I come to you today to announce my resignation as Chief Minister of Regional Affairs, Executive Staffer, Cabinet Advisor, Foreign Affairs Advisor, and Regional Officer. I will remain as a vizier. I will transition out of these roles over the next couple of weeks while working closely with the Delegate, Grand Vizier and EPPS Commissioner.
I will still continue to help when and where I’m needed but this will be in an unofficial capacity as a community administrator.
This decision was a difficult one to make but it feels like the right time to take a much needed rest from gameplay. Now I will focus on roleplaying and the technical side of the community.
I look forward to continue to work with all of you in the regional government but from a less formal place of work.
EM!!! Past, present and future you are. This year it will make 18 years since you’re here, and you have barely rested in this whole time. You’ve always marked the road by which all of us have walked. It’s unbelievable that our eternal TEPer actually needs to rest, but so it shall be. TEP Borg must be really satisfied with your work :)))
Time to travel from Christie Island to Peregrinia. Salve!! <3
I have made an amendment to my resignation after speaking with the Viziers. I will remain a vizier but will not hold designated vizier, Grand Vizier or EPPS Commissioner roles.