New Light from the East

I will always feel an immense pride when mentioning I am part of The East Pacific. I have lived endless fun, creativity, team work and friendships in this tiny corner of the Internet ever since I joined it almost 9 years ago, and especially since my beginnings in the Executive back in 2019. By then we had a region to rebuild after a coup, and we did it, and took it to unbelievable levels. But TEP’s long history has also seen dark chapters, as most of you know. They haven’t stopped this community’s prosperity, and I hope they never will. That when TEP comes to an end, we are older than EM himself.

The post-coup era has already lasted nearly three years, and much has changed since then. Many have come and gone, and six delegates have covered that time frame, providing their always useful and valid perspective of how this region should be governed. I have been part of all their six Cabinets, and I have also become Magister, Vizier, UTEP Chancellor and EPPS Commissioner, among others. But what has motivated me to continue working for TEP is not a political view, but to serve all the good people this region has. The community; my friends. Make this region better for them and defend them. The same community that is now facing many challenges at once, and seems to be giving up to heated arguments and accusations.

As I have already told to some people during these three years, I profoundly dislike angry environments, and my first reaction to them has usually been flying away from them. For, maybe, one or two months, tensions have been rising when debating important affairs. I was more and more heated and defensive when debating topics that should not require that intensity –few, in fact, should–, and that came to a pinnacle when I was emotionally feeling bad after some RL events. That was when I took a LOA of around 10 days the past month, and I felt an immense relief and could dedicate to put in order my RL issues. When I returned, I found that the region was immersed in a constitutional crisis, and that a certain channel in Discord was day after day filled with arguments and aggressiveness. The atmosphere I was perceiving for some time had exploded, and now I am more and more getting less involved in the Executive talks. The prophecy of flying away has been accomplished.

I haven’t followed the current debates in detail, just in overview; so I am impelled to transmit to you all the perspective this is acquiring from the outside. To make a call as an observer of all this, as a citizen and member of the community, witnessing how we might go through paths we won’t like to go, that when we face issues, that, more than ever, is the moment to come together and work together for solving them. Constant arguing leads nowhere, cooperation is what builds communities and regions.

If TEP’s light Ex Oriente has faded this time, this might be the perfect moment to bring it back. Let’s solve the problems, friends, and continue the legacy of 19 years this region already carries.

As one of those responsible for getting heated. I apologise on my part. I echo what you say, we need to work together to get us out of this mess.

Good statement and I agree.

And on my part, I too apologize for any arguments I’ve caused or taken too far.

Trust me. It will be.

The East Pacific needs fixing on many fields. With all that is going on, I’m actually starting to think that representatives from every part of the region (RMB, Forum, Conclave, Praesidium, Magisterium, Executive, Community Team) should meet and debate “what’s next?”.

We’re facing activity issues, increasing toxicity, folk leaving the region cos they don’t feel TEP is the place it used to be, Constitutional Crisis, Executive folk arguing, great storms happening in government-plaza, isolation between Government, Forum and RMB, an increase of unacceptable OOC behavior, inactivity in OOC Team - and many more to that. As MoFA, I also feel required to note that foreign diplomats and officials are seeing what’s happening, and some of them are concerned.

Imho we should meet, define what issues are arising and define how we can fix them - how can we fix TEP, with imho main focus and priority on improving community and bringing back the friendly, open, and positive atmosphere. Then we should go issue by issue and fix them. We’re on the border of 2018 TEP again. We remember that TEP, and I’ll take the liberty to assume, that we don’t want 2018 TEP back.

— Begin quote from ____

The East Pacific needs fixing on many fields. With all that is going on, I’m actually starting to think that representatives from every part of the region (RMB, Forum, Conclave, Praesidium, Magisterium, Executive, Community Team) should meet and debate “what’s next?”.

We’re facing activity issues, increasing toxicity, folk leaving the region cos they don’t feel TEP is the place it used to be, Constitutional Crisis, Executive folk arguing, great storms happening in government-plaza, isolation between Government, Forum and RMB, an increase of unacceptable OOC behavior, inactivity in OOC Team - and many more to that. As MoFA, I also feel required to note that foreign diplomats and officials are seeing what’s happening, and some of them are concerned.

Imho we should meet, define what issues are arising and define how we can fix them - how can we fix TEP, with imho main focus and priority on improving community and bringing back the friendly, open, and positive atmosphere. Then we should go issue by issue and fix them. We’re on the border of 2018 TEP again. We remember that TEP, and I’ll take the liberty to assume, that we don’t want 2018 TEP back.

— End quote

2018 was very bad for a couple of reasons, the most impactful of which are not happening now, fortunately. However, while not as dark, TEP might be heading towards a dark age. But we can avoid it by solutions as the ones you propose. Talking, instead of arguing, is already a great solution and relatively easy. By talking we can, as you said, find the different solutions we require, so it’s a solution in itself. That is precisely what I’ve been encouraging with this post. This is great news, now it’s time to get into it!!

TEP, our home, our region, our family! One United front!