What if…the map was expanded and a whole new continent was added? The delegate could publicize the event via region-wide telegrams. It would have the impact of making a new map without making a new map?
(This would need Lazlow’s approval, out of respect for all his diligent hardwork.)
If such a continent were to exist it would be interesting for it to be a solid land mass (less islandy) extending from the north polar to just past the equator (maybe around the lower latitude of Nalt Island). Couple of central lakes in the continent.
So, bigger than any of the other landmasses? Do you think you could make a rough draft of such a continent?
I’d be okay with a continent “appearing”. Though, depending on where it is it might confict with some previous RP’s.
Personally, I’d be okay with that for the sake of getting more people to play. But I think our problem is not running out of territory, but running out of storylines.