New Yule, New Face

(This joint rp between me and Cowlass)

1st December 2024
Mainland Norgsveldet; two hours drive outside of Stor Osfjord

A good distance far away from the sleepless city of the Norgsveltian capital, deep within what little wilderness there is left in the mainland of the country’s interior. Just past the tree line and off the highway, rather strict by even the most religious of Akuan standards was a small series of communes. They were dedicated to the old form of Akuanism, one that existed before the unification of Norgsveldet that kept to themselves by the base of the mountains.

Some would say the Norgsveltians forgot about them, but rather it was by rather vocal refusal to be modernized along with the rest of their Akuan kin and the nation. They restricted use of electricity, saving it for only emergencies and key services. Not to say they were completely backwards, rather they were keen on what can or cannot be used. As the future prime minister’s car pulled forward into a parking spot just outside of a particular walled commune. Looking outside of his window, he saw the magnific stone curved arch obsessively detailed along the pillars with lines of colored rope in knots going around it.

The walls of the commune were far too high for him to look over, bringing on a sense of curiosity. It is not everyday one could visit one of these sorts of communes, mostly because of the lack of advertising and absolutely terrible cellar service. The old human’s eyes spotted his future minister, standing next to the archway’s pillar dressed in something that crawled out of a photograph from a museum.

The soon to be Norgsveldet’s new prime minister stepped out of the car with a warm smile on his face, the middle aged man adjusting his glasses as he gave a wave to the surprisingly tall kemonomimi waiting for him. “Mr. Ny’kken, hope my visit won’t be too much of a bother.” He spoke in a warm fatherly tone, with him wearing a typical black and white suit. Though with him leaving his jacket in his car, with his dark blue tie contrasting nicely to his white shirt. With only other pair accessories being his silver Witcain wrist watch and the silver mjølnir necklace that was hanging around his neck. “It will only be a short one as well I promise.” He gave an apologetic look as he walked up to his colleague.

“Nonsense, you drove all this way here. You must stay the night.” The tall kitsune gave a warm smile, clapping his hands together. “Before you enter, would you be so kind as to leave any of your electronics in the car? If you’re worried about missing a call, I can have someone hold onto it.” As typical with Akuanists, giving a warm welcome with a bright smile. “I spoke with the elders and the brewmasters, you’re more than welcomed in.”

Varg gave a nod at that as he took out his phone from his pocket, placing it quickly inside his car before once more walking towards the kitsune. “Well as much as I’d love to stay I did promise my wife to come back home to Wergby to help with some Yule decorations. We just entered December and she already wants to immediately get at it.” He said with a small chuckle as followed the kitsune into the little commune. “Though with me now having far more work to do this month, I guess I can’t blame her for wanting to ensure this Yule stays magical for our grandchildren.”

“I’m sorry to mention this, and it’s no fault of your own but you know how in some Akuan shrines you are not allowed to mention or think of other spirits less the shrine spirits get jealous?” Bergiz gave an awkward tone. “Think of that for all of our commune, it’s best to… work around bringing up such holidays.” He gave a scratch to the back of his head, as they walked along the cobblestone path. The future Prime Minister is eyeing various thatch and wooden buildings of various sizes little aways from the main path. The kitsune takes a moment to stop three small fountains of water. Using the first to wash his hands and feet with a ladle, the other to wash his face and the final one not to mention the smallest. To take a small cup from a shelf nearby to rinse his mouth out before spitting the water into a nearby drain.

Varg gave a small nod at his collegue’s comment, being quick to tuck his necklace under his shirt to hide the religious symbol. Not something he personally was too happy about having to do, but tried to be understanding to people living here. After which he followed the kitsune doing the same process as he was doing. “Since our next meeting with Mrs. Sannadatur is in less than a week, to finalize more finer details of our government. It is likely to be wise to discuss how you want us to accommodate your more… traditionalist lifestyle, while being a government figure.” He glanced over towards the kitsune as he walked alongside him.

“That is… Most fair.” They turned on the path, going underneath another arch to a section of the commune with several houses. “I have spoken with the elder council and bre-” A small kitsune child ran into his leg nearly tripping him over. The middle aged (for a Kemonomimi) man only smiled, lifting up the small child and carrying them. “Sorry about my nephew, he can be quite energetic during this time of year.” The small child reached out for a hug that Bergiz easily accepted. “Alright now run now, uncle has work to do.” He sat the child down before they ran off to climb a tree or whatever children do around here.

Varg just let out a small chuckle at seeing the interaction. “It’s quite alright, reminds me of my grandsons, always filled with energy! Wanted me to play football with them, and go- Spirits I was so tired by the end of it.” He caught himself from mentioning his own gods as he spoke. Shaking his head side to side, smiling as he looked over at the tree the children were climbing at before looking back at Bergiz. “But yes. While we will naturally try to accommodate, I hope there is an understanding that there are some limits to how far we can do so.”

“Spirits around us, they’re going to end up destroying that tree if they all try to climb on it all at once.” He gave a soft yet warm smile before turning to face Varg. “I perfectly understand, as I said earlier. I have come to an understanding with my elders and brewmasters of our community. Part of which, thankfully, is my direct family. My wife and my youngest children will be moving closer to Stor Osfjord, on the outskirts still but a four hour commute to work certainly will be a six hour one. My commune is paying for the housing, and the elders will be giving their final inspection before the government is finalized. I am still required not to keep electronics on my person, however my party will be providing me with an assistant for such needs, like a cell phone.”

An audible sigh of relief could be heard from the future prime minister who gave a respectful nod at that, keeping a warm smile. “Good to hear. I’m certain it’s gonna be a bit tiresome for you to keep going back and forth. If it makes you feel better it beats having to take a plane trip.” He gave a small smile wanting to lighten the mood somewhat. “Though do be ready to deal with hearing more complaints from the PWP, I’m certain we will hear them rather loudly in the parliament when we get started.”

“Provided the plane is powered by a propeller and is not a jet.” Bergiz gave a serious expression. “As for the drive, well at least I have an exception for an electric car. Spirits knows what sort of drama the PWP would produce if I arrived in a horse and buggy.” The kitsune cracked a smile. “To be clear though, that was a joke. We do have cars here, we just park them outside.” He’s not sure why he needed to state that but it felt like an important enough point to state. “We also have washing machines. I heard from one of my assistants at my party that the PWP was printing libel that we don’t have running water.” He gave a shake of his head in some small annoyance.

“At the very least they are more well behaved in parliament, so neither of us have to worry about water getting thrown into our faces.” Varg let out a small chuckle while shaking his head as well. “My wife was absolutely enraged after that debate, called me right up to check with me before threatening to take soonest flight to Osfjord to have a word with Mrs. Cirivele. Took a lot to calm her down to ensure I was fine.”

“Tensions were quite hot during that debate, my wife didn’t believe me when I told her what happened. Though I’m sure your wife would have more than a word to say to that racist.” The kitsune gave a small laugh, covering his mouth as he did so. “Somewhat related to our discussion earlier, and this is unfortunately a sticking point. I will have to have any and all electronic mail printed out for me. Not that I can’t use a computer, I just can’t use that thing on a computer. NCIS will need to be aware.”

For a moment Varg was about to make a joke about not needing to be concerned about his colleague’s account getting hacked. Only to realize that he wouldn’t know what the word hacked would even mean. “Shall be done, just be ready to deal with a lot of paperwork then.” He said with a small chuckle. “I think a lot of foreign newspapers will be confused to find out that the people in our cabinet who are the worst with technology are not our century old elven colleague but rather a young lad like you.” He gave Bergiz a small pat on the back saying that.

“Oh I’m not a stranger to paper-work if it brings a smile to your lips. I have you know that every post I ever put on that Pigeon website. I did so by hand-writing it and then having my assistants translate it onto a computer to post it.” Bergiz gave an awkward returning pat back to the human. “Our form of Akuanism tends to be quite… Litigious when it comes to dealing with manners of the Spirits. Matter of fact, you can’t be out of earshot to find a registered lawyer here.”

“I was a bit curious about how you had an account on that website to begin with. I guess it helps having a lot of lawyers around to figure out some unique ways to interact with that form of space.” Varg couldn’t help but let out another small chuckle before turning more relatively serious. “I’m glad that we are able to at least find some ways to accommodate you. But in a more different topic, yet important nonetheless. Mainly that I will reassure you that I will try to moderate Rosia as much as possible. I understand that she is gonna be… difficult to deal with, but we shall manage to restrain the worst parts of her party.”

“By difficult you mean she has a record of screaming at the top of her lungs how much she thinks Akuanist is a child of Loki and wants to steal elven women’s husbands away from them?” The kitsune raised an eyebrow.

Varg let out a heavy sigh shaking his head. “Trust me I realize I’ve made a deal with a woman that I have accused of having a draconic tongue. I physically feel a shiver on my back when I’m in the same room as her.” He couldn’t help but have his eyes narrow for a moment, not looking at anyone or anything specifically. Just an immediate expression he gets when Rosia was the topic at hand. Though he let out a sigh as he calmed down. “But. As long the choice is between her and Kirkeland’s authoritarian methods on pushing his abortion policies. It has to be her. Though I won’t let her get off the hook easily, that’s something I shall swear on.”

“I will keep you to it.” Bergiz gave a nod, before looking up towards the mountain. “Some days, I wonder if the Federation has a better political system. Not socialist mind you.” He turns his head to look back at Varg. “At least they are honest about their methods and don’t have the mentally ill in government.”

“Are you talking about Kirkeland or Rosia with that last comment?” Varg asked, raising an eyebrow towards the kitsune.


The future prime minister just let out a small laugh. “Well if we were in the Federation, they might have been part of an eugenic program.” He said in a half joking half serious tone. “Though I think that we have covered most topics. I should likely begin to make my way ho-” Small rumbling came from Varg’s stomach.

“That’s the sound of you staying for dinner, come. I won’t accept no for an answer.” The kitsune simply walked ahead along the path towards the largest house in the collection. The children were previously on the tree descending from it. At first the Varg thought it might have only been three or four kids on the tree. However they just kept climbing off the tree and ran towards the house. One after another, until it seemed like nearly two dozen children if not more left the tree to go to eat dinner.

“Spirits I hope they’re not all your children…” Varg muttered half jokingly towards Bergiz as his eyes followed each new child that ran inside the house, almost wondering if there was an end.

“Only five of them, the rest of my nieces and nephews. Everyone in the family eats dinner together.” The Kitsune was utterly unphased as the newest child ran up to him, waved hello and then looked at Varg, waved at him before promptly leaving them to go inside without saying a word.

Varg let out a small chuckle at that, shaking his head slightly in amusement as he entered the house as well to enjoy a nice warm dinner with his new colleague.

3rd December, 2024
Wergby, Nyveldet

The Wergisk Sjødal was perhaps one of the most expensive restaurants that the elven woman could have picked. Though it was also one she had been to before and had rather fond memories of. Even if a small frown would come to her lips when thoughts about the reality of how things were currently. Like the restaurant in question she was dressed in an overly expensive outfit. Black dress that hugged her body, one that was similar to the design of the dress that the Queen had popularised. With her wearing a gold necklace with the Mjølnir symbol at the end of it, being in contrast to her dress. Her long red hanging off her shoulders. She grabbed her wine glass that was filled with white wine taking a small sip from it as her blue eyes glanced around the restaurant. Her eyes landed on an elven man that was playing on a golden piano. And for a moment she couldn’t help but be completely lost in thought as the music filled her ears. So much so that she did not even notice when her table was joined by the very one she was waiting for. At least not until she heard her name being called.

“Ah, Mrs. Sannadatur!” A short, even by kemonomimi standards approached her. Pulling the chair out and almost adorably struggling to climb onto the chair. After a few painful moments for him, finally sitting upright on the chair. It appears the restaurant has rather exclusive clients they prefer. Namely elves given how tall everything is here. Regardless, the well dressed man gave a warm smile across the table. “My apologies for my tardiness, I had to make a quick stop at the office.”

Rosia couldn’t help but smile slightly amused as the short bunny kemonomimi struggled to get into his seat. “Leif you do not need to be so formal with me. We certainly passed that stage at least.” She chuckled in a low tone as she put down her glass. Trying to shake away her earlier thoughts. “Your tardiness is forgiven, I was lost in thought anyways.”

He looked towards the wine bottle left on the table, particularly in the middle of the table. Being a little far for him to just reach over and grab it to pour his own wine into as such. At least in a way to make it awkward. The elven woman across from him had a small smile as she pushed the bottle towards him. “Thank you.” He picked up the bottle, pouring it in the upright and proper way into his own glass. “I’m not quite used to Osfjordian… Furniture, let’s say.” He cracked a smile, looking up towards the redheaded minister.

“You should be careful with saying that. Other Nyveldians will feel rather offended that you compared us with the Osfjordians.” She joked slightly as she turned the page of her menu, eyes glancing over the options. “Though glad you could come here to celebrate my election victory, I know you were rather busy in November to be part of the immediate celebrations. But one can always have a personal one, no?” She raised her glass up for a toast.

The businessmimi raised his glass up. “Here’s to your single handed victory in the elections.” The quick look at Rosia’s face quickly changed his teasing attitude back to a more well behaved one. After an awkward cough, he took a sip of his wine. “So, how is the family? Is Ny’Ros doing well?”

Small chuckle left her lips before taking a small sip from her glass. “He is doing well, he is following his studies well. He can be a bit clingy towards me, but that was to be expected. Took him to an amusement park last week to spend a bit more time together before I am likely to be too busy to do so.” She took a moment to look away as a small sigh left her as well. Almost looking to be lost in thought before speaking up. “He also has been asking about you a lot.”

“Well in a surprise turn of events, I been actually busy at work instead of cutting ribbons. However, that soon changed after the operation ‘keep the poor’ away took place. I will be permanently moving to Nyveldet as well, so I can always be around for him.” He gave a warm look towards that, “I hope Ragnar and Erik haven’t been behaving too poorly to you about well… You know.”

Rosia rolled her eyes as she shook her head in small amusement as she looked back down towards the short kemonomimi small smile seeing the small twitch his bunny ears gave. “It was to be expected that they would have a rather negative reaction. It is a sudden change for them, and it’s not like I wasn’t expecting people to be rather shocked that I adopted Ny’Ros.” She put down her glass. “All in all, they were at least a bit more positive minded after the election. Though Erik was rather surprised when he heard the fact that you gave more to our campaign than he did.”

“I would be lying if I didn’t look how much he gave so I could out-fund him.” He sipped his wine, before placing it down. “I also would be lying if I didn’t give you more money than him because that annoyance he would feel would be worth every krone.” He kept his warm smile looking up at her. “I’m thinking tomorrow, Ny’Ros, you and I can go visit the Gravbringer’s treasure trove at one of the malls. Then maybe next year, we can go to Vakrestrender for Yule.”

Rosia gave a slightly surprised look towards Leif, her eyes blinking for a few moments before she let out a small genuine chuckle. “My, well aren’t you a cheeky one?” She couldn’t help but place a hand over lips as she muffled her chuckle. “I think that would be lovely. He will certainly be ecstatic.”

“I can’t wait to see his face on Yule, hopefully Fluffy doesn’t get hold of his present first. Spirits know getting a stuffed bear of that size was no small feat.” Leif gave a warm tone, looking through the menu despite already knowing what he was going to order. “I also got presents for rest of the children though I think Ragnar and Erik might be a bit miffed at it.”

“At least Erika doesn’t mind you too much. Though in fairness she placed her anger more towards me than you. Which, well, I’m not surprised too much about that. She always was a daddy’s girl.” She rolled her eyes as she thought about her daughter, their relationship was always a shaky one. After finally deciding what to order she waved for a waitress to come to their table.

“Most good, because I have to say it is very awkward trying to buy gifts for everyone when most of them don’t know you exist because the other ones are trying their best to ignore your existence.” Leif closed the menu, waiting for the waitress to arrive. “Still cheaper than buying gifts for everyone in my family, much less people there.” He gave a small laugh.

“Your family is likely still expecting you to expand the family tree even larger than it already is.” Rosia said with another chuckle leaving her, shaking her head in amusement of the large kemonomimi family stereotype. Or rather truth since she yet to meet one that didn’t have a massive family. The waitress quickly took their orders before walking away.

“Wow, a bit of a stereotype huh?” He gave a cheeky smirk, lifting up his glass and bringing it to his lips. “I have you know it’s only partly true. Though we Valkyr are quite more reserved than our other kin when it comes to it if you disregard the whole of our media.”

“Oh I’m certain about that. In Vakrestrender it is only five kids to be expected instead of the average ten for your kin.” Rosia taunted as she gave a small smirk as grabbed the wine bottle and poured herself another glass.

“How dare you, it’s three to five.” The Valkyr gave a small laugh sipping the glass still on his first one. “Besides that’s a tall order from you, wasn’t your family originally Hjørdists? I certainly remember a few passages from their doctrine encouraging having as many children as possible up to nine.”

“Yes, my grandmother on my father’s side was an Hjørdist. Happens when Norgsveltian noblemen get in contact with Lapérousian settlers.” She gave a small chuckle at that. She took a small sip from her glass as she took a moment to give a curious glance towards the short kemonomimi. “I still have a few decades on me.” She said in a small taunting tone.

“If you mean get into contact you mean beaten into submission.” He gave a joking tone, before his ears started to twitch. Giving away his true feelings. “Well, are you a bit of a flirtatious minister.” He coughed, being unprepared for her comment with his cheeks being flushed. “I’m sure we can come to an arrangement, yes… Quite an arrangement.”

A long laugh soon followed the red haired elf as she placed a hand over her lips to muffle her laughter as she looked down at him. “Gods, you are one very adorable bunny.” She couldn’t help but shake her head in amusement as she raised her wine glass once more. “For our mutually beneficial partnership.”

He lifted up his own glass, having to stretch upwards to match the height. “To our mutually beneficial partnership and growing relationship.” The kemonomimi added on, simply ignoring the moderately speciest comment. Thinking clearly never being his strong suit in the first place.

7th December, 2024
Elkby Hotel, Norgsveldet. Two hours drive from Osfjord

“Seems like we finally come to an agreement then.” Varg spoke up as he stood up from his seat, looking over at the table towards everyone that had gathered there. The meeting room has a large U shaped table with several of the most high ranking members of the Religious Bloc and NCP being present. With Varg sitting in the middle of it, facing toward the large window that covered most of the wall. The entire room is brightly lit. Varg was wearing a gray dress vest, white shirt and dark blue dress jacket. His silver necklace with Mjølnir on it hanging off from his neck.

“Took a while but my party is happy with the arrangement.” Rosia was next to speak as she also stood up from her chair. The red haired elven woman was wearing pair black designer pants made from her son’s fashion company, with white top as a contrast. With her wearing a necklace similar to the UD leader but made purely out of gold. “I look forward to working together with you, Mr. Prime Minister.” She said as she walked over towards Varg, a small smile on her lips as she reached out to shake his hands.

“Likewise, finance minister.” Varg tried to keep his own smile up as he shook her hand firmly. Bit of exhaustion in his eyes for how long the negotiations have been taking place. Though he had a more genuine warmer smile as he turned towards the AIP leader.

The AIP dressed in what could only be described as an outfit belonging more in a museum rather than a political meeting gave a respectful bow towards him. The woven cloth of his long robes is loose enough so he won’t feel too warm at least. Though his rope belt, with its several knots going around was something to raise a few eyebrows at. “It is an honor to the spirits of the mountains to be working with all of you.” He gave an upbeat, respectful tone despite having to be near the redhead demon. He turned to give one towards her soon after.

Varg gave a respectful bow of his own towards him, placing a hand over his heart as he did so. “Likewise, Mr. Bergiz. I’m thankful for you and your party’s cooperation, I know I can trust you on ensuring what’s best for children and families for our entire nation.” His voice was warm as he spoke.

Rosia did not say anything specifically as she bowed her head respectfully towards the kemonomimi minister. Keeping her polite yet fake smile as she did so. Once she straightened her back she gestured to the rest of her party colleagues to begin packing up. “I think we have a press conference to attend, no? The press is all waiting at the hotel’s entrance.” She said as she picked up her bag swinging it over her shoulder.

“Ah cameras, thankfully my sect doesn’t believe that they steal souls.” The kemonomimi gave a small polite laugh, trying to at some degree ease tensions in the room. “I think the first order of business when I take over the ministry is to ban all violent video games.” The kemonomimi kept his lips straight and narrow. Suppressing his need to laugh at such a foolish thing.

“I don’t necessarily think that’s too bad of an idea.” Could be heard by one of the FP’s party officials muttering as they walked out of the room together with other members in the room.

“Well, I’ll see you two outside.” Rosia said in a stoic tone as she bowed her head respectfully towards both of them before also leaving the room. Varg meanwhile just shook his head in amusement though before the UD leader could speak up somebody else did instead.

“Mr. Varg, may I have a word in private?” The NCP leader, John W. Vultz, looked up from his seat and towards Varg cleaning his own pair of glasses. The old human wearing a thick gray sweater, having a fatherly smile. Vultz would have been the eldest in the room if not for the existence of Rosia. Age clearly taken tool of the party leader who’d just had its worst ever result in history.

Varg couldn’t help but be a bit suspicious of Vultz’s intentions but gave a nod at that. “I hope you don’t mind waiting on me with Rosia.” He looked towards Bergiz giving a bit of an apologetic look while also smiling to keep the mood light.

“That’s quite alright, I meet you outside Mr. Varg. Just be careful not to get involved in a bribery plot.” Bergiz shot a look towards Vultz before walking out of the room. Holding his hands behind his back as an assistant opened the door for him.

Vultz let out a heavy sigh at thar rubbing the bridge of his nose as he leaned into his chair. “We never gonna hear the end of that.” He muttered in a half annoyed tone as he shook his head.

“Sverdrup did commit treason, Mr. Vultz. Got away with it too, mind you. And questioned the king’s authority.” Varg said in a cold tone as he sat across from the older man. The two men were completely alone in the room. “Now I’m assuming this beyond parliamentary concerns since you wish to converse in complete privacy.”

“Well unless you wanna arrest the new Valkyr PM, I think all have to accept that she will remain free.” Vultz took a moment to grab a glass he had nearby, taking a sip of it and finishing what was left of his water. “This is more just advice from one former foreign minister to another.”

Varg held his tongue on the older man’s previous comment instead simply giving him a curious look as he waited for him to give his advice.

“I’ve served as Foreign Minister for several previous administrations now, lad. Let me be clear, you’re gonna end up in another Cold War, so prepare for that. And you’re gonna need the Federation’s help in that.” Vultz gave a serious look towards the UD leader. “I know that several in your new administration are gonna dislike them, but trust me. Ignore their concerns.”

“I’m not exactly a warhawk, Mr. Vultz. I do not share the same view of foreign policy as your party has, especially with Sverdrup’s legacy still around.” Varg crossed his arms, their gaze matching in intensity.

“Then become one. Johanna is many things, but trust me when I say you may have to learn from her on foreign policy. She was able to hold Pierre back, remember that.” With that Vultz stood up from his chair, grabbing his own briefcase. “May you have luck balancing diplomacy, Mr. Varg. You’re gonna need it.”

“I’ll keep it in mind.” Varg said with a sigh as he took off his own glasses, as the NCP leader left the room leaving him there alone. Staying there for a moment before standing up. “Gods the Federation gonna be a pain…”

10th December, 2024
Osfjord, Norgsveldet

Olav was dressed in his black royal uniform with dark purple highlights, several medals across his chest. Some he actually earned during his time in the navy, which as a result he always ensured were most noticeable ones, while the others he has gotten purely from his station. His thick red beard was well groomed, and his hair was slimmed back. As was typical for high formal meetings between Crown and State. He was standing in front of a long wooden table next to his wife as the two waited for the cabinet to enter. Though he couldn’t help but glance down towards his wife, seeing how much she was smiling. “You seem rather happy, care to explain why?” He knew why of course, Kirkeland and his cabinet just a few hours earlier handed over their resignation.

“Ding dong the Barnespiser is gone.” Wilhelmina gave a warm, near sing-song tone. “It’s a shame I can’t give the full version of that rhyme, it doesn’t translate well in Norgsveltian… That and your silly rule about using colorful language about that crib robber.” She wore a simple black dress to match her husband. Lacking the medals her husband has yet felt bit homely and comforting. Her hair braided in the typical Akuan fashion to go along down her back.

The king had to fight the smile that was threatening to form, finding her response amusing but didn’t want to go against formality as he kept a stoic face. “Dear we do not speak about our former prime ministers like that. We have to be respectful of those who served our country.” He spoke in a calm tone, his hands behind his back as he watched the door.

“Swing, low, swing high sweet liberty.” She began to softly sing another old Nystatinne song. One it is in the best interest for Olav to pretend not to know the context of, it being a Nystatinne song was probably enough to warrant a ban to have in front of the cameras let alone their children.

The king let out a small sigh as he let the smile form for just a moment before the door opened in which he was quick to have a more stoic but polite smile as he straightened his back. As his cabinet entered, a mixture of human, elf and kemonomimi members. All dressed in formal outfits or religious ones, with the king’s new prime minister. Varg stepped in place, dressed in a typical expensive black and white suit with a dark blue tie. The tie had a pin of his Party’s logo of a dove and Crown.

“It is a pleasure meeting you, your Majesty.” Varg spoke in a deeply respectful tone as he reached out to the king, shaking his hand firmly as he bowed his head. “It’s a deep honor to serve the Crown.”

“It’s a pleasure meeting you as well, Mr. Varg. I trust that we will find steady and loyal leadership with you at the helm.” Olav spoke in a strong tone as he shook his hand but kept a smile on his face. Letting go of the new Prime Minister’s hand and stepping to the side to let him greet his wife.

“It’s a pleasure meeting you as well, your Majesty. My granddaughters look up to you.” Varg said in a kind tone as he looked down towards the short kemonomimi Queen, giving first a bow before reaching out to shake her hand.

She returned the bow before outstretching her hand to shake his. Having to reach up to-do so. The queen gave a warm smile, “I can only try my best to live up to their expectations.”

As Varg went to take his seat Rosia was next to walk up to the royal pair, her wearing black pencil skirt with matching dress jacket and brown top. With her party’s logo of a tree becoming a fist, the logo being a pin to the collar of her jacket. The king noticed very much how expensive the outfit was from the Nyveldian Eagle logo on them. The elven woman gave a deep bow towards the king before reaching out to shake his hand. “It is an honor to finally meet you, your Majesty. We all remain loyal and united behind the Crown.” She spoke in an respectful tone as well giving a smile towards the king who was only a bit taller than her despite her elven heritage.

“Pleasure meeting you as well, Mrs. Sannadatur.” Olav said, keeping his previous smile as he shook the rather controversial politician’s hand. Giving it a very firm handshake yet still acted polite before stepping once more to the side to let Rosia greet his wife.

“It’s a high honor meeting you as well, your majesty. You and your husband are an inspiration to all Norgsveltians.” Rosia said, giving a deep bow towards the much shorter kemonomimi Queen before doing the same as before as she shook her hand. Her smile seemed to brighten even more as pictures from the cameras were taken.

There was a brief moment where it was unclear if Wilhelmina would shake Rosia’s hand. Yet after a painstaking few seconds, she reached out and shook hers ‘forgetting’ to give a bow to the horrid woman.

Rosia, while noticing lack of verbal comment from the Queen, did not say anything further as she just gave another bow to the two of them ensuring it was captured by the media before walking towards her own seat, sitting from across Varg.

Olav gave a small glance towards his wife at that before turning his attention to some of the other cabinet members shaking their hand and bowing respectfully before eventually his new minister of children and family affairs stepped forward.

Bergiz gave a long, half body bow towards the king. While Varg wore a simple suit and Rosia was cosplaying as a fashion model with too much money. The humble kemonomimi wore a simple light grey tunic, with a belt made from rope with copper bells sewn into it. He wore a pair of wooden sandals and had a necklace made from wooden beads. As according to his sect laws, when meeting such a high ranking figure. He would be required to have his partner craft the outfit he would be wearing to greet them, at least for the first time thankfully. As he rose back up from his bow, his face held no shame in his simple outfit. Out stretching his hand towards the king with a warm, kind smile. “It is an honor to meet you in person, your holiness.” Making reference to Fylkir title rather than the Urthly one of birth.

While there were some raised eyebrows at the comment, with immediately some pictures taken the king simply kept his own warm smile, one that even was a bit more genuine as he bowed his head before giving his new minister a firm handshake. “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Ny’kken. May the change of work environment not be too overwhelming.” He said in a slight joking tone before letting go of the kemonomimi’s hand and stepping to the side once more.

Wilhelmina was next, bowing her head down at the same time he did. Raising in unison as she spoke up first with a warm look. “Pleasure to meet you Mr. Ny’kken.” She reached out her hand to shake his. The newly minted minister stepped aside to allow the others to go ahead.

Soon enough the royal pair greeted each minister personally before all sat down on the long table. With the king and queen sitting on golden painted chairs with dark purple cushions at the front of the table from across to each other. On which on the king’s right sat Bjørn Varg the country’s new prime minister, while on the queen’s left sat Rosia Sannadatur as the country’s new finance minister. Meanwhile Bergiz Ny’kken the nation’s new minister of children and family affairs sat on more further end. With them and rest of the cabinet leaning over looking towards the press as they took a picture of once more a new Norgsveltian government.


Hours later

After official approval of the Crown to his new government Varg found himself at his new office, immediately getting to work. Though in this case meant talking with world leaders calling to congratulate him. Which of course the first one would be none other than Norgsveldet’s closest ally. “Mrs. Pierre, it is a pleasure talking with you.” He said in a polite tone as he held his Jotun phone to his ear, as he shook a spoon around his cup. Having gotten himself some hot chocolate to prepare for the Yule spirit.

“Mr. Varg, I can say the same.” The FPM replied in a very different tone, though one the Prime Minister was prepared for. It’s not that she hates him and is pissed off, rather it is a Duval Syndrome she has that makes it sound like she is going to firebomb his current position. “Congratulations on the election victory, I look forward to working with you to maintain the Crown Realm.”

“Thank you, and I look forward to doing the same. There is much the Crown Realm can do together to deal with rising conflicts and threats, such as Twain Aukusti’s most recent declaration.” Varg was not new to the FPM’s condition, having been Kirkeland’s foreign minister for a short time he learned much already when Pierre was actually angry or not.

“Indeed, I’m sure working together we can correct Mr. Aukusti’s misunderstanding of his position in the world before he gets too far out of line.” Pierre gave a sharp reply. “Of course there are other concerns in the world, Kaldrbuthian-East Atatlandian conflict being one of the more concerning developments on Concord.”

“During my last conversation with Kirkeland he notified me about Dvalheim’s wishes for direct and immediate invasion of Tiervan. One which I can only assume is a sentimentality shared in Dvergerland.” Varg responded in a more stoic tone as he took a sip from his cup. “As long as the Einarists honor the ceasefire in Mkæniszna there is not much worry for that conflict reigniting. My worry is rather the instability in East Atlalandr and the deterioration of civil and sapiant rights in the country. The vicious murder of Vakrela brought people out in protest to the new Våldist regime, and they deserve all our support.”

“Mr. Førui and Mr. Romini came to an agreement to officially request the Federation to deploy nuclear weapons across Tiervan to and this is a direct quote, ‘sink the bastards into the ocean.’ End of qoute.” Pierre let the silence hang for a few moments.

“…Seeing how Tiervan is still above the ocean, I very much assume you refuted their request.” Varg let out a heavy sigh shaking his head.

“Not at first, however my environment minister informed me that would be terrible for the ocean’s ecosystem. So in the interest of the trout population, I refused.” It was not at all clear if this was one of Pierre’s dark jokes or if she was in fact quite passionate about the Novari trout population.

“Right. Either way it does signal a clear deep desire from them both to have some form of reaction to Aukusti’s rearmament plans. Especially as I have some reports signaling here that the UCCS is more than willing to help fund it.” Varg took a moment to rub the bridge of his nose before continuing on. “I will be holding a conversation with Mrs. Emmerhoff to discuss the matter. It immediately brought up conversation in the UCA. While I cannot say for certain I’d push for a full intervention, I will at least try to discuss it with our closest allies.”

“I have held a few other discussions with some leaders in Novaris, some are willing to back an intervention or at the minimum support it. Though to be frank, I think we can find alternative solutions to our problem with them however I don’t believe it is worth bringing it up just yet.” He could hear small sounds of a shuffling of paper from Pierre’s end. “Outside of Tiervan, I would like to bring it back to the East Atlalandr situation, I held a call with the idiot incharge. The outlook for the regime is not looking good to say the least.”

“I certainly prefer finding alternative solutions. I do not want my first act as prime minister to be a declaration of war.” He said in a half joking tone as he let out a chuckle. “On East Atlalandr my government will be keeping the same stance as Kirkeland’s administration. We will keep our sanctions on that illegitimate regime, and enforce them more strongly. We likely keep pushing for more nations to join us in this effort. Especially by expanding these sanctions towards Tilmeria.”

“I will be up front, the Federation will not be placing sanctions on Tilmeria in this current arrangement. My advisors and Concordian Affairs Minister specialist believe that we can push them into moving away from UCCS. We will however, begin providing arms to the uprising when the time is right. Our primary concern is the West Atatlandian restarting their civil war and attempting to annex them.”

“As long as Tilmeria keeps their support to the Einarist regime, chances of a restart to the Atlalandian Civil War are unlikely. Any such actions will start a wider continental war which is in no one’s interests.” Varg took a moment to make some consideration, he cannot help but frown at the comment of not expanding the sanctions to the Tilmerians but he understood the rationale. “As long we both agree that the current East Atlalandian regime needs to be toppled one way or another. I cannot promise West Atlalandr won’t do anything in the future but I will bring up your concern during my conversation with their prime minister.”

“I can handle Tilmeria issue, however I cannot promise their response if the West Atlalandians provoke the issue. What is your position on the Mkænian state, and on the Akuan Socialist militants? I understand that West Atlalandr is pushing to annex the region for themselves.”

“Terrorists. Call them terrorists.” Varg was sharp in his response there. If there was anything Norgsveldet’s rather divided parliament was broadly in agreement on was that the MSLF were radical terrorists that could not be trusted. “On the existence of Mkæniszna itself we will keep up our recognition of it. The parliament voted in favour of it and the majority of my government supports their right of self determination. West Atlalandr may claim that Mkæniszna to belong to them, but knowing Kaldrbuth. That will never happen. They will come around eventually.”

There was a long period of silence, after the whole emotionally charged ‘terrorist’ nonsense. “The Akuan Socialist extremists, has been a major concern with the Federation’s intelligence community, if not everyone’s concern to put it mildly. Have you received any update about… Well, anything about them?”

“While they are still operating within Mkæniszna they’ve yet to gain any large positions. And with the Mkænians having established unified armed forces, it’s unlikely that they even try to take control by force. Forcing them to rely on electoral processes such as participating in the election earlier this year.” Varg grabbed his cup taking a sip from it before continuing. “From Kirkeland’s assessment on it, Kaldrbuth also made perfectly clear to the Mkænian leadership that they would not tolerate Akuan Socialists in government and would step in if the MSLF tried anything. They keep an eye on the country.”

“That is… Questionable decision on their part, while I can agree the current MSLF shouldn’t be part of the government. The Working Mkænian Party is not all radicals and has plenty of moderates within it. This will only serve to embolden them to push further extremes, and I would like to further highlight that the MSLF leader was at the unification ceremony.”

“If you’re looking to change their stance then that be a phone call you will need to hold with them. As of the current moment I am of the same mind as the Kaldrbuthians and the same is the rest of my government. If anything I have the most dovish position on them compared to the rest of my cabinet.” Mainly in the fact that his other cabinet members had Akuanists which pushed for directly sanctioning Mkæniszna for just letting them operate there, some even as far suggesting sanctioning Kaldrbuth for even inviting them to said ceremony. Meanwhile the nationalists were suggesting directly bombing the MSLF so as to avoid putting diplomatic pressure on the entirety of Mkæniszna. “The existence of the MSLF and its parliamentary branch is seen as an unstable force here. There are no moderates among them the same way a moderate Hirdist is laughable.”

“There are always moderates, it wasn’t so long ago there was no such thing as moderate Hjørdists. Norgsveldet leads the more religiously minded Ulvriktru nations, if they push of the recognition of WMP as a moderate force, then others will follow. Them taking part in elections and parliamentarism is already evidence enough that they’re not so extremely devoted to the teachings of Naylorbrookiszna. If anything I would consider the MSLF not turning around and bombing the IF peacekeepers there more evidence to my point.”

“And with us having such an important position we also cannot be hasty about making such a decision.” Varg kept a calm tone as he took another sip from his cup. “Nor could I make such a decision without it causing many issues within my own government. Especially without a guarantee that they’d keep on moderating themselves.” He took a moment to consider possible compromise. An olive branch so to say. “Tell you what. Should the WMP cut off all ties with the MSLF, which inherently have to include excluding their leader from the party, then I could see for me it being possible to label them as a more moderate force.”

“To use your earlier statement, that is a call you must have with them. Even then that is a ridiculous request, at least from their perspective to remove their popular leader and reject a key part of liberating their country before you bring Kaldrbuth intervention into this. I would like to highlight, they were already preparing to wage an insurgency against East Atatlandr as our shared intelligence proves.”

“And you know just as well as me that most insurgencies are devastating for the civilian population, take a long time and are not guaranteed to win. Fact of the matter is, without Kaldrbuth’s involvement the chances the Mkænians were to have their own country would have decreased massively.” Varg was swift to respond back as he put down his cup. “They are extremists Mrs. Pierre. Not just in the eyes of Ulvriktruars but also other Akuanists. Including the majority of Mkænians themselves, mind you, the WMP only got 13% of the vote. A decently large minority, but still decisively most people do not want them in government. Both within and without Mkæniszna.”

“The only opinions that matter are the Mkænians, so I don’t see how the last comment couldn’t be understood as an applied threat to their democracy. Are you saying if a party received a majority of the vote, in a free and fair election in any given country that your party doesn’t like? Your government will simply reverse course on its recognition of a country then?”

“That’s major jump logic, especially from a leader whose country yet to recognise said nation to begin with. But no we will still of course recognise them, but we will not work with extremists. Neither Hirdists or Akuan Socialists. It is curious you’re pushing for effective help cleaning up the image of this group, yet your nation still recognises East Atlalandian claim to the large majority of their country. I am sorry, but I’ve made my stance clear. While I do not understand yours.” Varg had to calm himself to let himself be carried away too much.

“The Federation will eventually recognize them.” There was a small sound of coffee being poured with Pierre giving a harsh whisper thanking whoever was bringing her in coffee. “I almost forgot in you being carried away, the first nuclear plant in Nystatiszna will be opening sometime next month. Originally it was planned for New Years however some safety concerns were raised so we’re doing the final check before it is officially opened. There will be a ceremony, I believe it would be best if the both of us are present for the ribbon cutting ceremony as a show of support for the Nystatinne PM.”

Varg took a moment to consider it. While he recognises that the former Crown Princess turned Nystatinne’s Matriarch was rather controversial back home. With all the… authoritarian moves. Supporting Nystatiszna’s development was not just strategically important, it was an inherently morally right thing to do. Plus from the sound of it the Matriarch wouldn’t even be there. “I’d love to be there. With Blåskog’s recent creation of the AIBS, I think it would be wise to work together to support Nystatiszna in its development. I have seen that they have had major improvements already and I hope that continues.”

“Excellent, the Nystatinne Matriarch would be pleased to see her former homeland will be supporting her there.” It is as if she could have read his thoughts. “My apologies, I have a situation here to handle. I will speak with you later at the Crown Realm meeting.”

“Of course. I look forward to meeting you at the Crown Realm meeting.” Varg let out a small sigh shaking his head. “Have a good day, Mrs. Pierre.”

“To you as well.”

With that the line ended, and Varg could put down his phone. He was not looking forward to whenever the topic about Helslandr was brought up. With a sigh he looked down on an NCIS report. Though moment he was about to open it he got another call. With another sigh the new Prime Minister answered it. Before he could even speak an cold feminine voice from the other end spoke instead.

“When are we invading Tiervan?”

“Ah. Good day, Mrs. Emmerhoff. I was anticipating this call.” He had to pour himself another cup of hot chocolate, it was gonna be a long day.

(Joint post with Tret)

Varg let out a heavy sigh as he took off his glasses rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Yes, yes. Mrs. Emmerhoff. I recognise the danger this puts on your nation. I am certain we can find avenues that are less drastic.” He let out a sigh.

“As long as you understand, Mr. Varg. I am certainly far from the only country who wishes for Aukusti’s regime to be toppled.” The sharp voice from the Dvalian High Councilor pierced into his ears.

“That I know. That I know very much.” Varg could finally take a moment to breathe as he ended the call. Reaching out for his cup to take a sip from it, having now added a little bit of cream into his hot chocolate. He could only hope that the matter of Tiervan will be dealt with before Yule comes. Certainly at least he hopes he doesn’t have to tell any mothers or fathers that their son or daughter will be sent for war on Yule Eve. Though before he could think of that thought any further his phone once more rang. The new Prime Minister let out a small sigh at that as he grabbed the phone answering it.

“Hello, Mr. Varg. I trust I am not calling at a bad time?” asked the person on the other end, Eahlstan Colasunu, the Prime Minister of Tretrid.

“Ah, Mr. Colasunu. It is quite alright, I have just gotten off the phone with the Dvalian High Councilor. To say she isn’t pleased by Twain Aukusti’s little speech is to put it very mildly.” Varg couldn’t help but let out a small tired chuckle at that. Wanting to partially lighten the mood for his own sake. “Certainly a very drastic matter to deal with on the first day on the job.”

“Ah, I see. Well, I certainly can understand her present worries.” Colasunu paused briefly. “First of all, I would like to give my congratulations to you for your electoral victory. I hope we may have a fruitful working relationship together–too long has Tretrid neglected the needs of its Ulvrikian brethren.”

“Thank you, and congratulations on yours as well. I certainly think together we can help in promoting the interests of our Ulvrikian and Ulvriktru siblings.” Varg took another small sip from his cup before continuing on and putting it down. “Especially in working closely together in the NCEF framework.”

“It may perhaps not surprise you that I would also like to discuss the recent developments in Tiervan. We have been monitoring the situation with some concern.”

“I’d be surprised if it was something else, Mr. Colasunu.” Varg couldn’t help but joke slightly before continuing on. “As I stated before I already discussed matter rather heavy detail with Mrs. Emmerhoff. But I’ve also had a phone call with Mrs. Pierre. It appears both Dvalheim and Dvergerland are actively pushing for an immediate military response. They do not want to wait for the conflict to occur when Tiervan is stronger than both of them combined. So in their eyes, it is better to be preemptive.”

“I understand. I’m concerned the international community may not see it that way, but it was Tiervan’s choice to unilaterally withdraw from the treaty.” Colasunu paused. “Regardless, while my predecessor’s government was content to monitor the previous war from the sidelines, the broader situation has changed since then. I believe Tretrid has a duty to help ensure the security of its eastern neighbors. Thus I am willing to give Norgsveldet Tretrid’s diplomatic and military backing in however it chooses to respond to Tiervan’s aggressions.”

Varg took a moment to process that. “That I am naturally glad to hear.” He took a moment to put back his glasses as he reached out to some diplomatic reports being given to him from Kirkeland. Having also discussed the matter with the king in great detail. “As of the current moment in time it is in the interest of my government to avoid immediate military hostility. That being said practically every other avenue short of war is being put into consideration. Main step that we took is discussing this matter within the UCA, then would be an attempt to bring the topic to the IFSC. With both our nations being in SC, and several of our allies and partners. The hope is we can make UCCS drop its support to Tiervan. At the current moment Tiervan lacks domestic industry to fully supply itself, it is dependent on arms imports from Ellsvisse Accords member states naturally mainly the UCCS. If that ends then Tiervan’s rearmament plan certainly takes a major blow.”

“I see. While I believe the best hope for a peaceful resolution to this crisis is by having the UCCS step down its support of Tiervan, I do believe it prudent to consider courses of action should Vanith prove recalcitrant. What measures are your government willing to employ in that case, considering the risk of escalation?”

“It will depend on how our other allies are reacting to this. Should the UCCS continue their support in spite of international condemnation and hopefully international arms embargo, my country will be taking steps to expand the sanctions towards the UCCS as well. If they even then continue to help arm Tiervan, and Tiervan itself continues this downward course. I do not see it impossible that military action must be taken. It won’t be immediate, but every other option is exhausted than more drastic actions need to be taken. Either through a show of force as a deterrence, or even if I will be wary pushing for it. A direct intervention into Tiervan to topple the Aukusti regime, to end that threat forever.” Varg fell quiet to let the seriousness sink in.

“Well,” Colasunu said after a brief silence, “if it must come to that no one will be able to say that nobody was warned. For our part, aside from our support at the IFSC, I believe it would be best if the Tretridian naval assets based in Saefastr were put on alert, in case the impending crisis threatens the integrity of Ostretheian waters. It should also hopefully signal that Tretrid is not planning on sitting things out this time around.”

“I would at the very least think it makes Mrs. Todd’s administration to reconsider its relationship with Soturikaup if she has to deal with not just Norgsveldet and the Federation telling them off. But also Tretrid and hopefully many other nations. It would be rather hard to continue their policy on Tiervan if it means putting their own reputation to such a heavy risk.” Varg took a moment to look over some of the other reports before continuing further. “For a moment I have asked the king to simply have our forces in the region on standby, we will see in the coming days on what decision shall be taken from here. With East Atlalandr being more unstable than ever as well, I do not want to risk the situation spilling over to a larger continental war. West Atlalandr is already eyeing the situation in the East with deep interest. Having both things happen at the same time? It, well, feels like a recipe for disaster.”

“I understand your concerns. After entering office, I’ve gotten the chance to speak with my predecessor on multiple occasions on his thought process during the Correvan crisis. He had to balance Tretrid’s obligations to its allies against the need to avoid starting a certainly disastrous war with Volscina, and my disagreements with his actions notwithstanding his position was unenviable. I sincerely hope that the outcome of these present matters prove less consequential in the long term than Correva did.”

“Seeing how Todd and Kirkeland were able to come into an agreement over Báslan, with UCCS fundamentally conceding on a major issue they had pushed for over a decade. I will be optimistic that Todd will reevaluate its position on Tiervan.” Varg took another sip from his cup, taking a glance towards his wrist watch. “Though I won’t let my optimism guide me fully here. One may hope for the best but one shall always prepare for the worst.”

“Indeed. Now that that matter has been settled, at least for the time being, I’m afraid I will have to take my leave of you know. I hope we will be able to speak again soon, under better circumstances.”

“I hope so as well, have a good day, Mr. Colasunu. Hopefully this Yule won’t be having headlines about another war in Langeyjr.” With that Varg ended the phone call with another sigh leaving him as he rested against his chair. He was gonna pray at least that this could be handled, pray that Odin may just give Todd a sliver of wisdom to avoid this escalating.

Though his prayers would be cut short as another call came through, once more.

20th December, 2024
Stor Osfjord, Norgsveldet

The ‘family’ mansion of the Eldsdøtra was a rather old piece of history. Well it was made to look old rather than the typical modern mansion you would commonly see on a ‘I have too much money’ magazine or some nonsense. It was built in a neo-Laperousian style, deeply gothic in design with long metal spike-walls wrapped around the property and dark brick walls. Large hand-crafted chimneys all across the roofs of the various buildings on the property. The largest of which being on the main building of the compound itself.

Color-stained windows polish to a shine and fine wooden stairs leading up to the doorway. Silver-plated door knobs, shining brightly in the moonlight. Decorated thick dark oak doors and finely crafted curved rails for one to use when going up. All in all, the mansion was more of an old money tradition of showing off how rich one was compared to the more newer way of new money by posting about it online.

The Côtois convey pulled into the driveway, small one by Côtois standards given the safe nature of the country, and the city. Only three cars jammed with the FPM service guard. As they came to a stop, the car up front and in the back opened up first. Several Kemonomimi dressed in Côtois uniforms stepped out of them armed with their service weapons stowed. Several broke off to perform a quick sweep of the area first, before opening the middle armored car open. Letting the FPM and her family out of the car, though the steely eyes kept aware of their surroundings.

Jeanne stepped out first, offering a hand to her wife Aurélia who herself was holding on to their infant daughter. Though quickly picked up their daughter as Aurélia stepped out. Knowing her wife well enough, and held the baby close to her.

Aurélia starts to run up the stairs, causing more than a few of the guards to raise a concerned look but has dealt with her enough times to understand this is typical. The gray haired kemonomimi wrapped her arms around her godfather standing up the stairs tightly. “Ragnar!”

“Aurélia!” The red haired elven man said loudly with a heavy chuckle as he easily lifted the shorter kemonomimi up, hugging her tightly in return. Him wearing a simple pair of jeans and dark green Yule sweater. Having a warm fatherly smile as he put her down again placing a hand on her head scratching her ears as he looked down towards her. “How have you been?”

The kemonomimi rubbed against his hand as he scratched her ears. “Busy, busy, busy. Who knew being the wife of the Federal Prime Minister would be so taxing.” She gave a small warm laugh. Wearing a plain black suit jacket and pants, with a white undershirt. Thankfully with no tie. “Though I will always love all these events she takes me on.” Aurélia gave a warm tone as her wife went up the steps with their child.

“Ragnar! Forgive me for not rushing over like Aurélia did but I don’t think little Charlotte would approve.” Jeanne of course, gave a horridly angry sound tone due to her medical condition but such is life. The baby, a kemonomimi of course, was rather picture perfect of a model child. That meant it was screaming as the adult spoke in excitable tones. “I brought Charlotte just as requested.” Aurélia reached over to her wife with a hand, pushing up Jeanne’s lips to form a smile rather than a frown. “Thank you Aurélia.”

Ragnar let out a small chuckle seeing his god daughter help Jeanne to smile, before leaning down to get a closer look at the baby. “Aww she is utterly adorable! Reminds me a lot like you.” He said warmly as he glanced towards Aurélia as he went to poke the baby’s nose. Only for little Charlotte to bite it instead causing him to immediately pull it back. “Ow, okay. Perhaps she is more like you, Jeanne.” He joked as he straightened his back again to look down at the white haired Federal Prime Minister.

“Hmm, my looks and Jeanne’s attitude? That’s the makings of a future leader if I ever heard.” Aurélia gave a small giggle, taking back her hand away from her wife’s lips. “Well we do make cute babies at least Jeanne.”

“Of course we do, I signed the paperwork for our baby cuteness to be at the maximum limit per baby union standards.” Jeanne poked her daughter’s nose only to have it not be bitten. “Would you like to hold her?” Her purple eyes looked up to her godfather’s own pair.

“As long as she keeps her teeth away from my fingers.” He joked as he reached down and held the baby up, looking down at it with a warm smile as he rocked the child back and forth very gently to calm her. “Lets go inside, my mother is currently on a phone call with… Ny’Ros and Leif. Apparently the boy was getting worried if she was coming over for Yule or not so he is getting his reassurances.” It took all in Ragnar to not roll his eyes explaining that.

Jeanne nodded her head, using her fingers to give a smile. “I can understand his feeling, I had that phase too when I was first adopted.”

Her wife just tilted her head giving a confused look. “Did she adopt another child? Who is Leif?” Aurélia looked towards Ragnar, then towards Jeanne. Her wife just gave a shrug and let go of her smile.

“His full name is Leif Ny’Heison, and he is the CEO of Kroneby. And is currently my mother’s new… partner. Though they’ve not yet gone public about their relationship.” Ragnar spoke with a small sigh as the door to the mansion was opened and the three entered away from the windy weather outside. “Though there were some pictures taken of the three going to an amusement park so some people already figured it out. Easy to check out by searching his name.”

“Well… Huh…” Aurélia was rather taken back, still eyeing up her child to make sure they were not going to get fussy in the stranger’s arms. “I mean this in the best of ways possible but is she not like…”

“She is rather old to start another family, given she has adopted a child and has a boyfriend. One that they must be close with to all go out together to an amusement park.” Jeanne decides to help her wife avoid the awkwardness of it all by simply walking through whatever social barriers there.

“Well I wouldn’t put it like that but yes.” Aurélia replied as two guards followed behind them. Closing the door as they entered. “It’s not like well, I mean you…”

“Ny’Heison is an Akuan name, her child is ethnically an Akuanist. She hasn’t been openly racist against Akuanists… Recently. As well went on a small tour around the world visiting Akuan nations. It seems like she is trying to convert if anything.” Jeanne helped her flustered wife along.

Ragnar couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at Jeanne’s last comment, shaking his head in amusement as he kept rocking the child. “Now that would certainly make headlines.” He joked as the three stopped up to take off their shoes. “I think she is mainly doing it two fold. First she began realizing the Akuan vote does indeed matter in Nyveldet, so trying to make herself as distant as possible from her past comments would benefit us electorally. Not everyone in the party agreed however.” He spoke in a calm tone as he waited for the other two as they took off their shoes as well before once more began walking down the hall. “Second is, as much as it surprises me, she seems to genuinely care for Ny’Ros. So she seems to want to ensure he has a father, an Akuanist one at that, even if going against one main reason elves rarely date outside our species.”

Aurélia gave a small curious look at Ragnar at the mention of her caring for a child that she adopted. “I would hope she cares about Ny’Ros, I mean she did adopt him.”

“Hmm, maybe I should copy her method. The Akuan vote in the Federation was a rather large category of votes I didn’t get.” Jeanne rubbed her chin thinking about it. Though her wife gave a small elbow to her arm. “Ah sorry, though I am in agreement with my charming and beautiful wife, that one should love their child when adopting it is sort of an important part of the adoption process.”

“Your head is too full of politics.” Aurélia rolled her eyes giving a teasing smirk.

“Well your head is too bu-” Jeanne was cut off by Ragnar as if he knew what she was going to say next.

“Try to keep your flirting to somewhat of a minimum.” Ragnar said, rolling his eyes as the three walked past a room, in which one could hear muffled voice of Rosia.

“Of course I love you dear. Have you eaten well? Did you and papa have fun playing today?”

Ragnar just let out a small sigh hearing it as they made their way towards the parlor room to wait until the elven Matriarch was done. Glancing towards the two. “My mother was not exactly known for her warmth, that’s all.” He said in a calm tone to not worry them too much on the topic.

They gave each other a teasing smirk. “Is it because we’re gay? Homosexual?” Aurélia spoke first followed by her wife.

“Friends of Bjørn? Queer?” Jeanne joined in like the drake she is to people in her personal life. “Positively Akuan in nature?”

Ragnar rolled his eyes, shaking head in amusement. “No, because I practically have been treating both of you as my nieces, and you two acted like sisters during childhood.” He opened the door to the parlor room, which was well lit and warm with the large fireplace lighting up the room. “Also Akuanists aren’t gay thats an well established fact.”

The two women shared a laugh together, Jeanne sounding like a hacksaw riding a dragon while her wife was much more polite in nature. “Oh okay, so it is the not-incest you are worried about then.” Jeanne jokes, holding up her smile with her fingers again.

“Ew Jeanne, it’s not the not-incest. It’s because we’re both ethnically Akuanists and you know how those Ulvriktruars are with any form of public displays of affection.”

“I am aware, it is fineable in several petite-nations. All of which are majority Ulvriktruars.” Jeanne replied, giving a playful elbow to Aurélia.

“We are very private people, what can I say.” He said handing over the baby to Aurélia as he grabbed the coffee pot pouring coffee into three cups at the small table before sitting down on the couch himself. Adding the tiniest amount of milk to his own coffee. “We Norgsveltians are rather liberal on public affections actually.”

Aurélia holding her baby close to her person, giving small rocking motions. “You’re a Norgsveltian? I thought you were Ragnar.”

“I’d say you got hold of dad jokes, but in this case I guess it’s better to say mom jokes.” He replied back with a small smile before grabbing his cup taking a sip from it.

They sat down next together in the creepy fashion being perfectly on time with it. “Jeanne bought me a book, and I’ve been practicing in my class. They’re just as tired of it as you are.” Aurélia gave a teasing look towards her wife before smiling back at Ragnar. “Oh, here is a good one! Knock knock.”

The elf rolled his eyes as he put down his cup. “Whose there?” He asked in a bit sarcastic tone raising an eyebrow at his god daughter.

“A Côtois, Norgsveltian and an Eyjarian.” The kemonomimi gave a wide smile while Jeanne took the baby. Holding the little creature close to her person.

“A Côtois, Norgsveltian and an Eyjarian, who?” Ragnar asked, still playing alone.

“A Côtois, Norgsveltian and an Eyjarian walk into the wrong joke setup.” Aurélia held back her laughter, holding her stomach. “The barman says you shouldn’t be here and the Eyjarian says back well we did knock first.”

Ragnar let out a groan before a small chuckle left him. “Gods that was terrible.” He shook his head in amusement as he grabbed his cup and took a sip from it. “I’d say your daughter is gonna have a lot to deal with when she grows up, but I think the jokes might be the least of her issues.”

“I don’t know about that, her collection of those jokes has been growing.” Jeanne lifted up the child like one would with a naughty cat before holding it back close to her.

“Two hunters meet in a forest. There are no more hunters in the forest.” Aurélia smiled widely, looking around like a fox after knocking off a glass of water from a table. “Oh I know another one.”

“I think we got enough. You know between those jokes or ending up in an endless circle of ‘ask your mother’, I don’t know what is worse for little Charlotte.” Ragnar joked giving a small smile towards his god daughter.

“Oh asking Jeanne about anything relating to dinner will always just default to ‘we will consume fish at the standard time.’ That or noodles.” Aurélia gave a small look towards Jeanne who was happily staring back at her. Well it didn’t look happy but it was met to be a happy look at least.

“You say that like we don’t both love eating grilled fish.” Jeanne rolled her eyes playfully, well it tried to look playful. Even when she rolled her eyes it felt like a threat. “Listen when she is old enough to ask about what we’re having for dinner, I can always we’re becoming cannibals and eating you.”

“I know that sounds like a flirt Ragnar, but I assure you. She is perfectly serious about cannibalism. Tell him about your plan for if we get into a plane crash.” Aurélia took back the baby, letting them rest in her lap as she played with the baby’s ears.

“Pilot first for getting us into this mess. You might think we should get the fat ones first, however when you think about it, you need to become the leader of the group as soon as possible. So giving everyone a target that they can all somewhat agree with is a priority.” Jeanne did, in fact, think a lot about what to do in a plane crash and other strange events. Quite often sharing these ramblings with her ever-so suffering wife. “Then you focus on dead people from the crash, perably smoking them if you are able to. To better preserve the meat.”

It was at this exact point one could hear a small cough from the doorway of the parlor room, turning around to see the elven Matriarch herself wearing a long dark skirt and a long sleeved blue Yule shirt with stylish reindeers symbology on it. “Well, I can assure you there is no need for cannibalism. We will be having some grilled fish for dinner.” She spoke in a polite tone as she had a small smile on her lips. Certainly not as warm as earlier though still far from the cold strict tone she is known for.

“Sorry Jeanne, no plots to eat the pilot today. Hope you’re okay with some fish.” Aurélia gave a teasing smile, standing up and slowly rocking the child back and forth in her arms.

Jeanne rolled her eyes standing up as well offering a hand to Ragnar to stand up though he refused and stood up on his own. “Grilled fish you say, you know that is just a stereotype that all Akuanist love grilled fish and sparkling water.” She turned her attention towards Rosia.

“Ragnar told me you two had a weakness to grilled fish so I had some prepared. We do have other dishes prepared as well If you want something else.” The elven Matriarch spoke as she took a step to the side so the three could exit.

“By that she means she had her chef make it.” Ragnar said in a small joking tone as he walked out.

“At my order.” Rosia gave a slightly annoyed look towards her son before closing the door to the parlor room and leading the way to the dining room.

“Ragnar, you know, giving away state secrets of the Federation carries the risk of being Red Sickled.” Jeanne joked in her very unjoking tone. Taking a finger to raise her eyebrow at him as they walked through the halls.

“To be clear, she is joking about giving you the old… Well you know what happens to them.” Aurélia gave an awkward tone, cuddling the little baby in her arms.

“Or am I?” Jeanne moved the hand that was raising an eyebrow to her lip to give a smirk.

Rosia gave a small glance towards her son at the FPM’s statement, with Ragnar raising his hand to signal her not to worry. “Well If you are planning on red sickling me there are always more secrets I could tell. Mother did you know tha-”

He felt a swift punch to the arm from Jeanne. She means it to be a soft playful punch, though Ragnar stumbling for a moment quickly worries her enough to help stabilize him by holding him by the shoulder. “That was harder than I thought it would be.”

“I’m quite alright. You do pack a punch though. You lucky I’m a veteran not just a typical civilian.” Ragnar joked as he turned towards the short angry looking leader placing a hand on her hair roughing it up.

“You can’t help but always bring that up.” Rosia said as the four finally entered the dining room, with several hot Yule styled dishes prepared for them all. From grilled fish to pork belly to turkey and much more that accompanied said dishes. Frankly far too much food for only the four of them. “Ragnar did not tell me what type of wine you two prefered so I had two bottles readied. One is a Nyveldian vintage Port wine from Østborg, it having been cellared since 1856 made by the Borger Farms, one most well known wineries in well all Norgsveldet.” She held up one of the bottles as she walked next to the table, the brand around the bottle clearly showing a bit of its age. “The other is a red wine from the Federation, made by Le Syndicat de la Vigne Sauvage from the border between Ténèbresvil and Meliaganz. I was told by Ragnar they are rather famous winery, no?”

“Well, I can’t accept offers of wine in other nations. So we take the red wine if you please. I do mean I can’t accept offers, it is a federal offense for federal employees or politicians on any level to accept wine from outside the country.” Jeanne was not even remotely joking. The wine cooperatives and vineyards were a rather powerful influential lobby in the Federation. She pulled out her chair for her wife to sit down. Taking the baby to place in a nearby baby chair between them. “It is not even legal to have wine made outside of the Federation in the country. Let alone drink it. That’s just for a common citizen, for politicians and Federal employees, it’s banned altogether and a court case where one could be automatically impeached if they knew if it was a foreign wine.” The white haired human then moved to sit down in her own chair.

Meanwhile her wife double checks Jeanne’s work by putting the baby seat between them. “Yeah it can ruin anyone’s career if they willingly and knowingly drinked something like that.”

Rosia blinked for a small moment hearing that before giving a small nod. “Right, well I’ll put this away for another occasion then.” She began moving away from the table as she carried the old Nyveldian wine bottle. “Do sit down dear, I’ll be back.” She gave her son the smallest of pats on the shoulder as she exited the dining room.

Ragnar couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle as he walked up to the table and grabbed hold of the Côtois wine bottle, pouring red wine into the two women’s wine glasses. “I can only assume you must be a little happy that you can enjoy a wine glass again.” He joked as he glanced toward Aurélia.

The kemonomimi smiled as she prepared a bottle for the baby, pulling it out of her messenger bag. “Oh that I am, I can’t tell you how many wine tickets we saved up now. Jeanne wouldn’t drink wine if I couldn’t of course. Was a bit awkward at first dealing with the vineyard cooperatives but no one was going to blame her for not drinking if I couldn’t.”

“They certainly can, however they couldn’t ever say it.” Jeanne patted the little kemonomimi baby in their seat as Aurélia placed the baby formula down onto the baby food tray. “Yeah we saved up quite a bit of wine tickets for us.”

“Well, If you two ever want to have a moment to enjoy yourselves, me and my wife would love to babysit little Charlotte.” He spoke in a warm tone as he walked towards his own seat pouring to his own glass before sitting down.

“Wine tickets?” Rosia asked in a curious tone, having now returned to the dining room, raising an eyebrow towards the two other women in the room as she walked towards her own seat at the dining table.

“Well Ragnar, you would have to deal with a division of Côtois special forces protecting your estate then. Jeanne wouldn’t let anything less be acceptable.” Aurélia gave a teasing smirk towards her wife as she took a sip from her glass.

“It wouldn’t be a division that is too many and it would cost too much on the taxpayer. It will only be three squads and a HK45.” Jeanne allegedly joked as she sipped her own glass before replying to Rosia. “Wine ticket, it is uh.” She snapped her fingers trying to think of the word in Norgsveltian before giving up. “Well Federation provides free or low-cost meals for families that somehow are unable to provide for themselves. Wine tickets give them a bottle of wine per month per adult in the household. However wine tickets are for everyone regardless of ability to buy their own. It’s mostly another way to give vineyards another subsidy.”

“Hmm, interesting. Though If it’s a bottle per month, then I cannot see for myself that many people feel the need to even buy much wine themselves.” Rosia gave a simple nod at that as she sat down at the table. She grabbed the bottle from her son pouring into her own wine glass. “And do dig in, I hope it is up to your standards.”

“Two to three glasses of wine per meal is the average.” Aurélia gave a small curious look towards Rosia before picking up her fork and knife. “How do Nyveldians drink wine?” Her tone matched her expression as she tilted her head towards the literal century old ass elf.

Jeanne focused first on helping her daughter drink a little bit of the milk before getting to her food. “Per person she means, we do drink quite a bit of wine in the Federation. Which of course makes the Vineyards cooperatives and the wine brokers quite happy.”

“I see. Just to ask, are those numbers a typical amount for per day as well?” Rosia raised an eyebrow towards the two, giving her own curious tilt of her head. Keeping still a stoic calm tone. “Here it does vary from species to species, but most only drink wine or any alcohol for that matter on weekends.”

“If I remember correctly you said your doctor thought you drank too much wine?” Ragnar spoke up as he grabbed some of the Yule dishes prepared, raising an eyebrow at her.

“Not exactly that should be discussed but yes. I often had a glass of wine before going to sleep. That is something my doctor recommended to me to limit to only be done on weekends.” Rosia gave a subtle sharp look towards her son before grabbing her wine glass and taking a sip from it.

Aurélia of course kept quiet during the awkwardness of a mother talking down to her godfather. Giving a quick look towards her wife to bully her way through the awkwardness. Then digged into her fish, cutting a small piece off of it.

“Yes, a wine glass and coffee in the morning. One or two glasses for lunch, same for dinner. Then a small glass before bed.” Jeanne spoke up, putting down the bottle moving her focus onto the fish in front of her. “Careful Uncle four-eyes, your mom might just have you red sickle herself if you keep giving away family secrets.”

“Hey now, just defending the excessive wine drinking in the Federation.” Ragnar held up his hands defensively before letting out a small chuckle before taking a bite from his dish. “I’ve hardly revealed much of any secrets Little Dragon.”

Rosia raised an eyebrow at her son at that, crossing an arm beneath her chest as the other hand grabbed her glass taking a sip from it again. “Little dragon? Bit harsh for a nickname, no?” She gave a bit of a cold tone wondering if her son only gave that nickname because of the FPM’s medical condition.

“It’s not because of my medical condition if that is what you’re wondering about.” Jeanne spoke up, saving Ragnar from the wrath of his mother. “It’s because I really liked sitting next to him when he started campfires. That and I used to have a habit of biting him to prevent him from leaving.”

“Among other violent reactions to him. Like trying to ambush him when he visited.” Aurélia joined in trying to save their godfather. “If it makes you feel better, he used to tell me when I was a kid I had my mother’s ‘cold unflinching eyes.’ You can attack him on that instead.”

“Hey this food is really great, give my compliments to the chef mother.” Ragnar said changing the topic as he let out a muffled ‘mhm’ to show how much he liked the food.

“Cold. Unflinching. Eyes.” Rosia kept her actual cold unflinching blue eyes on her son. Her lips became a small frown as she stared at him.

“The food is really great.” Ragnar said still not meeting his mother’s eyes.

“You know how us weak, sensitive Akuanists are about not being able to ourselves.” Jeanne piled right on with her wife. Taking a bite from her food.

Aurélia coming in for another round. “Yeah we’re all just big softies, I can’t believe you were so mean to us as kids Uncle Four-eyes.” She gave a weak tone, acting into the role. Giving big eyes towards Rosia before looking at Ragnar.

“You two stop it.” The elven uncle gave an annoyed glare towards the two mischievous women as he grabbed another bite from his food before muttering a minor curse.

“So Jeanne, there have been rumours there is going to be a cabinet shuffle in your government.” Rosia looked towards the Federal Prime Minister taking a small sip from her glass.

“Ah yes, I haven’t shuffled the cabinet since I took office. So there is pressure internally to break the mold so to speak. That and my minister of Culture and Art have been getting on my nerves.” Jeanne spoke up, giving a look towards Ragnar that he could easily tell was her smirking at him without actually smirking.

“He has been rather annoying about pushing for more art programs for drug addicts still in prison.” Aurélia joined in taking a tag to clean up Charlotte’s spit coming from her mouth.

“Drug addicts should be focusing on getting clean and learning useful skills rather than doing something like art.” Jeanne gave a roll of her eyes.

“Ah that does seem something an extremely liberal person would push. Glad to hear you’re replacing him.” Ragnar spoke up giving a nod of agreement to their sentiments before grabbing his own glass taking a sip from it.

“Any other cabinet shifts you are thinking of making? I hope the finance minister hasn’t been annoying as much.” Rosia joked though her tone was still mostly stoic as she finally grabbed a plate for herself.

Jeanne gave a small ‘playful’ scoff, nodding her head. “Yes, my minister of finance will be one of the ones being replaced as well. I take it you have some suggestion?”

24th December, 2024
Royal Palace, Osfjord, Norgsveldet

Once more Yule would come to Norgsveldet, and as such once more Alexandra found herself being one making the hot chocolate for the family as she hummed to a Yule song. Doing so ever so early in the morning. The Crown Princess wore a dark purple Yule sweater that had reindeer symbols all along it, the sweater fitting well with her long purple coloured hair. One that instead of a typical braided ponytail was instead hung just loosely over her shoulders.

“Well, aren’t you awake early.” Olav’s voice said in a warm tone behind her as he entered the kitchen, walking up to scratch his daughter’s head. “Happy Yule, sweetie.”

She was quick to turn around and give him a tight hug, her father wearing a more formal outfit as he wore a pair black dress pants and white dress shirt. “Happy Yule, dad.” She took a step back as she let go of him, looking up at him with a warm smile. “And well, someone has to go get hot choco ready for breakfast. Joan never wakes up early when she is with Violette, and I didn’t wanna bother Thierry. He deserves to sleep in after taking care of our little girls.”

Olav gave a small nod at that, letting out a small chuckle. “I have always said that you seemed to be the only child of mine to know how to pick partners.” He walked up to the coffee machine, taking out a cup from one of the cupboards. “Though I shouldn’t be mean on Yule. Though where is your mother? She wasn’t in bed when I woke up and it’s not like her to not join in making sure we got the best hot chocolate for Yule.”

Alexandra stopped up a moment before she kept stirring the pot, adding a bit more the ingredients in. “She went out to get someone… she said you knew about it…” She gave a slightly confused look towards her father as she looked over her shoulder to him.

“Wait, someone?” He raised an eyebrow towards his daughter as he poured coffee into his cup, with him about to ask her further until he heard the entrance doors open. He looked out to the hall before glancing towards his daughter.

“…I want to make it clear, it was her idea and said you two were in agreement. It was not for me to speak against it.” Alexandra held her hands up defensively very much not wanting her father to become annoyed at her.

Olav let out a sigh as he walked out of the kitchen leaving his cup behind as he walked down the hall, to see two people entering his palace. Which immediately caused him to stop in place fully, being… a bit surprised by who it was.

It was that monster, half-Z’rei half-Kemonomimi man walking through his halls. Well more like wheeling through it, as he had his hands gripped onto the stroller, wheeling himself along the hall with his wife holding a hand onto his back. Even then, the once feared man was struggling to move, each step looking more painful than the last for him. The years have not been kind to nor he has been kind back to the march of time.

Wilhelmina held her hand onto his back, helping her uncle to the living room. Giving a look up towards Olav with a cautious smile. “Hey honey, just um… Helping Uncle to a nice warm chair…” Anyone other than Olav would think she spoke as if she did something wrong, like not telling him she was bringing in her former NIB agent uncle to Yule. However her husband and their long history together, he could see. Wilhelmina was hurting seeing her once protector being in such a massively weakened and pained state of being.

The king just crossed his arms as he gave a stern look down towards his wife. Being much taller than both of them. “Sweetie, y-” Though despite being much more physically imposing his wife was not one to not speak her mind as she held up her hand holding up two fingers.

She gave a look towards the crumbling state of the only NIB agent to ever turn his black trench coat back against the Bureau. As well a strong, not that scary look towards her husband. “I will start work on breakfast after he gets settled in a nice recliner seat. Would that be a great uncle?” Her tone was soft and gentle, looking towards him with a polite loving tone.

Her uncle gave a horrid cough, he went to cover his mouth but nearly fell down as his hand moved to cover his mouth. “A-Apologizes.” His tone with a thick southern Nystatinne accent, suffering from the march of time and life of adventure. His little baker had to help him not fall down, holding him tightly right up until his hands grabbed onto the handles of the walker again. He was tired, so awfully tired.

Olav glanced towards Wilhelmina’s hand with a bit of confusion before a groan left his lips. “Of course you were going to use that card for this.” He grumbled under his breath, his eyes still being a bit stern as he kept his arms crossed. Though it softened as he saw the genuine deep worry his wife had for the former NIB agent, and the extreme softness that was in her voice. It took perhaps a few seconds but eventually his arms would fall to the side as he let out a heavy sigh. “I’ll get him a cup of coffee then, unless he prefers tea.”

The old agent spoke up in a harsh tone, not harsh out of anger but rather it was painful for him to speak at all. “I have no playing cards. Apologies.” The Queen softly patted his back. “Little baker, where am I?”

“You’re at my home for Yule uncle.” She gave a somber tone, weak with a sad tone that the man who once walked her to school all those years ago was in such a state. “I’m going to help you to a nice comfortable chair.” She shoot a look at her husband before helping him move forward.

“No need. I am okay at home. I have a chair there.” He tried to respond before the little baker shot his idea down.

“No no, you will have Yule with us.” She faked a chipper, warm hearted tone perfectly as his wheels on his walker moved forward into their living room.

As Olav watched the two head towards the living room, all he could was to gently shake his head. Though he gave an apologetic look towards his wife before heading towards the kitchen. Speaking up before Alexandra could. “You’re not in trouble, sweetie.” He walked up to the coffee machine to get the old kelf a cup of coffee.

The Crown Princess let out a small sigh of relief at that before speaking up. “So will he be staying here?” She asked in a curious tone though one which was cautious.

“Yes, he will… I owe your mother that for him.” He took hold two cups of coffee, one for himself and one for the uncle, as he walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. Seeing his wife had brought the old kelf into a large sofa chair next to the fireplace. Usually one reserved for him and her, though he did not make any mention of that. “Here you go, hope the trip wasn’t too bad.” He gently put the cup on the small table next to the chair. Trying to speak in a more friendly tone, though one he struggled a bit with.

“O-oh thank you young man…” He tried to smile but it just didn’t work, not because of his age or various health problems but just from his training and upbringing. He simply couldn’t smile properly, it always felt vaguely threatening when it did. “Do I know you? Forgive if I do, my mind has not been… What it used to be.”

Wilhelmina placed a blanket onto his lap to help warm the old family friend up. “He is my husband, uncle, you remember? Olav?” She tried to keep sounding upbeat, trying to sound like she isn’t bothered by it all. Giving him a warm smile before looking back towards Olav with a pained look in her eyes.

The old kelf thought for a moment, reaching over to take a sip of the coffee. Struggling to-do so before having to put down the cup on the nearby small table. “I’m sorry little baker, I do not…” He gave a nasty sounding cough. One that perked Wilhelmina’s ears before they flatten against her head.

Olav let out a small sigh as he placed a hand on Wilhelmina’s shoulder, hunching down a bit as he spoke in a calm and comforting tone. “Focus on taking care of him, dear. I’ll wake up Joan so she can help Alexandra out in the kitchen.” He gave a small smile trying to reassure his wife the best he could.

She gave a gentle smile in return, giving him a kiss on the cheek before leaning up to his ear. “Are you only waking up Joan because you’re a terrible cook when making a meal doesn’t involve a grill?” She gave her teasing taunt before sitting down next to her uncle. She picked up the TV remote, speaking in a soft tone towards him. “Here uncle, we can watch those mystery movies and try to solve them before the movie ends.” She gave a warm gentle smile, softly padding his shoulder.

“Oh yes.” He answered absented mindly. Looking around the living room in a strange and weak. “What country are we in?”

“You’re at my home uncle.” She gave him a warm hug. Deciding it’s best not to bring up he is in Norgsveldet, given his unique and personal history with the country, and in particular with its intelligence service.

“I’m an amazing cook.” Olav muttered under his breath before shaking his head in mild annoyance, roughing up his wife’s white hair quickly before straightening his back and beginning walking out of the living room. Gently closing the doors before making his way towards the staircase.


Alexandra let out a small sigh as looked towards the dancing couple in the kitchen, as she saw Joan and Violette wearing matching blue Yule sweaters as her sister-in-law twirled her sister around. All while her sister was gently singing, ‘I kissed a girl’, during it.

“The taste of her cherry chapstick~” Joan said with a small giggle as she gave her girlfriend a peck on the cheek as she leaned against her.

“You two love birds do realize dad woke you two up to help me with preparing breakfast, right?” Alexandra couldn’t help but cross her arms as she raised an eyebrow towards the two.

Violette swayed along with her girlfriend. Giving a look towards her sister-in-law, giving a teasing smirk towards her. “Isn’t cooking man’s homely duties? Why are we doing it at all?”

“Unfortunately for you this household has a severe lack of men, so get to cooking.” Alexandra pushed a rolling pin into the hands of the Frida Princess. “Joan can show you how to mix the batter.”

Joan rolled her eyes but gave a peck on her girlfriend’s cheek. “I’ll also show you how to properly roll out and knead the dough.” Grabbing the rolling pin from her hands.

“Well I certainly know how to knead dough. If you know what I mea-” Violette was given a rather rude stare from Alexandra. The good Frida princess gave a smile back towards her. “If I said I was one-tenth Akuanist on my father’s side would it be better for you?” She gave a taunt.

“No.” Alexandra said in a stoic immediate tone that her sister couldn’t help but find it almost frighteningly similar to their father’s voice. Before letting out a small sigh as she turned around to focus on the hot chocolate, pouring some into a teapot. “What were you two singing and dancing anyways?”

“Didn’t you watch Urthvision?” Joan asked curiously as the two love birds eventually began to actually help in the kitchen. With Alexandra shaking her head no in response.

“Well, putting that Valkyr and Nystatinne songs aside, it was a lovely listen. Norgsveltian entry had an incredibly homosexual energy song made about us two.” Violette was most certainly not going to help in the kitchen, mostly because she literally had no idea how the oven worked. Though Joan was helping her regardless. “On the brightside, at least our song doesn’t upset Mrs. Pierre upon hearing it.” She gave a small giggle as she lifted up a spoon, only for her girlfriend to give her a confused stare. Resulting in the princess putting down the spoon back onto the table.

“Well I am glad that you two had a song made about you that didn’t bring controversy. I cannot exactly say the same.” Alexandra let out a small sigh as she moved along to the other side of the kitchen, turning on the oven to warm it up first. “Though since you both seem to like it so heavily, I almost have to wonder how explicit it is.”

Joan rolled her eyes at that as she rolled out the dough. “It’s not that bad, Alexandra. It’s Urthvision not some taboo contest.”

“Well I mean, maybe it is just a little bit given how little the performers are wearing afterall.” Violette tilted her head thinking about it for a moment. “Though if you want to know how explicit it is, you can always watch us reenact the performance in our bedro-” The Norgsveltian Crown Princess gave Violette a harsh stare. “Okay, okay I save those jokes when it’s just me and Joan. No need to break out your death beams to vaporize my soul.”

“If it makes it better, the people performing our song were actually decent clothing wise. Though I feel like you might have a few words to say about the other contestants.” Joan said with a small chuckle seeing her sister having a surprisingly easy time shutting her girlfriend up. “There was Augustia as an example, I think their song was called, I feel like a woman. Who well, I’m certainly you’d begin wagging your finger seeing that.” She gave a teasing smirk as she looked over towards her older sister. Which earned her a stern look back as the older sister crossed her arms.

Violette leaned down to whisper something most likely not fitting for the Crown Princess to hear before giving a giggle. Covering her mouth while Joan blushed red, giving Violette a very polite and weak shove to the side. “Oh come on, you were thinking about it too.” She looked over at Alexandre, “If I said what I said to her outloud, you would only be upset. So I’m actually doing the right thing here by whispering and you should reward me for that.”

“Right, and I’m certain you got just the best idea what type of reward you’d want as well.” Alexandra rolled her eyes as she let out a small sigh.

Joan for her end gave a small smirk towards Violette but didn’t say anything as she just kneaded some of the dough for a few moments before rolling it out.

“Don’t worry, your sister will go into debt to pay for it.” Violette gave a teasing tone, looking over at her girlfriend working. “You know, despite having a degree in industrial food engineering, I actually never saw dough being made. Like I know the rough process, but never really got to see it done like this.”

“You have a degree?” Alexandra stopped up for a moment as she was cooking some bacon for breakfast, the smell entering across the kitchen. She raised an eyebrow towards Violette, being curious about that fact of her. Which was also a good way for her to ignore the earlier comment.

“Uh, yeah? I’m still from the Federation. It is mandatory to have a degree or certifications in stuff even though I’m a noble.” Violette rolled her eyes. “Believe it or not, I also had a job too but nevertheless. I have a degree in machines that make foodstuff, though most of my job was mostly following the senior engineer around and sometimes double checking math. Sometimes stare at blueprints.” She gave a shrug.

“Hmm, well I guess that should be expected with how Federation is.” Alexandra said, giving a small nod before taking a moment to just look between Joan and Violette. Not saying anything, nor even smiling. But her sister noticed a glint in her eyes.

“What is it?” Joan asked, placing a hand on her hip as she raised an eyebrow towards her.

“Well, I guess Violette is both brains and brawn when it comes to your two’s relationship.” Alexandra said in a minor teasing tone before turning back her focus to her cooking.

“I am the complete package after all.” Violette planted a kiss on her girlfriend’s cheek. “Though I still have to find a new job before I end up the government assigning me to something ridiculous. Madame Pierre does have it out for me.” She gave a look towards Alexandra. “Don’t suppose you can help with that?”

Joan gave an offended look but didn’t say anything, simply crossing her arms annoyed. Meanwhile Alexandra looked towards Violette with a small smile. “Nope.” She then put bacon into a plate, as more and more food was being finished being prepared. “Breakfast is almost finished. Though I should check on the twins before we begin eating, they’d likely want their milk.” She let out a small sigh saying that.

“No worries, I’m sure Joan can finished up cooking here if you want to go take off.” Violette wrapped her arms around her girlfriend. Giving her a tight hug, swaying her tail around. “I might help if we need help fixing an industrial oven or something.” She gave a cheeky smirk, planting another kiss on Joan’s cheek.

Alexandra rolled her eyes yet gave a nod towards the couple. “Thank you.” She gave a warm smile as she headed out of the kitchen, putting the apron up. Leaving the two love birds alone.

“Honestly, that was surprisingly mature of you.” Joan said, placing her hands on top of Violette’s hands smiling warmly as she looked over her shoulder towards her girlfriend.

“Hey being a mother is the highest virtue of being a Hjørdist and besides, now we flirt far more explicitly with her gone~” Violette blew a bit of air into Joan’s ear.