Ministerio de Diplomacia de Casilló y Réal | Ministry of Diplomacy of Casilló and Réal

Ministerio de Diplomacia

Reino Corric Constitucional de Casilló y Réal

Ministry of Diplomacy
Constitutional Corric Kingdom of Casilló and Réal

Office of the Minister of Diplomacy
Hall of Ministers, Eleçeron
Taragento District, Casilló y Réal

“Bienvenido, justo y honrado. El Reino Corric te saluda”
“Welcome, righteous and honored guest. The Corric Kingdom greets you.”

The Constitutional Corric Kingdom of Casilló and Réal is a democratic constitutional monarchy located on the south-eastern coast of Novaris. Since the First Constitution of 1659, the lands of Andora have been governed by the honorable agreement of elective representation, where the collective will of the people and the nobility comes together and says, “Fiat Lux.” Peace, cooperation, prosperity, and security have been the mission of Casilló and Réal for three-hundred and sixty-two years. By the guidance of the Crown, the strength of the nobility, and the ambition of the people, this mission has allowed the farmers, sailors, miners, soldiers, and lovers of Andora to lead rich and fulfilling lives. We hope your interest in our nation can provide you will that same fulfillment.

Casilló and Réal is currently in the 34th year of the honored reign of His Grace, Sebastián II of the House of Naranza-Carratéo, King of Casilló and Réal, Sovereign of Andora. Assisting his Grace in matters of state is Prime Minister Gabriella Orellana, with Second Minister Diego Escuerdo. Representing the Will of His Grace’s citizens as First Minister of the Popular Assembly is Amapola Molinero. Enacting the Will of His Grace in matters of foreign policy is First Minister of Diplomacy Matias Gómez, who writes to you now.

The bounty of Casilló and Réal is varied as the flowers upon the riverbanks. The great industries of our people are the growing of fruits, grains, and nuts, the raising of much livestock for work and meat, the delving of the earth for resources to build, power, and enrich, and the construction of many forms of automobile, airplane, and sea vessel. With many other services and destinations desirable to the world, our nation is an eager prospective partner for international cooperation.

Please address correspondences to the First Minister of Diplomacy if negotiations on any of the following are deemed appropriate:

  • Diplomatic Recognition to mutually acknowledge the governments of our nations and the legitimate and rightful ruling entity of the people and territory we represent.

  • Exchange of Embassies to establish a permenant diplomatic presence withing each others borders to further warm relations and cooperation.

  • Non-Aggression Pacts to agree to commit no acts of military, financial, trade, or dipomatic aggression against each other.

  • Cultural Exchange programs to facilitate an appreciation of history, language, cusine, and education .

  • Scientific Cooperation programs to advance the boundaries of technology, anthropology, and mental science through the joint work on projects and initiatives.

  • Intelligence Cooperation to ensure the security interests of our nations are upheld and allowing intelligence services and law enforcement access to information and resources.

  • Visa Agreements to allow for the movement of citizens between our nations and the potential of residence or work.

  • Trade Agreements, including open borders, tariff adjustments, tax adjustments, resource extraction permits, fishing easements.

Our Major Export Categories, by order of importance:

  • Grown Agricultural Products (Barley, wheat, rice, maize, cotton, tobacco, sugar, beets, olives, legumes, oranges, lemons, limes, bananas, pears, apricots, peaches, plums, tomatoes, onions, PAX FRUITS, almonds, cashews, peanuts.)

  • Raised Agricultural Products (Cattle, pigs, sheep, poultry, and associated meats, wool, dairy products, war horses, work horses, riding horses)

  • Mineral Resources (argillite, aluminum, anhydrite, azurite, barite, basalt, bentonite, bromine, calcium carbonate, celestite, cement, chalk, clay, coal, copper, crude oil, diatomite, dolomite, feldspar, fluorite, glauberite, gold, granite, gravel, gypsum, iron, kyanite, lead, lime and quicklime, limestone, magnetite, marble, marl, mercury, mica, mineral pigments, natural gas, nickel, nitrogen, ophite, phonolite, porphyr, potash, pumice, pyrites, quartzite, quartz, salt, sepiolite, serpentine, silica sand, silver, slate, sandstone, soda ash, steatite, steel, strontium, sulfates, sulfur, talc, tin, titanium, tripoli, tungsten, uranium, and zinc.)

  • Vehicular Manufacture (automobiles; specifically limousines, sedans, microcars, compact cars, hatchbacks, sports utility vehicles, vans, commercial vehicles, racecars, aircraft; specifically those for agriculture, firefighting, utility, survey, weather monitoring, and civil aviation, and watercraft; specifically commercial fishing vessels including seiners, line vessels, gillnetters, and trap setters, recreational vessels, merchant vessels, sailing vessels, artisan craft including rigged sail ships and yachts.)

  • Manufactured Goods (automotive parts, aircraft parts, watercraft parts, textiles, paper, clothing, footwear, food processing, furtinture, metallurgy, chemical products, toys, electrical and nonelectrical appliances, agriculture equipment, telecommunications equipment.)

  • Energy (Electrical surplus export, thermal generators, steam turbines, diesel engines, gas generators, solar panels, wind turbines, hydroelectric equipment.)

  • Military Goods (Small arms, anti-tank weaponry, soft-skin mobility vehicles, utility vehicles, artillery, anti-air weaponry, transport planes, search-and-rescure planes, maritime patrol planes, utility helicopters, ground attack aircraft, patrol boats, corvettes, naval systems, radar, sonar, missiles.)

  • Forestry (Cedar, teak, elm, oak, pine, olive lumber.)

Our Major Import Categories, by order of importance:

  • Machinery (Computers, computer parts, piston engines, water filtration systems, aircraft engines, plumbing, air conditioners, internet infrastructure, engine parts, turbo-jets, centrifuges, medical equipment, appliances.)

  • Vehicles (Motorcycles, trucks, tractors, public-transport vehicles, trailers, nonmotorized vehicles, industrial platforms, electric vehicles, and parts for afformentioned.)

  • Fuel and Energy (Processed petroleum, natural gases, Coek and semi-coke, peat, mineral waxes, lithium batteries, nickel batteries, lead batteries.)

  • Electronics (Phone systems, smartphones, insulated wire/cable, TVs and TV accessories, low-voltage fuses, power conveters, semiconductors, circuit boards, water heaters, hair dryers, lighting, entertainment systems, radios, radio infrastructure.)

  • Pharmaceuticals (Painkillers, inhalants, depressants and antidepressants, opioids, hormones, peptides, anabolic steroids, insulin, vaccines, cancer treatments, cholesterol medications, cognitive supplements, vitamins, antibiotics, dental chemicals, epinephrine, morphine, adrenaline, antihistamines, and contraceptives.)

  • Organic Chemicals (Alcohol, ethers, aldehydes, acetone and other ketones, rubbers, esthers, methane, propane, butane, pentane, chlorides.)

  • Fashion (Manufactured clothing, synthetic clothing, industrial footwear, athletic footwear, raingear, umbrellas, purses and handbags, accessories, backpacks, sunglasses, watches, hats.)

  • Military Goods (Small arms, anti-air weaponry, armored vehicles, helicopters, fighter jets, AWACS planes, naval systems, radar, amphibious craft, naval systems, radar, sonar, missiles, destroyers, and frigates.)

  • Plastic Products

  • Industrial-grade Steel

  • Lumber

Current Relations:

Casilló y Réal has Member status in the League of Novaris

[spoiler]- Diplomatic Recognition

  • Embassies Established (Casa de Nieve, Cócia)
  • Non-Aggression Pact
  • Trade Agreement (Relaxation of export tariffs of Grown and Raised Agricultural Products, Mineral Resources, in return for relaxation of import tariffs of Pharmaceuticals, Heavy Machinery, Electronics, Energy equipment, and Vehicle parts)
  • Visa Program

[spoiler]- Diplomatic Recognition

  • Embassies Established (Casa de Viento Oceánico, Giroruña)
  • Non-Aggression Pact
  • Visa Program
  • Cross-Border Taxation and Foreign Work Treaty
  • Trade Agreement (Relaxation of export tariffs of Grown and Raised Agricultural Products, Manufactured Goods, in return for relaxation of import tariffs of Pharmaceuticals, Defense Technology, and Chemicals)
  • Engineering Exchange Agreement (Operation of green energy firms in Casilló y Réal in return for operation of agricultural firms in Cryria)


[spoiler]- Diplomatic Recognition

  • Embassies Established (Casa de Rojo, Porta Tranquíla)
  • Non-Aggression Pact
  • Visa Program



Dear Matias Gómez:

The Constitutional Corric Kingdom has recently released a statement condemning and sanctioning the members of the Union of Commonwealth Alliances (UCA) for their choice to begin a military intervention into Helslandr to stave off aggression from the nationalist faction. Reviewing the circumstances, we strongly believe that the UCA’s actions were made in self-defense after a military force lead by the nationalist faction killed civilians in Pledonia in what amounts to a terrorist attack. We strongly believe that it is well within the rights of the UCA to retaliate in kind due to this unprovoked attack.

Furthermore, we do not consider the intervention “imperialist,” due to the long history of Helslandr being well within the Norgsveltian sphere of influence, especially considering the Norgsveltian-backed military coup in the country in 1965. Therefore, we consider any condemnation of Norgsveltian imperialism in that area to be too late at best and possibly hypocritical at worst.

Lastly, one of the countries that were the target of Corric condemnation as a member of the UCA is the Serene Republic of Lapinumbia, which Tretrid considers a vital strategic partner in South Novaris. It is Tretridian policy to interpret any hostile action against Lapinumbia as a hostile action against the Kingdom of Tretrid itself. As a result, we feel obligated to respond to any unjustifiably hostile and escalatory actions taken or threats thereof made against such a valued strategic partner.

With all of these factors in mind, and after careful consideration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has determined it best to temporarily recall its ambassador to Cynebury in protest of these actions. While we do see merit in some of the Corric complaints, we believe that threats to take actions against an important strategic partner pose a non-negligible threat and should be addressed in kind.

ᛖᚩᚠᚩᚱᚹᛁᚾᛖ ᚫᚦᛖᛚᛋᛏᚪᚾᛋᚩᚾ
Eoforwine Æthelstanson
Prime Minister
Kingdom of Tretrid

To First Minister Matias Gómez of the Corric Ministry of Diplomacy,

In recognition of your recent condemnation of the Union of Commonwealth Alliances made formally by the Head of the Corric State, and in cocurrance with the Miner’s Republic of Durakia’s policy of Solidarity with their Allies, we are obligated by your diplomatic conjecture to express our displeasure with the actions taken by the Corric State in opposition to the UCA.

The suggestion that the Alliance has acted outside its mandate fails to acknowledge both the volatility of the region in which such action was provoked, as well as the actions taken by Nationalist-afilliated groups on the border of the Republic of Pledonia. In this, the UCA acted, not with the suggested Neo-Colonial ambitions which the Corric Head of State has accused but with the request of the Republic of Pledonia admist an unjustifiable attack against their people.

Additionaly, while we take neither a strictly positive or negative stance upon the actions of the Ymirdval Dynasty, we note the status of this operation as in opposition to the Nationalist organizations within Helslandr in accordance with the Republican-Royalist cease fire and United Front organized by the International Forum Security Council  under Her Excellency Just Arbiter Klara Lorensky Sarinov.

With this in mind, the Miner’s Republic of Durakia joins the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our partners in the Kingdom of Tretrid in recalling our current Ambassador to the Corric State in protest of such actions until further notice is given.


Sergei Alov
Secretary of Diplomacy of the Miner’s Republic of Durakia

— Begin quote from ____


Dear Matias Gómez:

The Constitutional Corric Kingdom has recently released a statement condemning and sanctioning the members of the Union of Commonwealth Alliances (UCA) for their choice to begin a military intervention into Helslandr to stave off aggression from the nationalist faction. Reviewing the circumstances, we strongly believe that the UCA’s actions were made in self-defense after a military force lead by the nationalist faction killed civilians in Pledonia in what amounts to a terrorist attack. We strongly believe that it is well within the rights of the UCA to retaliate in kind due to this unprovoked attack.

Furthermore, we do not consider the intervention “imperialist,” due to the long history of Helslandr being well within the Norgsveltian sphere of influence, especially considering the Norgsveltian-backed military coup in the country in 1965. Therefore, we consider any condemnation of Norgsveltian imperialism in that area to be too late at best and possibly hypocritical at worst.

Lastly, one of the countries that were the target of Corric condemnation as a member of the UCA is the Serene Republic of Lapinumbia, which Tretrid considers a vital strategic partner in South Novaris. It is Tretridian policy to interpret any hostile action against Lapinumbia as a hostile action against the Kingdom of Tretrid itself. As a result, we feel obligated to respond to any unjustifiably hostile and escalatory actions taken or threats thereof made against such a valued strategic partner.

With all of these factors in mind, and after careful consideration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has determined it best to temporarily recall its ambassador to Cynebury in protest of these actions. While we do see merit in some of the Corric complaints, we believe that threats to take actions against an important strategic partner pose a non-negligible threat and should be addressed in kind.

ᛖᚩᚠᚩᚱᚹᛁᚾᛖ ᚫᚦᛖᛚᛋᛏᚪᚾᛋᚩᚾ
Eoforwine Æthelstanson
Prime Minister
Kingdom of Tretrid

— End quote

Honored Prime Minister Æthelstanson,
It is discouraging that the Tretridian government takes this action and stance without fully understanding or acknowledging the Corric stance on the issue at hand. Our actions are not taken lightly and we do not intend for them to be the start of another conflict, only draw attention to a need to end the proclivity for states to escalate them. No state is under threat or sanction from the Constitutional Corric Kingdom. You have your right to withdraw your embassy and we wish you no ill intent for doing so, with the understanding that you acknowledge you have taken an unnecessary step that will excacerbate tensions. Your embassy facilities will be maintained until such a time that you feel comfortable reestablishing residency.

I hope that as a community we can remain honorable and fair in future dealings.

En nombre de Dios y de todas las virtudes caballeresas,
In the name of God and all chivalric virtues,

First Minister of Diplomacy
Matias Goméz

— Begin quote from ____

To First Minister Matias Gómez of the Corric Ministry of Diplomacy,

In recognition of your recent condemnation of the Union of Commonwealth Alliances made formally by the Head of the Corric State, and in cocurrance with the Miner’s Republic of Durakia’s policy of Solidarity with their Allies, we are obligated by your diplomatic conjecture to express our displeasure with the actions taken by the Corric State in opposition to the UCA.

The suggestion that the Alliance has acted outside its mandate fails to acknowledge both the volatility of the region in which such action was provoked, as well as the actions taken by Nationalist-afilliated groups on the border of the Republic of Pledonia. In this, the UCA acted, not with the suggested Neo-Colonial ambitions which the Corric Head of State has accused but with the request of the Republic of Pledonia admist an unjustifiable attack against their people.

Additionaly, while we take neither a strictly positive or negative stance upon the actions of the Ymirdval Dynasty, we note the status of this operation as in opposition to the Nationalist organizations within Helslandr in accordance with the Republican-Royalist cease fire and United Front organized by the International Forum Security Council  under Her Excellency Just Arbiter Klara Lorensky Sarinov.

With this in mind, the Miner’s Republic of Durakia joins the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our partners in the Kingdom of Tretrid in recalling our current Ambassador to the Corric State in protest of such actions until further notice is given.


Sergei Alov
Secretary of Diplomacy of the Miner’s Republic of Durakia

— End quote

Honored Secretary Alov,

The Constitutional Corric Kingdom has not plotted the course it has embarked upon without careful consideration and debate on the matter. The honor of our people and of the Crown has demanded that silence be maintained no longer. We recognize your obligations and rights to self defense and mutual defense as a UCA member state. With the international attention this situation has acquired, it is the hope of His Grace the King and the Popular Assembly that extreme military measures as a first resort to all issues and threats will be heavily scrutinized going forwards. Conflict of interests and the ambitions of those in power are often hidden behind perfectly legal means. It saddens us in the Royal Cabinet to see an organization so nobly created as the UCA has become a meat grinder for innocent soldiers when much more proportional responses to crises would be rational. Please consider in the future the lives of your citizens and those of your fellow Union members when weighing the possibility of intervention.

You of course have every right to withdraw your embassy although we stress it is an unnecessary move done without apperant understanding of the situation. The facilities will be maintained until such a time your government feels comfortable occupying them once again. I pass along the respects of the Corric people and His Grace for your honorable commitment to duty and principle. I hope that as a community we can remain honorable and fair in future dealings.

En nombre de Dios y de todas las virtudes caballeresas,
In the name of God and all chivalric virtues,

First Minister of Diplomacy

Official Communique of the Queendom of Iboma
Likundazimamezo l’Sumbura laluTendane la’Iboma
Dear Head of Foreign Affairs of Antora,
The Queendom of Iboma hereby formally recognises your nation and we hereby formally request recognition from your nation in return. We would also like to exchange embassies and/or consulates. Kindly find this fact book containing information on our country:
With respect,
Amana nga Hananiel
Councillor of State for Foreign Affairs,

— Begin quote from ____

Official Communique of the Queendom of Iboma
Likundazimamezo l’Sumbura laluTendane la’Iboma
Dear Head of Foreign Affairs of Antora,
The Queendom of Iboma hereby formally recognises your nation and we hereby formally request recognition from your nation in return. We would also like to exchange embassies and/or consulates. Kindly find this fact book containing information on our country:
With respect,
Amana nga Hananiel
Councillor of State for Foreign Affairs,

— End quote

Ministerio de Diplomacia
Republica Coronada de Antora

Ministry of Diplomacy
Crowned Republic of Antora
Office of the Minister of Diplomacy
Hall of Ministers, Eleçeron
Taragento District, Antora

“Saludos y bendiciones sobre ti.”
“Salutations and blessings upon you.”

I extend my compliments and greetings to the inestimable Amana nga Hananiel, Councillor of State for Foreign Affairs of Iboma. More importantly, I extend the greetings and the proffered hand of friendship of His Grace, Sebastián II, King of Antora, Sovereign of Casilló y Réal, Steward of Cátras, Duke of Costa Tranquíla, Count of Tranha, Zamocante, and Sojara, to Her Majesty, Rutendo III, Queen of Iboma. His Grace has bid I provide you with the following Statement of Intent:

“Los saludos y bendiciones más honrados sobre ustedes. In the name of Our forefathers and mothers, by the Grace of God, and with the powers granted to Us by and on behalf of Our citizens We issue this Statement of Intent to Her Majesty, By the Grace of the All-Mother, Her Majesty, Rutendo III, Queen of Iboma. We hope for the continued health of You and Your family. It is the Intent of the Antoran People, and thus Our Intent, to further the breadth of dialog between the Crowned Republic of Antora and the Queendom of Iboma. The two great peoples of Our nation and Yours would enrich themselves through education, trade, travel, and cooperation a greater dialog would bring. In time, We hope that the improvement of relations will contribute to a more united and peaceful world, closer to the prosperous community of friendships across Urth so many strive for, and further for a friendship that wards this eastern reach of our great continent. Que la gracia de Dios esté con vosotos, y que la corona sea siempre ligera.”

It greatly pleases the Republic and her citizens to receive this memorandum from your nation. In the interests of furthering the relations and cooperation between our peoples, we recognize and reciprocate your declaration of recognition of Antoran sovereignty. Please accept accommodation of ambassadorial facilities within the city of Iravala, located within the walls of the Basílica Solár. This building has rich heritage as the former 16th-century home of an Antoran nobleman fascinated by astronomy and contains many architectural quirks your staff may find appropriate.

Please look forward to our diplomatic delegation within the coming weeks. It will be headed by Dame Sofia Abad, of many distinguished years service with the Ministry. Along with our diplomatic compliments, we will be providing a classical Antoran manymedia longsword purpose-crafted at the Castevila Military Forgeworks. As an artefact of Antoran craftsmanship and spirit, we hope that it is found appropriate.

My thanks and well-wishes unto you, with the hope of future friendship and happiness.

En nombre de Dios y de todas las virtudes caballeresas,
In the name of God and all chivalric virtues,

First Minister of Diplomacy
Matias Goméz