Mirhaime Federation

Flag: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/937259918430470234/950372334185885736/sketch-1646621979733.jpg?width=1005&height=670

Nation Name (long):  Fon-aime Mirhaimé’sa (translit: Federation of the Mirhaimian Realm)
Nation Name (short): Mirhaime Federation, or simply Mirhaime
Motto: “Aeur i cra, sak i siin” (Gold in Peace, Steel in War)
National Animal (Unofficial): Antai Dragon (Kaal nar Antai’ha).
The mythological beast whose wings once soared across the great plains of Antai, unleashing wraith upon the enemies of the place it called home had its own interpretation throughout different eras of Trinterian history. Despite the fact that the Saenad never adopted a national animal, the Federation was and still is associated with the Dragon of Antai, which was embroidered on the battle standards of Siinkar’s Confederate Army and briefly flew above Loren as he ascended to the Drake Throne, only to be abandoned after the Treaty of Daemir solidified the Mirhaime Federation as the sole legitimate ruler of the Realm and the successor to the Commowealth.
National Flower/Plant (Unofficial): Rose
National Anthem: “Our Standard Flutters” - Aera Kiian nar Bafaas’ka, circa 1650
Capitol: Loren’ka Special Capital Region
Largest City: Loren’ka Special Capital Region (Metropolitan Population); Bafaas’ka Special Economic Region (Municipality Population)
Demonym: Mirhaimian
Language: Trinter (Aern Trinter).
Despite the existence of many recognized minority languages, the Federation’s national language is Trinter (the native tongue of the vast majority of its inhabitants). As a result, it is the only language used for day-to-day administration, and the official language of the Saenad. It is now widely used as a common lingua franca in everyday conversation. The Trinter language is used in the regular federal educational curriculum, however minority language studies are elective subjects that students can pursue. Codexian has become more widely used as a second language as a result of greater ties with foreign nations and recent reforms in Mirhaimian governance, and it is now required in most schools.
Species: The Trinter ethnicity of the Human species makes up the vast majority of the population, but the Federation also has a sizable minority of elves, nekomimis (also known as sameo), and dwarves, the majority of whom are recognized as naturalized Trinters due to their long history of residency and integration.
Small communities of Aurians, Lupines, and Felines also exist in the Federation; however, due to the Human Prioritization Act, which was ratified on September 4th, 1654 (last updated on November 2nd, 1977), citizenship for the Federation’s nonhuman population is not guaranteed by birth but must be earned through a two-year service in any federal uniformed service.
Population: 67,395,412
Government type: Federal one-party ‘Siinkarist’ semi-presidential republic
Leader(s): Paragon Anrah Witra Siinkar nar Pankow’ka Ke’hai.
Anrah Siinkar is presently in her third term as Paragon of the Federation, having been elected on the Siinkarist People’s Party’s 39th National Congress 16 years ago.
Anrah, the daughter of the revered Jalo Siinkar Ke’hai, has proven to be a capable leader and ardent supporter of the Crimson Road Initiative, which is currently being shaped in the Saenad and aims to restore the Federation’s relevance in the region through “mutually beneficial cooperation on the basis of confident friendship, and trust.”
Her approval rating is currently at 96 percent, which is consistent.
Her Patron Saint is Jilui nar Laethan’ga of Divine Ilo’s Blessings.
Legislature: National Assembly of the Mirhaime Federation (commonly referred to as the Saenad) 
Formation: September 2nd, 1650
Since 1665, on “Federation Day,” a large military parade has been held in Loren’ka, beginning at the Northern Ramparts and ending at the Eryas Palace, following the path of Confederate forces during the “Liberation of Loren,” preceding the signing of the Treaty of Daemir, which saw the establishment of the Mirhaime Federation on September 2nd of that same year.
Though the celebration has remained mostly consistent throughout history, notable additions have been made as Realm Defence doctrines have changed and new assets have become available to it. The most notable of these were the introduction in 1931 of an armored formation consisting of tanks and other armored vehicles, as well as an aerial formation consisting of bombers and fighters from the Realm Air Service in 1934, which was reinforced by the introduction of additional helicopter formations from the Guard’s Frontal Aviation in 1970. After the parade, a city-wide festival begins, where food and goods are abundantly sold by (pre-registered) vendors and new advances in military technologies, ranging from the basic infantry rifle to the models of the newest fighter aircraft or main battle tank, are showcased to the population’s curious eyes.
Total GDP:  $822,431,321,456
Because the Federation is in the midst of a decade-long process of mass industrialization and development, environmental issues are sometimes overlooked, resulting in pollution being a problem in states and municipalities with significant industrial activity. Despite this, steps are being taken to develop rural areas, the most notable of which is the New Countryside Campaign, which aims to provide an incentive for rural population modernization, allowing for a boom in agricultural production, easier transportation, and the federal government to tighten its control over the country.
GDP per capita: $12,203
Currency: Inter(s)
Calling Code: 511.
ISO 3166 code: MHF; MF
Internet TLD: .mf
Historical Summary: Mirhaime can be traced back to the Trinterian Commonwealth, which arose about 2000 years ago. Despite previous battles with the faux Dynasty of Feldrot, which governed the Realm from its establishment to its dissolution 500 years ago, the Federation declares itself to be the sole true successor of the Commonwealth.

Following the union of the Trinterian Realm to combat a barbarian invasion, the Commonwealth was founded from a ruined assemblage of Trinter kingdoms, teyrnions, and dukedoms. The Commonwealth grew into a superpower in every sense of the word under the leadership of a pseudo hereditary monarchy, the Feldrot Dynasty, which deployed a large armed force to aggressively expand its territory while promoting cultural values, and scientific advancements.  For a while, the Commonwealth stood as a sentinel, spanning enormous swaths of territory and employing its resources to construct massive fortifications, palaces, spires, and embankments that are still in use by the modern Mirhaimian state. Despite many victories and accomplishments throughout their rule, the Feldrot Dynasty was plagued by political infighting that ranged from minor during the First and Second Eras to severe during the Third. The throne was passed from one noble line of the Feldrot Dynasty to another as a result of the infighting, with few figures revered by the People. The Commonwealth was disbanded due to severe inequality, administrative incompetence, and a catastrophic economic recession caused by an epidemic in the late 16th and early 17th century. Subordinate states withdrew their oath of devotion to the Drake Throne and declared independence, resulting in the Court of Heaven being defunct.

Hera Siinkar nar Lesteka Ke’sed, a figurehead descended from a prestigious line of Commonwealth generals, rose from the region of Lestek by the Donga’drah. Despite certain skirmishes, the nascent Republic established itself as a military power in the Trinter-speaking world in only 19 years. Their peak came in 1625, when the Kingdom of Naki attacked the Realm, albeit their words already hold weight in the Trinterian League of Powers. 
The Republic managed to rally 23 out of 38 states into a new Trinterian Confederation in an eight-year struggle that culminated in a decisive victory in Antai, claiming the Mandate of the Divines in the process; a claim that was backed up by the Church of Glaithon following the incorporation of Geith into the Confederation in 1639. More than 28 Trinterian states had succumbed to the Confederation by 1646, either via calm diplomacy or by brutal conflict. Siinkar, the Paragon of the Confederation, backed by Geith, proclaimed a Crusade for the historical capital of Loren’ka and the Greater Bay Region, which was and still is the Realm’s economic and cultural heart. Siinkar’s army successfully wrested control of the Ka’s of Loren and Bafaas from the Aeter Imperium in only four years; any states that refused to yield soon swore their allegiance to the soon-to-be-defunct Drake Throne in the Treaty of Daemir, which saw the establishment of the Mirhaime Federation, a federal one-party semi-presidential republic with Hera Siinkar nar Lestek’ka Ke’sed ascending to the position of Paragon of the Federation that same year.
The Federation was engulfed in constant warfare with its neighbors as it sought to solidify its position in the region, and with itself as insubordinate groups sought to thwart the Saenad’s newly established grip on the Realm under the rule of Siinkar and the Ansan Party (renamed the Siinkarist People’s Party after Siinkar’s death in 1685). Despite a precarious start, the Federation was able to achieve lasting peace in 1662 after defeating the now-defunct Venkire Republic. Though decades of calm had benefited Mirhaime, with its population steadily increasing and its economy gradually rebuilding from the wreckage of previous anarchies, it was evident that its weaknesses would eventually catch up. It did, in fact, catch up.

The Federation appeared to be on the verge of disintegration in the late 1950s when the Loren Exchange collapsed, causing a catastrophic economic freefall. Though the Federation had had recessions in the past, none appeared to be as bad as this new Great Depression, which lasted well into the 1960s. Though measures could have been made to help the economy weather the storm, inept leadership and incompetence in a number of crucial areas began to show their ugly heads. The paragons who were chosen to deal with the crisis failed terribly, and the Saenad plunged itself into chaos. A coalition of reformist delegates foiled the ‘old guards’ government and replaced it with new leadership at the Siinkarist People’s Party’s 38th National Congress in September 1964. Jalo Siinkar, 39, became the Federation’s new Paragon and the Party’s new General Secretary. He and the reformers executed Doika (“Renovation”), a set of free-market reforms that repealed inefficient economic policies while carefully managing the economy’s transformation into a “siinkarist-oriented market economy.” Under Doika, the government incentivized the private sector, deregulated the economy, and promoted foreign investments while maintaining control over strategic industries, despite the fact that the state’s authority remained unquestioned. Mirhaime’s economy grew rapidly in agricultural and industrial production, construction, exports, and foreign investment as a result of these reforms, however, income disparity increased as new firms developed to replace existing cooperatives.
With tensions between Volscina and Tretrid rising, the Federation strives to reestablish itself as a regional force and reclaim the relevance it lost during the mid-century crisis. It remains to be seen whether it will assist Tretrid, Volscina, or forge its own path, but this growing force will surely have an impact on regional history in one way or another.

Territorial Claim: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/950264401808736277/950436830497611887/image0.png?width=706&height=670

"Baptized in fire, 
In the reign of the dragon 
Eclipsed in the eye of 
The Federation of we Trinterians.

Baptized in fire, 
Saved us, every one. 
The Nation revives, 
All blessed by the Sun, 
An age has now begun…"
-Villain theme   “Baptized in Fire” - Sung by an unknown bard at a tavern in the town of Inrea, State of Lestek; the birthplace of Hera Siinkar.

+) Purple: Loren’ka Special Capital Region, currently the Federation’s administrative capital and home to the Paragon and the Saenad. With a Metropolitan Population of nearly 17,000,000 spread across 21 Cities, 7 Districts, 4 Towns, and 2 Villages, it is currently the Federation’s largest city. It is also the Federation’s largest city by GRDP, with a thriving financial, high-tech R&D sector, and Consumer Electronic Manufacturing Base.

+) Red: Bafaas’ka Special Economic Region, currently the Federation’s largest port city, holding one of 5 strategic ports wherefrom the Realm Armada projects its power down to the Southern Sea. It houses the largest collection of Federal Shipbuilding Corporations, with nearly 68% of the modern Realm Armada having been constructed and laid down in Bafaas alone. Home to nearly 15,000,000 in Metropolitan Population, its importance cannot be understated as it also acts as the main gateway from the Mainland to Sentinel Island.

+) Gray: Tenkir’ka is the regional capital of the Ga (State) of Tenkir. It is commonly recognized as the Federation’s “aeronautical” capital, with aerospace corporations such such as Tenkir and Rotek Aeronautics located there. It has a population of over 8,000,000 people. Many of the Mirhaimian Air Force’s most notable fighter pilots hails from the region, including Ruban Wyn nar Tenkir’ka, Squadron Leader of the legendary VF-177 Nemesis Squadron and pioneer of the Ace Combat program in the 1970s. Ace Combat transformed aerial combat in the RAS despite limited resources, and forced the Tale Citadel to change the branch’s structure to better suit new doctrines and tactics created and demonstrated by the program.

+) Pink: Potza’ka is the regional capital of the Ga of Potza and will be incorporated into a planned Super-Ga “The Greater Metropolitan Bay Area” in the near future. Potza’ka is now the Federation’s automated capital, with companies like Shoka Motors and Potza Heavy Motors Industrial Corporation based there, producing many thousands vehicles per year for both domestic and foreign markets.

+) Black: Ankien’ka is the Ga of Laethan’s regional capital. It has always served as the Realm’s educational capital since its incorporation into the Commonwealth some 1,500 years ago, thanks to its high concentration of prestigious academic institutions such as Naoned Polytechnics, Ankien Institute of Technology, Reter University, and others.

+) Brown: Jakon’ka currently serves as the regional capital of the Ga of Varaus, and currently serves as one of the largest hub for the extraction of natural resources such as coal, zinc, copper, iron and more…

+) Yellow: Ilai’ka currently serves as the regional capital of the Ga of Uso. (Will be written more upon).

+) Green: Opalitz’ka is the regional capital of the Ga of Opalitz and a major port of the Realm Armada, with a sizable shipbuilding industry comparable to Bafaas. Several offshore platforms extracting oil and natural gas are located near the continental plate near Opalitz’ka; as a result, the area has received special attention from the RA.

+) Blue: Osten’ka is the present regional capital of the Ga of Leer, and the Trinter Elves’ historical homeland. With a population of over 5,000,000 individuals, Trinter elves account for 82 percent of the population. Osten’s integration into the Realm has long been a mystery, but one thing is certain: it is an integral part of it.

+) Light Blue: Oro’ka currently serves as the regional capital of the Ga of Bhea. It is a detrimental part in the Federation’s “oil ring” and possesses notable infrastructure for the extraction and refining of oil, and others.

Following a vote on 11th March 2022, this nation claim has been APPROVED by a vote of 5-1-0. Further votes will be amended to this post as they come in.