Military Exercises in the Cold Northern Region

Non Designated location, Northern Setzna
200 km away from the Setznan-Strataric border
11/22/17, 0709 hrs Gondwanan Pacific Standard Time

“ANGLE FIFTEEN DEGREES, ADJUST FIVE DEGREES LEFT!” yelled the officer in command of the artillery section. Each gun in the section, totaling six in all, adjusted their guns accordingly.

“READY, FIRE!” the guns boomed out upon command, sending their payload down range. A large crack echoed throughout the snowy valley as snow fell from the sky. The forward observation team would wait for impact before reporting in. All six shells hit the old Type-61 tanks down range, sending plumes of dirt up into the air. The forward observation team would radio in the results.

“Direct hit, fire for effect.” the RTO kept his radio on standby and the forward observation team would sit back and watch as 155mm shells rained down on the targets one after another for another 20 minutes. By then the target site was obliterated and pock marked by craters left and right. This was only the start of the 2017 Shinsu Military Exercise, elsewhere the infantry were conducting training with the marines. The two forces faced off in the snowy hills of Shinsu prefecture using the “Laser tag” system to simulate actual combat.

Non Designated location, Northern Setzna
200 km away from the Setznan-Strataric border
4/12/18, 0640 hrs Gondwanan Pacific Standard Time

It was that time again, the rumbling of engines and drumming sound of boots filled the air as the 2018 Spring Military Exercise began. This time, there were more forces present in an effort to show that even in a “weakened” state, the Setznan Self Defense Force was still strong as ever, the event being one of Setzna’s largest shows of force in a long time. The loud howitzers sounded off as their guns fired down range and sent plumes of debris up into the air. Type 10s fired off their 120mm guns, practicing shooting on the move and stationary targeting. Like usual, the populous was allowed to watch some of the exercises from stands. New weaponry was exhibited as well, as a squadron of prototype fighters soared above the grounds and a few new concept small arms were being showcased in a warehouse nearby the exercise grounds.

The Chief of Staff was observing the training exercise from the stands, flanked on both sides by general staff officers and other senior officers. MPs stood around making sure no civilians stumbled onto the area of ops although there was the occasional 3channer that managed to slip on by undetected and film things with a hand held camera.