Notification from the Magisterium
The Magisterium of the Sovereign East Pacific,
Represented by the Provost,

Notifies the Conclave of the following:

In accordance with Article B, Section 10 of the Concordat, The East Pacific Magisterium has hereby ratified, by majority vote, the nomination of the following Arbiters:

Todd McCloud
East Malaysia
Old Federalia

A Slanted Black Stripe,
Provost of the East Pacific

I would like to thank the Magisterium for their swift appointments. We now fit the constitutional requirements of having an odd number of Arbiters on the Court.
The Magisterium of the Sovereign East Pacific,
Represented by the Provost,

Notifies the Conclave of the following:

In accordance with Article B, Section 10 of the Concordat, The East Pacific Magisterium has hereby ratified, by majority vote, the nomination of the following Arbiter:


A Slanted Black Stripe,
Provost of the East Pacific

Thank you for the update.
Pursuant to Article G, Section 3 of the Concordat, The Magisterium of the Sovereign East Pacific,
Represented by the Provost,

Notifies the Conclave of the following proposed amendment to the Concordat which received more than 2/3 support of the Magisterium:

— Begin quote from ____

— Begin quote from ____

In the text below the red strikethrough text is proposed to be removed.

The green underlined text is proposed to be added.

— End quote

Section 1) This Concordat does hereby invest judicial power in the Conclave, which shall be the sole interpreter of this Concordat.

Section 2) The Conclave shall be composed of an odd number of four Arbiters but there shall not be more than seven Arbiters at any one time.

Section 3) An Arbiter shall not serve concurrently as a Magister or the Delegate.

Section 4) The Arbiters shall elect from amongst themselves for a term of six months a Viceroy, who shall oversee the proceedings of the Conclave and administrate all elections in the East Pacific and represent the Conclave to the Magisterium and the Delegate.

Section 5) The Conclave may rule on the actions of the Delegate or laws passed by the Magisterium and nullify and prohibit any which are contrary to this Concordat.

Section 6) The Conclave may judge the actions of any nation in the East Pacific for violation of this Concordat and the laws of the East Pacific and sentence those found guilty.

Section 7) Trials in the Conclave shall be in open session.

Section 8) The Conclave may remove a Vizier by 2/3 vote for absence or high crimes or a Magister by majority vote. [2013 Am 1, §7]

Section 9) Arbiters are appointed for six month terms. Two arbiters shall be appointed on January 1 and July 1. One arbiter shall be appointed on March 1, May 1, September 1, and November 1.

Section 10) Arbiters may be reappointed when their term ends. There is no limit on the number of terms an Arbiter may serve.

Section 11) In the court proceedings of the Conclave concerning final decisions, the total number of votes cast may not exceed 3. The Standing Orders of the Conclave shall determine which of the four Arbiters shall cast these votes in any circumstance, each of whom may only cast one vote.

— End quote

The Conclave is now responsible to administer a referendum of the citizens to determine if the amendment is accepted.

A Slanted Black Stripe,
Provost of the East Pacific

Alright. I will get on this today. Sorry for the delay.
Pursuant to Article C of the Concordat, The Magisterium of the Sovereign East Pacific,
Represented by the Provost,

Notifies the Conclave of the following:

Given that the citizens of The East Pacific have approved the amendment to Article C of the Concordat (as seen in this, the Magisterium has voted (as seen in this on terms for Arbiters as follows:

  1. Arbiter Drakkengard is no longer a member of the Conclave. Much gratitude is expressed for Drakkengard’s service to the region.

  2. Arbiter Jurisdictions is appointed to a term which ends on February 28, 2014.

  3. Arbiter Todd McCloud is appointed to a term which ends on April 30, 2014.

  4. Arbiter East Malaysia is appointed to a term which ends on June 30, 2014.

  5. Arbiter Hobbes is appointed to a term which ends on June 30, 2014.

A Slanted Black Stripe,
Provost of the East Pacific

Thank you, this update is important. We do appreciate the consistent communication from the Magisterium on these pressing issues.
Pursuant to Article G, Section 3 of the Concordat, The Magisterium of the Sovereign East Pacific,
Represented by the Provost,

Notifies the Conclave of the following proposed amendment to Articles A and C to the Concordat which received more than 2/3 support of the Magisterium:

— Begin quote from ____

— Begin quote from ____

In the text below the red strikethrough text is proposed to be removed.

The green underlined text is proposed to be added.

— End quote

— Begin quote from ____

Section 1) This Concordat does hereby invest executive authority in a Delegate of the East Pacific and does appoint the Delegate the executor of this Concordat and any subsequent laws passed by the Magisterium.

Section 2) The Delegate of the East Pacific shall be a Citizen elected for a term of four months by a vote of the Citizens of the East Pacific. [2013 Am. 4]

Section 3) The Delegate of the The East Pacific must represent the popular will of The East Pacific in the World Assembly.

Section 4) The Delegate may remove shall eject and/or banish nations from the region members who are in contravention of the laws thereof who have committed a summary offense or have been convicted of an indictable offense by the Conclave, for a prescribed period of time.

Section 5)The Delegate shall represent The East Pacific to foreign governments other regions and organizations as Head of State, for such things as the construction of embassies, and the negotiation of treaties with foreign governments.

Section 6)The Delegate shall nominate individuals citizens to serve as Viziers, and nominate individuals to serve as Arbiters.

Section 5 7) The Delegate may appoint Ministers to perform any of the duties of the Delegate or to advise the Delegate

Section 6 8) The Delegate of the East Pacific shall not serve concurrently as a Magister, Arbiter, or Vizier.

Section 7 9) The Delegate of the East Pacific may order a Vizier to assume the Delegacy temporarily in order to provide for the security of the region. The Delegate may retake the Delegacy at any time after that point.

Section 8 10) An individual that has assumed the Delegacy through a means other than that provided for by this Concordat shall not be recognized by the government as Delegate.

— End quote

— Begin quote from ____

Section 1) This Concordat does hereby invest judicial power in the Conclave, which shall be the sole interpreter of this Concordat and the judge and jury of indicted citizens.

Section 2) The Conclave shall be composed of four Arbiters.

Section 3) An Arbiter shall not serve concurrently as a Magister or the Delegate.

Section 4) The Arbiters shall elect from amongst themselves for a term of six months a Viceroy, who shall oversee the proceedings of the Conclave and administrate all elections in the East Pacific and represent the Conclave to the Magisterium and the Delegate.

Section 5) The Conclave may rule on the actions of the Delegate or laws passed by the Magisterium and nullify and prohibit any which are contrary to this Concordat.

Section 6) The Conclave may judge the actions of any nation in the East Pacific for violation of this Concordat and indictable offenses according to the laws of the East Pacific and sentence those found guilty.

Section 7) Trials in the Conclave shall be in open session.

Section 8) The Conclave may remove a Vizier by 2/3 vote for absence or high crimes or a Magister by majority vote. [2013 Am 1, §7]

Section 9) Arbiters are appointed for six month terms. Two arbiters shall be appointed on January 1 and July 1. One arbiter shall be appointed on March 1, May 1, September 1, and November 1.

Section 10) Arbiters may be reappointed when their term ends. There is no limit on the number of terms an Arbiter may serve.

Section 11) In the court proceedings of the Conclave concerning final decisions, the total number of votes cast may not exceed 3. The Standing Orders of the Conclave shall determine which of the four Arbiters shall cast these votes in any circumstance, each of whom may only cast one vote.

— End quote

— End quote

The Conclave is now responsible to administer a referendum of the citizens to determine if the amendment is accepted.

A Slanted Black Stripe,
Provost of the East Pacific
The Magisterium of the Sovereign East Pacific,
Represented by the Provost,

Notifies the Conclave of the following:

Pursuant to Article B, Section 10, and Article C, Section 9, Jurisdictions has been appointed to the Conclave for the term from March 1, 2014 to August 31, 2014.

A Slanted Black Stripe,
Provost of the East Pacific

Very well, thank you for the update.
The Magisterium of the Sovereign East Pacific,
Represented by the Provost,

Notifies the Conclave of the following Magisterial Resolution:

— Begin quote from ____

Endeavoring to insure that the Delegate is always elected by a majority of those voting in an election

Observing that the Instant-Runoff Voting Act was vetoed by the Delegate who stated, “The Instant-Runoff Voting Act is infringing on the Concordat, which has not received proper consideration in my view.”

Finding The Concordat specifies in Article A, Section 2, “The Delegate of the East Pacific shall be a Citizen elected for a term of four months by a vote of the Citizens of the East Pacific.”

Noting that the Condordat does not provide specifics on the voting process, nor instructions on a run-off process if no candidate receives the majority of the vote.

Therefore, be it resolved:

The Magisterium hereby calls upon the Conclave to implement Instant-Runoff Voting for Delegate Elections, which shall be outlined below:

(A) Ballots in The East Pacific should include all candidates running in an election - allowing voters to rank each candidate preferentially from 1 (most favored candidate) to their least favored candidates.

(B) Voters may choose to not rank any number of candidates.

(C) The first preferences of all voters should be counted.

(D) If a candidate holds a majority (50%+) over said votes, that candidate has won the election.

(E) If no candidate holds a majority over said votes, then the candidate with the least amount of votes shall be eliminated and any voters who voted for this candidate shall have their vote transferred to their next preferred candidate (as indicated by their ballot).

(F) This aforementioned process shall be repeated until a candidate holds a majority.

(G) In the event that any candidates, with the least amount of votes, tie - they will all be eliminated.

— End quote

A Slanted Black Stripe,
Provost of the East Pacific

Alright. This shall be used for the next delegate election.
The Magisterium of the Sovereign East Pacific,
Represented by the Provost,

Notifies the Conclave of the following:

Pursuant to Article E, Section 2 of the Concordat:

— Begin quote from ____

Section 1 notwithstanding, the Magisterium may by majority vote grant honorable Citizenship to any individual, and that individual shall be considered a Citizen thereafter.

— End quote

The Magisterium has granted honorable Citizenship to A mean old man.

The Magisterium urges the Viceroy to update the citizenship records to include this information.

A Slanted Black Stripe,
Provost of the East Pacific

I’m confused - AMOM and has been for… well, years now I think.

Yes, he is. And now he can always be a citizen. This started as a response to some discussion about changing the requirements for citizenship. And some Magisters wanted to make sure AMOM was protected. So they used their power to give him honorary citizenship. Yes, it is redundant. And it is consistent with the Concordat.

Well, yeah it’s congruent with the Concordat.
The Magisterium hereby notifies the Conclave of the following:

Aelitia has been appointed to the Conclave for a six-month term starting on May 1st, 2014 and ending on October 30th, 2014.

Old Federalia,
Provost of the Magisterium

Thank you Provost, your notification has been received.

Sede Vacante, Viceroy Designee
Pursuant to Article G, Section 3 of the Concordat, The Magisterium of the Sovereign East Pacific,
Represented by the Provost,

Notifies the Conclave of the following proposed amendment to Article B, Section 13 to the Concordat which received more than 2/3 support of the Magisterium:

Article B, Section 13 of the Concordat shall be amended by adding the phrase, “resigns, or leaves office by other means,” as indicated below:

The green underlined text is proposed to be added:

— Begin quote from ____

Section 13) If the Delegate is removed, resigns, or leaves office by other means, the Magisterium shall then select a Vizier as Acting Delegate until a new election for Delegate has been held.

— End quote

The Conclave is now responsible to administer a referendum of the citizens to determine if the amendment is accepted.

A Slanted Black Stripe,
Provost of the East Pacific