[NEW] Osiris Oracle Issue I

Issue I


War: The Aftermath

Empty Battlefield

On August 28th,2014 at 7:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time the Osiris Fraternal Order declared a state of war on the Peoples Republic of Lazarus. Propsoed by Pharaoh Cormac, the official declaration, which can be found http://w11.zetaboards.com/OFO/single/?p=8320181&t=10503090, accuses Lazerene Officials of hostility towards the Osiris Fraternal Order and its allies, its anti-iperialist propoganda, as well as its harboring of Karpathos and former members of The Empire, Dalimbar and New Kervoskia

But after facing a long and tiring struggle with foreign powers regarding its decision to go to war, Osiris officially repealed the Declaration. By then, Cormac had resigned as Pharaoh, due to increasing amount of attention real life demanded.

Now, the War is history, but the scars still remain. Some individuals question whether it was really necessary to go to war despite the known unlikelihood that it would result in the overthrow of PRL. Others compare its likeness to the US-Soviet Cold War, a period of political tension between two power’s, but no actual military aggression. Nothing regarding Osiris’ cause, was accomplished, so was it worth it? I do believe its safe to say: Osiris lost more than it gambled.

Now, two month later, Osiris is naught but a shell of its former self; activity is at an all time low, the new administration ground to a halt with a lack of strong leadership, and one by one, the amount of citizens in Osiris dwindled.


An Interview with Funkadelia

Funkadelia talks about the Osiris/Lazarus War and the future relations between the two regions
Interviewed by Osiran Reporter and Chief Editor, Andrew

In Osiris, the War was expected to be a bold and activity-generating move. With sixty percent of the votes cast in favor of War, the Osiran Government was confident in their decision that it would attract attention and activity to Osiris.

But what were the thoughts of the Lazarus, during the War? Osiris Oracle interviewed Wartime Chairman, Funkadelia, to find out exactly what he and his government thought of Osiris’s actions:

— Begin quote from ____

Andrew: What did you think when Osiris declared war on Lazarus? Were you concerned?

Funkadelia: Of course I was concerned. I was also very frustrated that Osiris had decided act with such gravity as declaring war over something so petty.

Andrew: As Chairman at the time, would you have come to the table with the then Osiris Administration to resolve this?

Funkadelia: I had already tried that, and the talks were going nowhere until Karpathos and Treize talked things out.

Andrew: As the war moved on, did your concern decrease as it was unlikely that the War would see the disestablishment of PRL?

Funkadelia: Yes. As it went on myself and the rest of my State Council realized that the war was more or less a joke. The LLA and the Osiris Military didn’t even meet during update. It was nothing more than Cormac and Treize in the Gameplay forum continuing to post vague messages about how Lazarus was going to get it.

I think there was one coup attempt that was found by us about as quickly as it was ordered.

Andrew: Many have described Lazarus as a communist dictatorship which is open only to those who ‘fit’ with what PRL stands for. Do you agree or differ? If you differ, why?

Funkadelia: I disagree. That’s a naive assumption made by only a quick glance at the region. I don’t think anyone can contest the fact that it is a Communist dictatorship. However, we allow anyone in the region. Yes, many Lazarenes have deep entrenched values, however we do not bar or ostracize people from Lazarus. We accept all.

I think the same assumption could be, or at the very least could have been made about Osiris a few months ago.

Andrew: What did you think after the War declaration was repealed?

Funkadelia: I was relieved that finally the senseless aggresion was ending.

Andrew: Did you think to make any plans to reach out to Osiris and try to pursue peace?

Funkadelia: I did reach out to Osiris

We were in talks that were halted abruptly with Cormac’s resignation. That isn’t to say that they were going very quickly before that.

Andrew: You said that the talks werent going very quickly. Do you think that this was because the Cormac Administration was alittle hesitant or that your Administration weren’t giving their all for peace?

Funkadelia: I can’t really say what the cause was. It was just generally slow.

Andrew: What is your opinion of the Cormac Administration?

Funkadelia: It wasn’t good. I think it was ineffectual and the war made Osiris look like a joke.

Andrew: How was it ineffectual? What things did it do wrong, except the war, and what should it have done?

Funkadelia: I don’t think it did any major wrongs other than the war . I just think in general it didn’t do much. But, Obviously I’m not a citizen there so I can’t exactly give a sort of expert opinion. I could be wrong for all I know

Andrew: After Cormac’s resignation would you say you felt alittle bit relieved?

Funkadelia: Not really. Treize Dreizehn was also a sabre rattler, so I was unsure the direction Osiris would take in the war.

Andrew: What do you hope for the future of Lazarus/Osiris Relations?

Funkadelia: I hope that eventually they can repair relations. Lazarus and Osiris re both sinkers, and for that reason alone they have a mutual interest in keeping their relations active. We’ll have to see where Stujenske and Joshua take things.

Andrew: Well Thank You for giving us your time, it has been a pleasure. Good Day :slight_smile:

— End quote


The Dead Administration and Upcoming Elections

Empty Hedjet Room

On October 4th, Joshua Bluteisen was elected Pharaoh of Osiris, after Cormac’s immediate resignation. Following the repeal of the war declaration, on the 12th of October, Joshua’s Cabinet was confirmed by the Deshret. Joshua Bluteisen was elected Pharaoh on the high expectation of reconciliating with Lazarus, the rebuild of Osiris’s Foreign Policy and the restoration of Osiris to its former glory.

This backfired. Facing mounting responsibilities in real life, Joshua was unable to effectively lead his administration. After several weeks of being dormant, activity dwindled as less people logged onto the forum or participated in RMB discussion. Eventually, only several individuals remained active on either forums or RMB.

As a sidetrack to Osiris, several notable individuals including Treize Dreizehn, surprised the region as they resigned all their position in Osiris including their citizenship. Having served as Vizer (Vice Delegate) of Osiris for two consectuive terms, Trieze was praised for his long service to Osiris and wished well in future endeavors. But all these exits only worsened the condition in Osiris as activity continued to drop.

Several critics have criticized the Joshua Administration, blaming it for its inactivity and the decline of Osiris. But most say that the collective region is to blame for its own downfall and that ‘activity can not be created by only one individual’ and that 'its a team effort ’ There have been attempts to call the removal of Joshua as Pharaoh, but all too late as the legally required time period would have lead up to scheduled Pharaoh Elections, making it pointless to remove him from office. Despite his administrations inactivity, Joshua Bluteisen will serve a full term.

An Interview with Joshua Bluteisen

Osiris Oracle interviews Joshua Bluteisen, on his thoughts of how successful his administration has been so far.
Interviewed by Osiran Reporter and Chief Editor, Andrew

— Begin quote from ____

Andrew: You were elected to office with high expectations, do you think you have reached them?

Joshua: Nope.

Andrew: Please do expand more, I would like wordy answers :stuck_out_tongue:

Joshua: Due to a multitude of factors, primarily relating to IRL shit, I couldnt maintain the activity levels I wanted – or ensure that my cabinet did the same.

Andrew: But haven’t you considered removing several Scribe from their posts for inactivity?

Joshua: When you cant find adequate replacements, its hard to replace somebody.

Andrew: I see. Talking about Scribes, you brought in your friend, Romic, to serve as Scribe of Justice. Do you think that was a mistake, considering his inactivity?

Joshua: Given he disappeared and his nation ceased to exist, yes, thats a fuck up on my part.

Andrew: So, do you believe you are solely responsible for Osiris’s inactivity and that you have failed as Pharaoh?

Joshua: Loaded question much? I am responsible for my cabinet and acknowledge that this is a failed term, yes, but my primary concern at the moment is ensuring the delegacy remains secure.

Andrew: Well as a member of the Hedjet I will say that you alone havent ‘failed’ Osiris. The collective Hedjet has failed

Dont be too hard on yourself

Joshua: Osiris is my home on NS and that isnt going to change after the next election (or recall, or whatever) – but I do acknowledge my fuck ups, and itd be idiotic not to.

I am ultimately responsible for my cabinet.

Andrew: What do you think has been the biggest issue for your administration. Yes, there is the activity, but more specific. The Legion, Foreign Affairs, Culture? etc…

Joshua: Stagnation on all fronts.

Andrew: But have you given any effort or delegate tasks to the appropriate Scribes? Or has really life been to much to do such?

Joshua: The lack of direction for each scribe lies on me and me only. Thats just a fact.

Andrew: Part of your campaign, during elections, was to hold peace talks with Lazarus and start repairing broken relations. How has that gone on?

Joshua: Ending the war was the primary goal; Treize accomplished that during the election.

We currently have no relations with the PRL; we never got around to reaching out to them.

Andrew: Did you not think of advancing it further? Ending a war is one thing, “building and repairing what we’ve lost” is another?

Joshua: Of the regions that we pissed off, the only one we managed to regain neutrality with was Ainur.

Andrew:So what would you advise the next administration, regarding the repair of our foreign relations?

Joshua: I would recommend focusing on Spiritus. Solid, active region.

Being active would probably help too.

Andrew: :stuck_out_tongue:

Will you be seeking re-election? If not, what will you do

Joshua: Nope. Plan to continue doing whatever I do on NS here – be it raiding with the legion or just spamming the IRC. If the Legion dies, Ill go fenda for lulz.

Andrew: What about being Guardian of the Atef? the region needs you now more than ever. Would you really leave to raid?

Joshua: If they want me on the Atef still, it’d be best for me to drop WA then re-tart to cap due to the ~30 extra endorsements. I plan to do whatever the region asks of me. If they need a body for raiding, or an influence sink, Im there.

Andrew: Please stay :frowning:

Joshua:separate from the interview, but I don’t do that whole I AM SHAMED AND MUST LEAVE THIS REGION bullshit.

It’s a community that I’m part of. Sometimes people fuck up, sometimes people don’t work out for governmental positions. It doesn’t mean that they have to leave the region.

Andrew: :slight_smile:

During the War, did you believe Osiris could really overthrow PRL, regarding that you supported it?

Joshua: We never had the capability to gain their delegacy. We all knew this.

Andrew: So why support?

Joshua: It was supposed to give a definable gameplay goal and increase activity. Give us something of a goal and gameplay direction.

We handled it poorly, but it wasn’t a terrible idea.

Andrew: Why wasnt it?

Joshua: Because had we not handled it like idiots, it would have been a fun side project for the Legion and a way to increase activity via proxy wars over founderless regions. We failed on that front, but it could have worked had we handled it correctly.

Andrew: Did you not think of the dire implications, even though it may have generated activity

Joshua: the FRA never was, or ever will be, a threat to the delegacy.

Andrew: ok. But I was talking in regards to Osiris’ foreign policy :stuck_out_tongue:

Joshua: The lazarus war in and of itself didn’t hurt osiran foreign policy .Certain actions taken during and before it did.

Andrew: Ok. Thank you very much for your time Mr. Pharaoh, it has been a pleasure

— End quote


Keeper Elections and Upcoming Pharaoh Elections


Now for some more recent news, Elections have concluded for the Keeper of Deshret in Osiris. Standing for Keeper was former Pharaoh Cormac Stark, current Scribe of Military Affairs Vaculatestar , and Rising Councillor Ainocra. Given his platform and expertise around Osiris, Cormac seemed favored to win. Cormac’s platform focused on the re-examination of the existent legislation and of Osiris’ judicial system.

In Cormac words:

— Begin quote from ____

Due to the non-existence of crime in the Osiris Fraternal Order for more than a year, I would like to re-examine our judicial system and the necessity of having three people as permanent judges unable to serve in other capacities.

— End quote

Cormac explained his willingness to discuss the exploration of different judicial systems, stating a system similar to the Balder judicial system ,of having an arbitration process that is only activated on an as-needed basis, as a possible alternative for Osiris but making it known he would support whatever the majority of the Deshret supported.

But he surprisingly withdrew from the race, leaving Vac and Ainocra left in the running for Keeper. To others however it seemed as a hint of Cormac’s intentions to run in the upcoming Pharaoh Elections, to which Cormac denied wanting to run. After leaving the race, it was then suspected Vaculatestar would be victorious given his experience as Keeper but was eventually defeated with 8 of the 14 votes cast for Ainocra.

As soon as the result were tallied, and he declared the new Keeper, Ainocra immediately went about appointing Vaculatestar as Curator of the Deshret and setting out his plans as Keeper.

With one election down and one more to go, the question on Osiris’s mind is: who will be the next Pharaoh of Osiris and how will they restore Osiris from its decline?


Merry Christmas!



written by Andrew

Thanks for the update :slight_smile:

Merry Christmas to Osi.