(This joint rp between me and Cowlass)
1st December 2024
Mainland Norgsveldet; two hours drive outside of Stor Osfjord
A good distance far away from the sleepless city of the Norgsveltian capital, deep within what little wilderness there is left in the mainland of the country’s interior. Just past the tree line and off the highway, rather strict by even the most religious of Akuan standards was a small series of communes. They were dedicated to the old form of Akuanism, one that existed before the unification of Norgsveldet that kept to themselves by the base of the mountains.
Some would say the Norgsveltians forgot about them, but rather it was by rather vocal refusal to be modernized along with the rest of their Akuan kin and the nation. They restricted use of electricity, saving it for only emergencies and key services. Not to say they were completely backwards, rather they were keen on what can or cannot be used. As the future prime minister’s car pulled forward into a parking spot just outside of a particular walled commune. Looking outside of his window, he saw the magnific stone curved arch obsessively detailed along the pillars with lines of colored rope in knots going around it.
The walls of the commune were far too high for him to look over, bringing on a sense of curiosity. It is not everyday one could visit one of these sorts of communes, mostly because of the lack of advertising and absolutely terrible cellar service. The old human’s eyes spotted his future minister, standing next to the archway’s pillar dressed in something that crawled out of a photograph from a museum.
The soon to be Norgsveldet’s new prime minister stepped out of the car with a warm smile on his face, the middle aged man adjusting his glasses as he gave a wave to the surprisingly tall kemonomimi waiting for him. “Mr. Ny’kken, hope my visit won’t be too much of a bother.” He spoke in a warm fatherly tone, with him wearing a typical black and white suit. Though with him leaving his jacket in his car, with his dark blue tie contrasting nicely to his white shirt. With only other pair accessories being his silver Witcain wrist watch and the silver mjølnir necklace that was hanging around his neck. “It will only be a short one as well I promise.” He gave an apologetic look as he walked up to his colleague.
“Nonsense, you drove all this way here. You must stay the night.” The tall kitsune gave a warm smile, clapping his hands together. “Before you enter, would you be so kind as to leave any of your electronics in the car? If you’re worried about missing a call, I can have someone hold onto it.” As typical with Akuanists, giving a warm welcome with a bright smile. “I spoke with the elders and the brewmasters, you’re more than welcomed in.”
Varg gave a nod at that as he took out his phone from his pocket, placing it quickly inside his car before once more walking towards the kitsune. “Well as much as I’d love to stay I did promise my wife to come back home to Wergby to help with some Yule decorations. We just entered December and she already wants to immediately get at it.” He said with a small chuckle as followed the kitsune into the little commune. “Though with me now having far more work to do this month, I guess I can’t blame her for wanting to ensure this Yule stays magical for our grandchildren.”
“I’m sorry to mention this, and it’s no fault of your own but you know how in some Akuan shrines you are not allowed to mention or think of other spirits less the shrine spirits get jealous?” Bergiz gave an awkward tone. “Think of that for all of our commune, it’s best to… work around bringing up such holidays.” He gave a scratch to the back of his head, as they walked along the cobblestone path. The future Prime Minister is eyeing various thatch and wooden buildings of various sizes little aways from the main path. The kitsune takes a moment to stop three small fountains of water. Using the first to wash his hands and feet with a ladle, the other to wash his face and the final one not to mention the smallest. To take a small cup from a shelf nearby to rinse his mouth out before spitting the water into a nearby drain.
Varg gave a small nod at his collegue’s comment, being quick to tuck his necklace under his shirt to hide the religious symbol. Not something he personally was too happy about having to do, but tried to be understanding to people living here. After which he followed the kitsune doing the same process as he was doing. “Since our next meeting with Mrs. Sannadatur is in less than a week, to finalize more finer details of our government. It is likely to be wise to discuss how you want us to accommodate your more… traditionalist lifestyle, while being a government figure.” He glanced over towards the kitsune as he walked alongside him.
“That is… Most fair.” They turned on the path, going underneath another arch to a section of the commune with several houses. “I have spoken with the elder council and bre-” A small kitsune child ran into his leg nearly tripping him over. The middle aged (for a Kemonomimi) man only smiled, lifting up the small child and carrying them. “Sorry about my nephew, he can be quite energetic during this time of year.” The small child reached out for a hug that Bergiz easily accepted. “Alright now run now, uncle has work to do.” He sat the child down before they ran off to climb a tree or whatever children do around here.
Varg just let out a small chuckle at seeing the interaction. “It’s quite alright, reminds me of my grandsons, always filled with energy! Wanted me to play football with them, and go- Spirits I was so tired by the end of it.” He caught himself from mentioning his own gods as he spoke. Shaking his head side to side, smiling as he looked over at the tree the children were climbing at before looking back at Bergiz. “But yes. While we will naturally try to accommodate, I hope there is an understanding that there are some limits to how far we can do so.”
“Spirits around us, they’re going to end up destroying that tree if they all try to climb on it all at once.” He gave a soft yet warm smile before turning to face Varg. “I perfectly understand, as I said earlier. I have come to an understanding with my elders and brewmasters of our community. Part of which, thankfully, is my direct family. My wife and my youngest children will be moving closer to Stor Osfjord, on the outskirts still but a four hour commute to work certainly will be a six hour one. My commune is paying for the housing, and the elders will be giving their final inspection before the government is finalized. I am still required not to keep electronics on my person, however my party will be providing me with an assistant for such needs, like a cell phone.”
An audible sigh of relief could be heard from the future prime minister who gave a respectful nod at that, keeping a warm smile. “Good to hear. I’m certain it’s gonna be a bit tiresome for you to keep going back and forth. If it makes you feel better it beats having to take a plane trip.” He gave a small smile wanting to lighten the mood somewhat. “Though do be ready to deal with hearing more complaints from the PWP, I’m certain we will hear them rather loudly in the parliament when we get started.”
“Provided the plane is powered by a propeller and is not a jet.” Bergiz gave a serious expression. “As for the drive, well at least I have an exception for an electric car. Spirits knows what sort of drama the PWP would produce if I arrived in a horse and buggy.” The kitsune cracked a smile. “To be clear though, that was a joke. We do have cars here, we just park them outside.” He’s not sure why he needed to state that but it felt like an important enough point to state. “We also have washing machines. I heard from one of my assistants at my party that the PWP was printing libel that we don’t have running water.” He gave a shake of his head in some small annoyance.
“At the very least they are more well behaved in parliament, so neither of us have to worry about water getting thrown into our faces.” Varg let out a small chuckle while shaking his head as well. “My wife was absolutely enraged after that debate, called me right up to check with me before threatening to take soonest flight to Osfjord to have a word with Mrs. Cirivele. Took a lot to calm her down to ensure I was fine.”
“Tensions were quite hot during that debate, my wife didn’t believe me when I told her what happened. Though I’m sure your wife would have more than a word to say to that racist.” The kitsune gave a small laugh, covering his mouth as he did so. “Somewhat related to our discussion earlier, and this is unfortunately a sticking point. I will have to have any and all electronic mail printed out for me. Not that I can’t use a computer, I just can’t use that thing on a computer. NCIS will need to be aware.”
For a moment Varg was about to make a joke about not needing to be concerned about his colleague’s account getting hacked. Only to realize that he wouldn’t know what the word hacked would even mean. “Shall be done, just be ready to deal with a lot of paperwork then.” He said with a small chuckle. “I think a lot of foreign newspapers will be confused to find out that the people in our cabinet who are the worst with technology are not our century old elven colleague but rather a young lad like you.” He gave Bergiz a small pat on the back saying that.
“Oh I’m not a stranger to paper-work if it brings a smile to your lips. I have you know that every post I ever put on that Pigeon website. I did so by hand-writing it and then having my assistants translate it onto a computer to post it.” Bergiz gave an awkward returning pat back to the human. “Our form of Akuanism tends to be quite… Litigious when it comes to dealing with manners of the Spirits. Matter of fact, you can’t be out of earshot to find a registered lawyer here.”
“I was a bit curious about how you had an account on that website to begin with. I guess it helps having a lot of lawyers around to figure out some unique ways to interact with that form of space.” Varg couldn’t help but let out another small chuckle before turning more relatively serious. “I’m glad that we are able to at least find some ways to accommodate you. But in a more different topic, yet important nonetheless. Mainly that I will reassure you that I will try to moderate Rosia as much as possible. I understand that she is gonna be… difficult to deal with, but we shall manage to restrain the worst parts of her party.”
“By difficult you mean she has a record of screaming at the top of her lungs how much she thinks Akuanist is a child of Loki and wants to steal elven women’s husbands away from them?” The kitsune raised an eyebrow.
Varg let out a heavy sigh shaking his head. “Trust me I realize I’ve made a deal with a woman that I have accused of having a draconic tongue. I physically feel a shiver on my back when I’m in the same room as her.” He couldn’t help but have his eyes narrow for a moment, not looking at anyone or anything specifically. Just an immediate expression he gets when Rosia was the topic at hand. Though he let out a sigh as he calmed down. “But. As long the choice is between her and Kirkeland’s authoritarian methods on pushing his abortion policies. It has to be her. Though I won’t let her get off the hook easily, that’s something I shall swear on.”
“I will keep you to it.” Bergiz gave a nod, before looking up towards the mountain. “Some days, I wonder if the Federation has a better political system. Not socialist mind you.” He turns his head to look back at Varg. “At least they are honest about their methods and don’t have the mentally ill in government.”
“Are you talking about Kirkeland or Rosia with that last comment?” Varg asked, raising an eyebrow towards the kitsune.
The future prime minister just let out a small laugh. “Well if we were in the Federation, they might have been part of an eugenic program.” He said in a half joking half serious tone. “Though I think that we have covered most topics. I should likely begin to make my way ho-” Small rumbling came from Varg’s stomach.
“That’s the sound of you staying for dinner, come. I won’t accept no for an answer.” The kitsune simply walked ahead along the path towards the largest house in the collection. The children were previously on the tree descending from it. At first the Varg thought it might have only been three or four kids on the tree. However they just kept climbing off the tree and ran towards the house. One after another, until it seemed like nearly two dozen children if not more left the tree to go to eat dinner.
“Spirits I hope they’re not all your children…” Varg muttered half jokingly towards Bergiz as his eyes followed each new child that ran inside the house, almost wondering if there was an end.
“Only five of them, the rest of my nieces and nephews. Everyone in the family eats dinner together.” The Kitsune was utterly unphased as the newest child ran up to him, waved hello and then looked at Varg, waved at him before promptly leaving them to go inside without saying a word.
Varg let out a small chuckle at that, shaking his head slightly in amusement as he entered the house as well to enjoy a nice warm dinner with his new colleague.