Embassy moved to:http://forum.theeastpacific.com/topic/7020049/1/
What’s going on, Minister Parrilla?
It’s me, Buzzy, head of Absurdistan and social media app company MyLyfe, your neighbor “Down Under,” and I want to take you over! Lol jk, I hope our schnazzy title got you hyped for what’s inside. We think it’d be pretty chill to, you know, have our nations hook up, but in a totally platonic and non-invasive kind of way. In fact, we don’t even need a physical embassy! Just set up a video camera linked to the Internet, and we’ll live stream our embassy out there! If you need to message us, don’t hesitate to send us a DM, we’ll respond, even if it’s a late night, “U up?”
I gotta say, I’ve been keeping up with what y’all have been up to, and it’s lookin’ good! I mean, socialized everything, socialized everywhere, nothin’ wrong with that? My friends (that’s what we call our employees here at MyLyfe) are really sympathetic to your cause, yenno? So, let’s make a deal!
We here at MyLyfe have the best health plans in place for our friends, but as I’ve been looking over at the rest of Absurdistan, it’s just terrible, dude. We’ve got no system of healthcare in place. So, we at MyLyfe are going to be sponsoring check-ups and exploratory surgery for all our peeps! Problem is, it’s hella expensive to do that, and all our doctors can’t see everyone this month. So, can we send some of our peeps to your country? We just need them to get check-ups, don’t worry about surgery and all that gross stuff. Or, you can send some of your doctors over here! Just for the time being, of course. We’ll pay you quite well for this, but, seeing as you are, like us at MyLyfe, definitely a conscientious nation and all that, I bet you’ll do this out of the goodness of your hearts! Those heartless capitalists just don’t understand, you know?
Lemme know what you think!
Buzzy Bergmann
CEO of MyLyfe, and current President of Absurdistan
Make sure to follow us @Absurdistan on Chirper, or check us out on Rollr, Quikpik, and ClipCatch!
Buzzy Bergmann
CEO of MyLyfe, and current President of Absurdistan
I have received and read your message and I am pleased to accept your request for an embassy, if it suits you we will make it a physical embassy with a modular interior to suit the changes of your government. We are also happy to send over some of our doctors to assist in providing healthcare to your citizens. We will provide the sufficient funds and equipment for a small clinic and we request that all citizens be able to access this clinic and receive healthcare for free or for low prices. I hope we can also come to further agreements in the future.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Worker’s Republic of Arrmall
Samora Parrill
Worker’s Republic of Arramall
From: Foreign Minister John Smith
To: Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Worker’s Republic of Arrmall Samora Parrill
The Federal Republic of Xagrurg would like to attain diplomatic recognition, an embassy exchange, and a nonaggression pact with Arramall.
[spoiler]Official Communication of the Oan Isles
To: Arramall Government
From: Foreign Office
Greetings Samora Parilla
We invite you to join the Auroran Union. The outcome of the Auroran Pacific War has created a deep fissure in the Auroran continent and neutrality is not a guarantee of safety or prosperity. The AU offers your nation access to one of the largest markets and formidable military pacts in the world. Align yourselves with people who care for your nation’s interests and wish to bring about the unity of this continent.
Locklyn Le Roy
Head of the Diplomacy and Immigration
Member of the National Council
The Oan Isles[/spoiler]
To: Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Worker’s Republic of Arrmall Samora Parrill
From: From: Foreign Minister John Smith
Good afternoon Ms. Parrill,
The Auroran Continental Assembly would like to invite to our organization. In the wake of instability on Aurora caused by the Auroran-Pacific War and the Oan Isless selfish creation of the Auroran Union, we must stand together, united, to brave against this centurys threats if we are to survive what is to come. Joining the Auroran Continental Assembly would grant Arramall access to one of the largest financial markets and comprehensive military pacts on Urth. If you wish to bring unity and stability to Aurora, then join the ACA.
Locklyn Le Roy
Head of the Diplomacy and Immigration
Member of the National Council
The Oan Isles
Firstly I thank you for your invitation to join the Auroran Union. However we feel it will be best to see how the talks in Aura go before we jump into any decision.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Worker’s Republic of Arrmall
Samora Parrilla
Worker’s Republic of Arramall
John Smith
Foreign Minister
Member of the National Council
Auroran Continental Assembly
Firstly I wish to thank you for your invitation to join the Auroran Continental Assembly, however we feel it will be best to see how the talks in Aura go before we jump into any decision.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Worker’s Republic of Arrmall
Samora Parrilla
Worker’s Republic of Arramall
To:Samora Parrilla, Arrmall
On behalf of the Axdelian Government I, ambassador Nimitza, formally apply for the following;
- Diplomatic recognition
- Embassy exchange
Ambassador Lily Nimitza,
Axdel Office of International Affairs