Notice of Resignation

Please be informed that I hereby resign all offices and positions I currently hold with the exception of “citizen,” effective immediately. This includes but is not limited to Viceroy, Arbiter, Roleplay Director, Global Moderator, Discord Staff/Moderator, and Cartographer.

It has been my pleasure to serve the region. I am choosing now to return to private citizenship.

All the best and farewell Acronis.

Your future in TEP is still as bright as your contributions. Enjoy your citizenship position, and huge thanks for all the time you’ve spent for our benefit. Salve.

Thank you for your service, Acronis.

Nope. Your resignations are rejected.

  • but thank you for all your hard work on TEP :slight_smile:

Acronis, thank you for what you have done for us. You’ve done so much great work, with RP, Magistering, Arbitrating, and who knows how many others.

Thank you. May you rest well, and have fun.

Awh! Take care Acronis. Even if we didn’t get to typing together too terribly often, it was nice seeing you active in the government.

Good luck with whatever you next do. :slight_smile: