Notification of Resignation

Magiter Resignations.

Notification of Resignation

Members of the Magisterium;

It is in these walls where Magisters shall notify the Provost and other fellow Magisters of their intent to resign from the Magisterium, or where Provosts or Deputy Provosts may notify the Magisterium of their intent to resign from their position; in an effort to consolidate resignation threads far and wide to a single area.

Please include the date whereby your resignation will come into effect. Other Magisters are allowed to use this thread to congratulate, thank, or wish farewell to departing Magisters or resigning Provosts / Deputy Provosts.

Previous thread can be found here.

He gone.

Wiranath retired from the Magisterium on 2023-03-26T16:33:00Z, as verified by Deputy Provost AC. Thank you for your service, Wir. This body will miss your presence for a long time

Seeing my ongoing lack of activity here, and my continuous mulling over wether I will stay on NS and TEP at all, I would like to resign now from the Magisterium, effective immediately.

Basically, I just want to avoid being kicked out at some point due to inactivity (like not timely voting :sweat_smile:)

I might re-apply somewhere in the future when and if I’m feeling fit for the task.


No worries, thank you for your service in the Magisterium to this date.

This thread has been archived.

All further notifications of resignation should be directed to the Magisterium Administration Services.