ahead and justify to you why I believe my work here isn’t finished.

To address the elephant in the room, I’m aware three term delegate’s are a rarity in The East Pacific, the last one being Fedele. Put simply, I don’t intend to put myself side by side with any previous long-serving delegate; I will simply serve until I feel my work is done or until the work-life balance is unsustainable. As it stands, I have the time to spare and an even stronger passion to continue serving. I feel there is still a lot of work to be done to improve our region. I intend to see through the projects I’ve begun, and I intend to work hard on areas that are still in need of attention.


News has performed well during the second term, despite a change in ministership. Rosa has performed capably, and EPNS is gradually getting better with monthly publishing dates. We intend to publish EPNS at the start of each month, and bar any unforseen delays, we’re generally getting them out at a reasonable time as opposed to halfway through the following month.

I don’t have any intended changes to the news ministry as of right now. I want to do a better job of promoting EPNS, which includes a region-wide telegram for every update (we’ve been slacking in this area), and I hope to continue the solid promotion of our roleplay universes via the Worlds to Build section and sidebar pieces.

While we’re at it, we can likely better use EPNS for promoting government initiatives, such as boosting endorsement rates, enlisting in the EPSA, or any other things we want highlighted. This can be done through opinion pieces, sidebar advertisements, and posters.


Culture has seen an improvement in performance compared to my first term. I noted in my last campaign that the ministry was underperforming, and those concerns have been handled adequately. While it got off to a slow start, we began to see more regular events and festivals through the second half of my term. I was especially pleased with TEP21, which was promoted well and ran fine even despite a lacklustre turnout for a couple of nights. We also participated in Rogue Rendezvous in March, which was immensely fun and managed quite a significant turnout.

Moving forward, I hope to see this trend of activity continue. I want to see game nights continue to be held on a semi-regular basis, and I’d like to see events held between TEP and partner regions to further build and develop relationships. Our monthly Hunger Games is a great example of this in action. One area I’d like to see improved is participation, as we’ve had poor turnout at cultural events for some time. While some of this simply comes down to the size of the community being smaller post-2020, this is still a glaring issue I’d like to see changed. It would be wise to take a look at how other regions handle their cultural events and see what we can replicate here. So long as turnout remains poor, enthusiasm for further events will be diminished, and the cycle will continue back into inactivity.


The MoWAA has continued on its upward trajectory in the last four months. We’ve got an enthusiastic minister in Aurora who’s done a fantastic job keeping us up to date on voting and discussion.

There are a couple things we can do to better this ministry, and my fellow candidates have already noted them. The WARP project continues to have my full support and backing, as it has from the very beginning. TEP will follow WARP all the way and give it all the resources, support, and promotion it requires. Currently, we’re not part of any major WA development or resource-sharing initiatives since we were removed from HoV. While that loss hasn’t really impacted us at all and was more amusing than anything, it’d still be wise for us to pony up and ensure we have a space for this sort of thing. I’d happily involve our region, and I’d be hopeful we can forge productive relationships with other regions in the endeavour.

The other thing I’ve seen suggested is delegate recommendations. I don’t feel particularly strongly one way or another about this, but if it’s recommended by the incumbent minister and is popular with the cabinet, then I’m happy to endorse it.

A big tick for WAA this term, and here’s hoping for even better results through October!


Outreach has had a funny role since its inception; it doesn’t really have a singular job, role, or task. It sort of floats in between different capacities. I like this for a number of reasons, and I would like to encourage more autonomy and creativity within the ministry.

Firstly, I’ll ask the minister to appoint a deputy minister - someone who can help with small things like QOTD and polls, as we often have periods of a few days where we aren’t running a poll or where a QOTD sits around for a week. With a second pair of hands, they can fill these gaps and retain focus on the larger-scale projects the ministry is working on. I hope to give the minister greater autonomy to run their own projects, merely needing delegate approval to get started. Minister Westmore has already brought up a project they’d like to run, which I approve of and would love to see them have a crack at.

The idea is that by bringing this autonomy and freedom into existence, the minister and ministry will feel free to brainstorm and create their own ideas on a blank canvas. Have an idea you think is cool? Try it and see how it goes. Got a passion project you’d love to see? Go for it.

I think with a passionate minister and a potentially broader staff, this ministry could do really, really well.


Foreign Affairs was, of course, one of the largest areas of movement during the last four months, with internal changes made to the structure as well as external changes made in relations.

We’ll start with the internals. It took a little while for us to get off the ground with the FA Rework, as the Foreign Affairs Council wasn’t unified on the proposed changes thrown together. While we didn’t come to a conclusive agreement, those discussions were very useful in gauging opinions, and I took suggestions to heart when forming the ambassador system I’ve now implemented.

I’m very hopeful for this system, and so far we’ve experienced no problems. By assigning FA Ministry staffers to ambassadorial roles, we’ve cut down on the workload for FA Council members and given an opportunity for FA staffers to demonstrate their capabilities and get their hands dirty in the executive. This system allows us to stay better connected to all regions on our relations sheet as they’ll be attended to quicker, and we can check in more often and in more depth as the ambassador won’t have six other regions to keep tabs on. It’s a more efficient way of doing things, and not only do we stay better connected, but we ensure they’re better informed of our news and ongoing events, and there’s always an easterner around to keep us front-of-mind.

Externally, we had a couple changes through this term. Of course, the NEST repeal sort of dominates the conversation here; that one had been coming for quite a while, and I think I was just the one to finally pull the plug. I look forward to seeing things mended with TNP sometime in the future, but realistically, that will be long after I’ve served out my time as delegate.

In more positive matters, we saw our FA relations steadily grow with careful nurturing. We’ve only this week established an on-site embassy with our friends in TRTHNBB; we earlier did the same with Atlanticana. We’ve opened relations with new regions such as EoGB and TRF, and of course, until this week, we saw great improvement in relations with Astoria. Regrettably, we’ve closed relations with them this week for entirely obvious reasons; however, their problems don’t constitute any issues with our FA outlook, and I’m really pleased with the growth we’ve seen these last four months.

We’re making steady inroads with plenty of up-and-coming regions, and I intend to keep that train rolling. With that said, the loss of an ally in TNP is obviously a hole in the relations sheet that currently affects us more than it affects them. While I’m entirely confident in our regional security, I’ll be reaching out to key allies and partners to ensure we have continued support and to ensure the friendships we have there remain steady.

It goes without saying that we’ll continue to be unwavering in our neutrality, both ideologically and culturally. These values are core pillars of our foreign affairs outlook, and I have no intentions to change that.


New name, same acronym. The EPSA has been one of my big projects over the last term, and without patting my own back, I’d say it’s gone alright. We’ve still got work to do, but the foundations are laid exactly as I’d hoped when I put my campaign out in February.

We’ve done the hard work, from a region-wide questionnaire to brainstorming new names, themes, command structures, and revamping the Discord. I’m really looking forward to seeing this rework fully completed, and I sincerely hope I can see it out as delegate.

Over the next term, I’ll be kicking off a big recruitment campaign across the region to enlist those willing to join up. There’s a lot I’d like to do with this, and I’ll quickly run you through some things I had in mind. We’ll go all out, change the regional flag and banner to an EPSA-adjacent theme, put a feature on the WFE, run a few polls, and pin a promotional dispatch to the region page. I’ll be working with the Ministry of Outreach and the EPSA Admiralty to come up with some posters and slogans to encourage enlistment; we’ll feature those on the promotional dispatch and elsewhere. We’ll have Outreach and EPSA commanders reach out to the RMB community specifically, as they’re the best place for us to receive prospective enlistment. I have a large chunk of data for nations that responded to the questionnaire and indicated if they’d be interested in serving active, part-time, or reserve, and we’ll be sure to reach out to every nation on that list to follow up and invite them to join. We’ll have a region-wide telegram sent out in conjunction to pick up newbies and those who may not see promotional material elsewhere.

Alongside this recruitment drive, I’ll be expecting and pushing for the admiralty to run training operations as well as some simple tag runs. We want to ensure these new arrivals are immediately met with action and something to do; otherwise, they’ll simply join and go quiet. We need to give them activity right off the bat to maximise participation and interest. I’ll also ensure we reach out to some militarily active regions to suggest cooperation. I’ll be discussing with the FA Council the possibility of getting other regions military leadership in to help us. We’re currently woefully undermanned in leadership, and I think it’d be wise to bring in those with expertise from elsewhere. This not only gives us the guidance and help we’ll need, but it also allows us to form bonds with other regions and encourages future cooperation. No brainer in my books.

Of course, I will be in constant contact, as I am now, with the Admiral, whether it be Shadow or otherwise, to ensure they have the support and resources they need. EPSA is arguably priority number one for my next term, and I don’t intend to see it flop.


UTEP has obviously not progressed as we’d initially hoped and expected. We set ourselves a lofty goal, and in hindsight, it’s not terribly surprising that work has ground to a halt.

So we need to fix that. This is something that will require discussion and input from those invested in the project. While I’d love to give you a rundown of how it’s going to happen, it’d be irresponsible for me to draft that here without first discussing it with the people involved.

If re-elected, I’ll have a sit-down with Chancellor Aivintis and others interested to go over UTEP’s future. We evidently need a mixture of the previous plan and a new one that’s perhaps less man-hour-intensive. I have no doubt we can get this done, and I’ll be more than happy to chip in my time to achieve that.

It’s worth noting that even despite these issues with the rework, UTEP has continued to produce good articles from various sources. I’m hopeful that with a new system, that can ramp up a little; however, UTEP’s pieces in EPNS are always a joy to read, and I’m looking forward to seeing that continue in the coming months.


This is a new area I’d like to explore in depth during my third term. I’ve been working my butt off recently on trying to up my endorsement count, and it’s been paying off. As of writing this, our regional endorsements on delegate percentage has hit 74% - the highest it’s been since Zukchiva was sitting in this office in early 2021. Previously, this figure was as low as 65%. I’m still not content with this. While this data is currently skewed due to TWP and TNP being in the middle of leadership transitions, we are usually several points behind almost every other feeder.

TEP needs more people in the World Assembly. We are the 10th largest region on-site, with 5,100 resident nations. I believe it is somewhat lost on our populace that we are only 200 nations smaller than The South Pacific; even more shockingly, we’re only 1,300 behind The North Pacific, which dominates endorsement counts.

Let’s really narrow that focus to TSP, though. We’re only 200 nations behind them in residency; however, TSP’s current delegate, Ebonhand, sits at 574 endorsements, while we sit at 440. They have a 134 endorsement gap over us, despite having an almost identical population. In this, we’re obviously lagging behind, and this needs to change. We could very easily push ourselves into being much more relevant and secure, should we actually make a strong attempt at building an endorsement culture.

This is a project that can be taken on by just about every part of the government. News can promote WA membership in sidebar ads and opinion pieces. UTEP can have featured articles on the subject. Culture can do events and festivals where prizes and raffles can be won for those who excel in endorsing as many nations as possible. Outreach can do heaps, whether it be promotional flags and banners, advertising campaigns, regional telegrams, or personally reaching out to community members. World Assembly Affairs can encourage WA members to vote in our democratic system, and the Delegate and Vice Delegate can do heaps to help in every one of these areas, plus personal messages from the Delegate and Vice Delegate wouldn’t go awry.

You get the point; there’s tonnes we can do to promote this. We’re not doing enough, and especially in a time where the relevance and power of feeder regions is seemingly becoming smaller and smaller, we need to keep up with our competitors and ensure we’re at the top of the mix.

If re-elected, I’ll pursue every single one of those possibilities mentioned above; I’ll continue to encourage and endorse native tech development by people like Vussul and Altys to further our regional goals; I’ll reach out to other regions to see if we can find out what works so well for them; and see if we can learn from their successes and their mistakes.

Success in our most fundamental gameplay statistics means success everywhere else; bigger numbers means more members, more attention, more relevance, and more authority. We’re already starting to make very positive first steps in the right direction, and now I’m asking for your vote to ensure those steps continue.


To put it simply, “jobs not finished.” There’s more to be done; I want to be here to oversee the projects I’ve started to completion, and there are new projects I feel strongly deserve the attention I’ll give them. We’re on a roll currently, and now isn’t the time to stop and start again. If I’m so lucky as to earn your vote this June, we’ll keep this train rolling together. Ex Oriente Lux.

If you have any questions, I’d be more than happy to answer them below. Thanks for reading.

Kobe Bryant GIF


Truly a scandal

Don’t wanna just rubber stamp your candidacy so I’mma make like Matt Mercer and play a very critical role here.

1… Since every Delegate gets banned at the end of their third term, I was wondering – what rule or law do you intend to break?

2… Let’s say Rosa explodes. What would your path forward be for maintaining EPNS at the same rate and same quality?

3… Why would promoting EPNS be a better primary purpose for RWTs other than, say, recruiting to the government, promoting citizenship, etc.

4… I know your main point about cultural participation is that you’ll see how other regions deal with the problem, but please spitball here – what are some ideas you have for increasing participation without looking outside TEP? Do you think this lackluster engagement is a symptom of the Enthusiasm Crisis that Vussul purports?

5… Let’s say Aurora explodes–

6… In terms of WAA, what are your thoughts on IFVs? Whether or not candidates/Delegates/Ministers have supported them seems to wildly vary, with factors such as the sheer manpower necessary and the impact on our populace or our allies being brought up. What’s your position?

7… You say of Outreach, “it doesn’t really have a singular job, role, or task. It sort of floats in between different capacities.” What capacities do you think it serves now? What capacities has it served in the past? What capacities should it serve in the future? This is by your normative, subjective understanding, not anything empirical – I want to hear how you view the Ministry as a Delegate.

8… QOTD and polls both feel like something better suited to Culture than Outreach. In fact, polls have been a central focus of culture for as long as I can remember. What is the purpose behind shifting these responsibilities?

9… Small thing, but does that mean you intend to formalize and institutionalize QOTD?

10… Out of curiosity what project of New Westmore’s do you refer to? What kind of projects do you see potential staffers/leaders in the Ministry pursuing?

11… Re: FA, What are your thoughts on Vussul’s previous proposals for Council transparency through reports to the citizenry? Especially since, for example, this is the first time we’re acknowledging the disagreement over the formalized staffer-based ambassador corps.

12… You talk about positive FA growth largely in NEW partners. Do you see any potential for positive growth with old, long-standing allies, or do you expect those relations to stay at whatever level they’re currently at? In a similar vein: Who’s the next Thaecia? The next FNF, or AC? Do you think that there are regions which we can grow as close with as we did with the Lausanne group?

Thanks for your questions.

1… Since every Delegate gets banned at the end of their third term, I was wondering – what rule or law do you intend to break?

A coup sounds fun, but it’s been done before. I’m thinking something treasonous, maybe I’ll send classified information to TWP.

2… Let’s say Rosa explodes. What would your path forward be for maintaining EPNS at the same rate and same quality?

This happened last term with Halley. I took over short-term until a replacement was found. I’d be happy to do the same again. If for whatever reason I was unable, I’d ask one of the current news staffers to take over in my stead.

3… Why would promoting EPNS be a better primary purpose for RWTs other than, say, recruiting to the government, promoting citizenship, etc.

It isn’t, it’s just an example I used. I’d be using RWTs for all of the above and more.

4… I know your main point about cultural participation is that you’ll see how other regions deal with the problem, but please spitball here – what are some ideas you have for increasing participation without looking outside TEP? Do you think this lackluster engagement is a symptom of the Enthusiasm Crisis that Vussul purports?

I think TEP has always had this ‘Enthusiasm Crisis’ when you compare us to other feeders. We’re roleplay-oriented, and two big chunks of our community generally like to stick to their own circles and don’t pay much attention to the outside world. Thus, we find ourselves with less activity when it comes to the WA, the military, regional government, etc.

There’s plenty we can do without looking outside TEP, though you’ll have to ignore the fact that a lot of regions outside of TEP do in fact do these things anyway. More engagement with the community, personal messages from community members to get involved, RWTs, pieces in EPNS bulletins, WFE and appearance changes, polls, you name it. I’ve sort of slacked off in this area, mostly because I’m not a huge fan of putting my name front and centre everywhere and being a bother, but it’s clear we need to do more.

5… Let’s say Aurora explodes–

Maybe this could be my thing. Does exploding cabinet members break any laws?

6… In terms of WAA, what are your thoughts on IFVs? Whether or not candidates/Delegates/Ministers have supported them seems to wildly vary, with factors such as the sheer manpower necessary and the impact on our populace or our allies being brought up. What’s your position?

Meh. I don’t think it’s a bad idea, but I don’t know if our current community interest really justifies the time and effort they take to create. We did voting recommendations briefly while Gem was minister and I ended up doing half of them, and they ended up getting 10-20 reads at most. Something to consider if and when our native WA interest picks up, but until then it feels like overkill.

7… You say of Outreach, “it doesn’t really have a singular job, role, or task. It sort of floats in between different capacities.” What capacities do you think it serves now? What capacities has it served in the past? What capacities should it serve in the future? This is by your normative, subjective understanding, not anything empirical – I want to hear how you view the Ministry as a Delegate.

Outreach is sort of a difficult one to explain; that’s what I was trying to get across in the segment. It’s varied in my time as delegate. When Romanoddle was minister, I often told him I didn’t exactly know what to do with the ministry. He was fairly consistent with polls, but I often didn’t have tasking for him. Westmore has taken on a bit more of a proactive approach, suggesting his own project and designing posters and content.

Outreach used to be Hospitality, iirc. Given that, it used to be more recruitment and community engagement, but when it shifted to Outreach it sort of morphed. When I was minister, I mostly handled upgrading our dispatch framework, which I thoroughly enjoyed, though that wasn’t ever a job I was asked to do; I just did it.

I was never given a brief for the role, at least not anything in-depth, and so I made it my own. I feel I sort of made the same error when I came into office, and therefore the ministry continues to float with a couple of things it’s generally “supposed” to do, but no job description or actual responsibilities, bar maybe regional polls.

After thinking on it and having a read of some other candidatures, I think it’d be wise to sit down and hash out job descriptions and responsibilities for every ministry. A dispatch both for newcomers to the executive to see what they’d like to do and for current executive members to know exactly what they’re supposed to be doing. This idea hasn’t appeared overnight; it’s something I’ve had on the to-do list for a while, but I haven’t given it the urgency it requires. That’s probably going to be another project I’ll take on in the first few weeks, and it’s likely something I’ll enlist the Outreach Ministry’s help with.

To ensure I’ve answered the question thoroughly, I’ll note my ideal Outreach Ministry. It should handle regional appearance, updating the WFE, linked dispatches, flag, banner and polls. It should ensure dispatches are up-to-date, make sure links are working correctly and that nothing is broken. It should develop new dispatches where necessary also. It should be on call to design posters, flags and banners, promotional material and badges, that sort of thing (arguably culture could do this, but either or). It should also be responsible for advocating government programs to the wider populace, direct messaging individuals to encourage them to join the WA, enlist in the EPSA, join the executive etc.

I know that’s a LOT of responsibilities, so let me make it clear this would be my ideal ministry, which would have more than just a single minister, but a deputy minister and some accompanying staff. Hopefully this answers your question well.

8… QOTD and polls both feel like something better suited to Culture than Outreach. In fact, polls have been a central focus of culture for as long as I can remember. What is the purpose behind shifting these responsibilities?

I believe these were under Outreach when I entered office, so I simply continued that. I could be wrong, so forgive me if I’ve got wires crossed somewhere. I’m perfectly fine with either Culture or Outreach managing this, so I have no qualms with handing those responsibilities to Culture, if it comes to it.

9… Small thing, but does that mean you intend to formalize and institutionalize QOTD?

I’m not sure what you mean by this. The QOTD is a nice feature for the RMB community to see their funny stuff featured by government on the region page. It makes the two parts of the community feel closer and more as one entity. I have no plans to change it into anything else.

10… Out of curiosity what project of New Westmore’s do you refer to? What kind of projects do you see potential staffers/leaders in the Ministry pursuing?

Westmore proposed the RPI [Roleplay Initiative] last month. You and I left comments on the project in the first few days. Those kinds of projects are exactly what I see Outreach pursuing, activities and programs for other parts of the community, notably RPers (as they’re our largest sub-community) to help them feel more connected to the government, and ensure they feel like the government is there to help, not hinder or overbear on them.

11… Re: FA, What are your thoughts on Vussul’s previous proposals for Council transparency through reports to the citizenry? Especially since, for example, this is the first time we’re acknowledging the disagreement over the formalized staffer-based ambassador corps.

I haven’t seen these comments in their original form, so I’ll take it at your wording.

I don’t agree with the premise for a few reasons. I don’t think what we discuss is ever very interesting, we tend to have general agreement on most big FA decisions, and the decisions made are rarely, if ever, controversial or widely disagreeable.

I think opening up arguably our most important and confidential chamber of government is particularly wise for security reasons either. I’d argue everything reported would more likely be used against us by foreign adversaries than actually read and cared about by residents.

I have also not seen any resident ask for this, so there doesn’t seem to be demand for it. If there is, there’s cause for consideration, but until then I’m not convinced.

12… You talk about positive FA growth largely in NEW partners. Do you see any potential for positive growth with old, long-standing allies, or do you expect those relations to stay at whatever level they’re currently at? In a similar vein: Who’s the next Thaecia? The next FNF, or AC? Do you think that there are regions which we can grow as close with as we did with the Lausanne group?

Of course. Our existing partners are just as important as seeking out new ones, it’s just not particularly worth mentioning, as it goes without saying. We’ll continue to seek out deepened ties with existing relationships, even if we’re already treatied. There’s simply not a huge amount more we can do to upgrade relations with Lausanne, for example, as we’re already sort of at the highest point. So long as we’re retaining and deepening friendships, that’s cool with me.

There are plenty of regions we can grow much closer to, TRTHNBB for example, we’re moving at great speed into a really solid relationship with them, I hope to see that grow even further. We’d been doing the same with Astoria until recently, but of course sometimes there are things out of our control that cause headaches.

Lausanne is a hard one to replicate since so much went right and everything was generally in the right place for that situation to work out, however it’s definitely something we can see again. I’d love to see that happen, and I’ll do my best as delegate to ensure it does.

The beauty of non-alignment and being independent is that we can find friends from across a broad spectrum of ideologies and circles. We’ve got plenty of opportunities, and I think we’ve done a good job of that thus far, we’ll keep that ball rolling.

I hope I’ve answered your questions adequately, please feel free to follow up if there’s anything else.

Is there a concern there with frequency of RWTs?

Murder is legal under TEP law.

I think this is the fault of our overly “flexible” system that fails to provide Delegates with any guidance or structure.

Huh. That’s interesting. It hasn’t been my department for years so I can’t say for sure when it changed but it definitely used to be one of the main things Culture did.

By formalize/institutionalize, I meant like make it a government thing, placing it under a Ministry, enforcing it, etc. Rather than what it is now, which is just an informal, unofficial thing that ROs with appearance power sometimes participate in.

Oh right I forgot about that, mb.

While I agree with many of your points regarding too much openness in FA decision-making, I think Vussul is right in pointing out that most of our people do not understand what FA events occur and what our views are on them and what actions we take. I mean, you were around when RMBers started getting confused about TNP’s war – there’s a lack of information about FA. Do you think there’s actions we can take in this respect, outside official reports on our decisions?

Well, both regions you mentioned are rather new relations – what about UDS, XKI, TSP, NPO, Europeia, Balder, TRR, TNP, Lazarus, AA, LWU, TBH, Carcassonne, DSA, WZAS, THTHI, Caer Sidi, LKE, KOGB, and SLU? These are regions I remember us being very excited to open relations with, just like Astoria or TRTHNBB, and now we don’t even mention half of them in Council or FA Watch at all. We don’t receive news from most of them. We do little to nothing to improve those relations, because oftentimes we’re instead dealing with crises and new embassies. In some cases, we don’t even maintain them, and even then we keep them, even if they fail to meet our WA requirements, because we still believe them to be desirable allies, yet we don’t ever act on our alliance. Many of them are just there. Lausanne stagnating makes sense when it can’t go any further, but many of our relationships can and aren’t, and this has been the case for years. What could/should we do about that?

Are there any actions you will take proactively to push this along?

Is there a concern there with frequency of RWTs?

Not really. I haven’t made enough use of them during the last two terms. If it becomes overwhelming, I’m sure I’ll be informed by 67 angry telegrams.

By formalize/institutionalize, I meant like make it a government thing, placing it under a Ministry, enforcing it, etc. Rather than what it is now, which is just an informal, unofficial thing that ROs with appearance power sometimes participate in.

I mean, it sort of already is in my eyes. It’s an Outreach task, but if the ball is dropped, then others with RO perms are welcome to participate.

While I agree with many of your points regarding too much openness in FA decision-making, I think Vussul is right in pointing out that most of our people do not understand what FA events occur and what our views are on them and what actions we take. I mean, you were around when RMBers started getting confused about TNP’s war – there’s a lack of information about FA. Do you think there’s actions we can take in this respect, outside official reports on our decisions?

I previously nudged that the FA Minister should be penning monthly updates for EPNS, but it was never taken on. I think that’d be wise, cover the month’s events, how they affect us and what we’ve done each month. That’s more than enough for your average resident, without sacrificing the security of our behind-the-scenes decision-making and discussions.

Well, both regions you mentioned are rather new relations – what about UDS, XKI, TSP, NPO, Europeia, Balder, TRR, TNP, Lazarus, AA, LWU, TBH, Carcassonne, DSA, WZAS, THTHI, Caer Sidi, LKE, KOGB, and SLU? These are regions I remember us being very excited to open relations with, just like Astoria or TRTHNBB, and now we don’t even mention half of them in Council or FA Watch at all. We don’t receive news from most of them. We do little to nothing to improve those relations, because oftentimes we’re instead dealing with crises and new embassies. In some cases, we don’t even maintain them, and even then we keep them, even if they fail to meet our WA requirements, because we still believe them to be desirable allies, yet we don’t ever act on our alliance. Many of them are just there. Lausanne stagnating makes sense when it can’t go any further, but many of our relationships can and aren’t, and this has been the case for years. What could/should we do about that?

Big statement/question here, so let me break it down piece by piece.

In reference to not receiving news from some regions - that’s generally because a lot of regions don’t have a big news publisher like we do. I think every region should have some form of news outlet - but many can’t staff it and/or don’t have the time. I think we take the EPNS for granted sometimes, it is really superb. We can’t be expecting monthly updates like ours from every region - but I agree, a lot of regions simply don’t interact with us at all, and they could do better.

When it comes to not referencing them in FA circles - that’s not really a surprise. If the relationship is steady, we shouldn’t need to be hearing about it. Unless we’re in dire straits and need to call on partner regions for help, then it’s rarely front-of-mind.

I agree we can do more to upgrade/reaffirm existing relationships, and I as Delegate should be doing more to reach out to larger partners especially - something I have already promised to do above.

We are doing much better now than we were months ago at managing our FA relationships. When I entered office and for much of my first term, we simply didn’t have diplomats of any kind assigned to quite a few smaller regions. We now have a diplomat assigned to every one of them - and EPNS should be delivered every month alongside check-ins from ambassadors. I disagree with the statement that we don’t maintain relationships, because we’re certainly trying.

When it comes to retaining relationships that no longer meet our 15 endorsements requirement - That applies to I believe 1 or 2 (?) regions, and is based on the general advice of the FA Council, which you are a part of. I have already overseen the closure of several embassies and consulates for no longer meeting requirements, so I’d say we’re doing fine there. We retained relations with those regions based on significant history where those partners had stuck their necks out for us. I’m fine retaining the odd relationship if they’re willing to defend and help us at a moment’s notice.

When it comes to not acting on the alliance:

  1. We don’t have alliances with any of those regions.
  2. We don’t need to call on an alliance unless we’re in trouble, which we’re not.

We’re already on track to help alleviate these concerns. I assigned new ambassadors to every region and mandated quarterly check-ins with regional leadership, as well as encouraging activity in postings. Alongside that, we’ll be reaching out to our largest partners to reaffirm those relationships. I’d say we’re covering bases fairly well with the current and planned FA strategy, but of course I’m always open to suggestions.

“I’ll do my best as delegate to ensure it does.”
Are there any actions you will take proactively to push this along?

I think this is more of a general thing, as opposed to a specific goal of mine. If a region shows us positive signs, they’re eager for relations and there aren’t OOC or significant GP concerns, then I’m happy to give it a shot. Especially if we have cross-membership as we did with much of Lausanne, we’ll do whatever we can to replicate that success.

Again, it’s hard to replicate, and it’s unlikely we will, as so much worked out well there - but if a similar situation arises from whatever means or circumstance, given the success of Lausanne - I’ll jump at it.

Let me know if you have any further questions :smile:

Oop. This is the first I’ve heard of that. I’ve been treating it like a primarily personal project for the past three years, idk when it stopped but I don’t wanna steal Outreach’s job.

Considering foreign eyes are watching EPNS far more than, say, the Executive forum or a dispatch in Executive announcements, do you think we’ll have to censor ourselves a bit for these updates? Will the info be as objective/facts-based as possible, leaning more towards the Newsstand style, or more along the lines of an internal statement-style publication, with more of our viewpoint visible?

Apologies, let me clarify: I meant “alliance” as a broad term for “relations” – I did not mean treaties. I know some areas of NS prefer the term alliance only for treaties but I think it’s fair to call everyone we have relations with “allies” in a sense, and differentiate them by modifiers – embassy ally, treaty ally, etc. And by ‘acting on alliances’ I don’t mean invoking terms of treaties, I mean treating them like valued partners and proactively seeking opportunities to interact.

Oop. This is the first I’ve heard of that. I’ve been treating it like a primarily personal project for the past three years, idk when it stopped but I don’t wanna steal Outreach’s job.

That’s perfectly fine - frankly, so long as it’s updated fairly frequently, I couldn’t care less. Other RO’s are welcome to do it if they find something cool. RMB moves fast so if you see something worthy - tack it on there.

Considering foreign eyes are watching EPNS far more than, say, the Executive forum or a dispatch in Executive announcements, do you think we’ll have to censor ourselves a bit for these updates? Will the info be as objective/facts-based as possible, leaning more towards the Newsstand style, or more along the lines of an internal statement-style publication, with more of our viewpoint visible?

That’s a good point. If we’re going to put it in EPNS with lots of foreign eyes, I’d say we’re going to be generally factual, give our reasoning (at least what we can give, depending on the circumstances) and ensure residents are simply aware of goings-on and why we’re doing what we’re doing.

I wouldn’t ideally be publishing anything else, since if people with an axe to grind wish to find our updates and take stuff out of context to make us look bad, or pick it apart to try and find tiny inconsistencies to agendapost about, they’re gonna get it. Doesn’t matter if we post it in executive updates, forums or EPNS.

We don’t tend to be too informal with our public discussions anyway, nor are we or our decisions generally too controversial, so I think a simple facts based overview is fine, wherever we wish to post it. I could definitely come around to a standalone update, but we’d likely have to work hard to build readership there.

Apologies, let me clarify: I meant “alliance” as a broad term for “relations” – I did not mean treaties. I know some areas of NS prefer the term alliance only for treaties but I think it’s fair to call everyone we have relations with “allies” in a sense, and differentiate them by modifiers – embassy ally, treaty ally, etc. And by ‘acting on alliances’ I don’t mean invoking terms of treaties, I mean treating them like valued partners and proactively seeking opportunities to interact.

Thanks for clarification - we had some ppl concerned there for sec.