Office of Secretary of State - Proletarian Communes of Auraliyu

(Insert Unonian translation here)

Alan Guyvais Centre, completed in 2018, the new location of where international affairs and some other matters within
happen in Auraliyu in Ave’lose.

The Free Republic f Auraliyu is a country situated in eastern Yasteria, bordering Luthaiya, Alagaisia, Kelssek, and Iskleyvu. A democratic federation of 36 provinc, which stems from the historical number of royal cantons during the Divine Kingdom of Auraliyu under Vekaiyun subject, with their current manifestation comprising of union governments. A country of 34 million people including a GDP per capita of $35,000, Auraliyu is rich in its agrarian work and industry within its cities with cooperative ownership added on with its exquisite cuisine, customs, and secularism birthed in 1923 from ripping off the shackles of monarchist and imperial rule after years of fighting and striking.

The Reverend Angus Vaiyre
President of the Free Republic of Auraliyu
President of the Auralian GPC
Head of State and Government
Since January 10, 2017

Marlos Evendile
Central Committee - Secretary of State
Since March 11, 2020

  • Embassy and Consulate exchanges

  • Visa and green card programs

  • Trade Agreements

  • Exchange of diplomatic recognition

  • Extradition agreements

  • Student exchange programs

  • Cooperation with labor unions

  • Financial aid in times of crisis

The Proletarian Communes of Auraliyu currently have relations with the following jurisdictions:

Rosalica, Margravate of

-Diplomatic Recognition
-Embassy Exchange
-Cultural Exchange
-Student Exchange

Asendavia, Empire of

  • Exchange of Diplomatic Recognition
  • Embassy Exchange
  • Student exchange
  • Cultural Exchange
  • 45-Day Visa Program

Axdel, Democratic States of

-Diplomatic recognition
-Embassy exchange
-Trade Agreement (Primarily exporting: Medical supplies and machinery. Primarily importing: Rare earth metals and farming equipment)
-Power infrastructure construction contract (Borealis Energy)

Alyunthian Matriarchal Regime

-Embassy Exchanges
-Diplomatic Recognition
-Cultural Exchanges
-Student Exchanges
-Non-aggression pact
-Scientific Cooperation
-Trade Agreement (primarily exporting: crude oil, primarily importing: computers)

Nordernpunto, Socialist Democratic Republic of

-Exchange of Embassies
-Cultural Exchange
-Student Exchange
-Non-aggression agreement
-Scientific Cooperation
-Trade Agreement (primarily exporting lumber)

Durakia, Miner’s Republic of

-Embassy exchanges
-Future Diplomatic Meetings
-Cultural Exchanges
-Scientific Cooperation
-Visa Applications
-Work Permit Applications
-Trade Agreement

Official Transmission from the Margravate of Rosalica:

To whom this may concern,

Greetings from Rosalica!

On behalf of her majesty Margravine Rachel III of the Margravate of Rosalica, I would like to open relations between our two nations. In order to do so, we would like to apply for the following:

-Diplomatic Recognition
-Embassy Exchange
-Cultural Exchange
-Student Exchange

We also invite you to visit us any time. We provide many attractions and resorts for all ages, and depending on the circumstances, arrangements can be made to meet with the royal family if requested. If there are any issues, please feel free to contact me at any time and I’ll do my best to assist.

Rini Ververs
Minister of Foreign Affairs


To the Representative of the Margravate of Rosalica,

We have received your letter regarding your interest in wanting to establish diplomatic relations with the Proletarian Communes of Auraliyu, and with approval from Secretary of State Marlos Evendile and Chairman Angus Vairye, we do indeed accept your request to open up exchange between our countries. We have further expressed interest in further opening up relations with the Auroran continent and it is a pleasure to start out today.

Best regards from,
Secretary of State

Alan Guyvais Center
11-055 Massley Drive
Ave’lose, Ave’lose Capital Commune

Official Transmission from the Empire of Asendavia:

Marlos Evendile
Secretary of State
Proletarian Communes of Auraliyu


On behalf of His Imperial Majesty Kaiser Jon VII of the Empire of Asendavia, I would like to open relations between our two nations. We would like to apply for the following:

  • Exchange of Diplomatic Recognition
  • Embassy Exchange
  • Student exchange
  • Cultural Exchange
  • 45-Day Visa Program

May good fortunes come to you and your nation.

Viktor Zharkov
Minister of Foreign Diplomacy
Empire of Asendavia


To the Representative of the Empire of Asendavia,

I have received your letter regarding your interest in furthering diplomatic relations with the Proletarian Communes of Auraliyu, and that we have considered your offer as we would like to open up with proceedings to establish the terms you have listed. Despite our government differences we are still willing to improve relations between our countries to cement a more positive and cooperative world, we look forward to working further with you in the future.

Best regards from,
Secretary of State

Alan Guyvais Center
11-055 Massley Drive
Ave’lose, Ave’lose Capital Commune

To: Marlos Evendile, The Proletarian Communes of Auraliyu

On behalf of the Axdelian Government I, ambassador Feller, formally apply for the following;

-Diplomatic recognition
-Embassy exchange
-Trade Agreement (Primarily exporting: Medical supplies and machinery. Primarily importing: Rare earth metals and farming equipment)
-Power infrastructure construction contract (Borealis Energy)

Ambassador Amanda Feller,
Axdelian Office of International Affairs


To the Representative of the Democratic States of Axdel,

I have received your letter expressing interest in wanting to further cement diplomatic relations with the Proletarian Communes of Auraliyu, and we are completely unopposed and and very well interested in pursuing further relations with the Democratic States of Axdel. We accept all provisions you have listed on your letter such as diplomatic recognition, exchange between embassies, the further provisions of the trade agreement that you request, as well as the contract for construction of infrastructure from Borealis Energy. Our current interests as of yet is to further relations with much of the Auroran Continent and it will be a pleasure of working with Amanda Feller, the Corbinn Administration, and the rest of the Axdelian Government to cooperate in the future.

Best regards from,

Office of Secretary of State

Alan Guyvais Center
11-055 Massley Drive
Ave’lose, Ave’lose Capital Commune



Since the last Senate session, the following ambassadors for the representing countries has been approved:

Abbot Versot - Ambassador to the Margravate of Rosalica
Nim Berdansk - Ambassador to the Empire of Asendavia
Todd Garertie - Ambassador to the Democratic States of Axdel
Mary Saravile - Ambassador to the Alyunthian Matriarchal Regime
Steven Garett - Ambassador to the Socialist Democratic Republic of Nordernpunto
John Lenile - Ambassador to the Miner’s Republic of Durakia

All approved ambassadors have recently been sworn into office and will be reporting to temporary institution while respective embassies in select countries will be erected.

To whom it may concern,


We seek to start a Sokalan-Auraliyun relationship with an Auraliyun diplomatic recognition of our nation, Sokala. In addition, we request a non-aggression pact and embassy exchange program.

As a sign of courtesy, we would also like to invite you to the InterContinental Defense Alliance or ICDA. We seek to have an inter-continental military defense alliance. ICDA will ensure a mutual defense agreement between all its members. We recognize that Auraliyu’s strategic might and power and we hope that you’ll ally with us.

It is time that both our nations officially make amends and instead of looking at the past, seek a better future for both Sokalans and Auraliyuns.



Theordore Dorbes
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
The Democratic Republic of Sokala


To the Office of Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of Sokala,

We have received your message and our administration is completely unopposed to establishing and improving foreign relations between the Democratic Republic of Sokala, as we have automatically recognized Sokala, it will be a pleasure to be diplomatically cooperation with the Sokalans in the future and we welcome Sokalans to Auraliyu with open arms with a warm welcome. We recognize the lengths Sokalans went to declare themselves an independent country in revolution and we share that identity of rising from ashes of bloody revolution. On the matter of our membership to the ICDA, this is certainly an ambitious offer you have given to us and we will definitely accept a pact of non-aggression between our countries, but to enter a supranational organization would require legislative authority so the responsibility of joining ICDA may be set on the People’s Chamber and ultimately Chairman Vaiyre’s desk if it passes both chambers with confidence. Though, we will be very glad to be cooperating with the Sokalans in the future.

If it suits your interests, the question of trade between our countries is on the table and we would like to extend an invitation out to you for a trade agreement between Sokala and Auraliyu, here are our 10 largest exports in the 2019/20 fiscal year:

-farming equipment
-canned goods
-rare earth metals
-crude oil

There is also a large selection which may not be listed on this top 10, you are also authorized to amend this deal in the future to suit your and our needs.

Best regards from,
Secretary of State

Alan Guyvais Center
11-055 Massley Drive
Ave’lose, Ave’lose Capital Commune

Marlos Evendile
Secretary of State
Alan Guyvais Center
11-055 Massley Drive
Ave’lose, Ave’lose Capital Commune


Our deepest thanks for recognizing our independence. Our President, Domingo Rolex, has told me that he is glad Auraliyu’s considering forming ICDA with Sokala. Regarding trade, we are pleased to say that we are willing to enter a trade agreement with Auraliyu. The following are Sokala’s top exports:

  • Coconut goods (coconut lumber, coconut oil, coconuts themselves, etc,)

  • Tele-communications equipment (LGARS Combat Network Radio systems, 5G cell tower equipment, etc.)

  • Corn

  • Iron

  • Aluminum

  • Rice

We look forward to your correspondence.



Theordore Dorbes
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
The Democratic Republic of Sokala

FAO: Foreign Affairs of Proletarian Communes of Auraliyu,

For millennia a system of class-based oppression has existed on our Urth. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman. In short, oppressor and oppressed. In our epoch this constant opposition exists as the bourgeois and the proletarian, the factory owner and the worker. It is upon these basic principles that your nation is built; the development of a society fairer for all.

The Urthian Worker's Internationale - TEPwiki is a supranational union of left-wing and far-left-wing nations with the intention of supporting the well-being of the Worker, the propagation of socialist ideals across Urth, and the support of smaller socialist brethren-nations. It is an organisation of a wide-range of left-wing ideologies from Communism to Democratic Socialism.

The UWI consists of the Socialist Council, of which all Member States are a part of. Here, supranational legislation is proposed, debated, and enshrined into law. In addition to this, the UWI hosts the Red Defence Council, an optional (opt-in) mutual defence pact, which offers access to various joint ventures (training school, research laboratories, etc).

It is with the pride of the Urthian Worker’s Internationale that the offer of membership is extended to your nation. We hope that you will consider this offer and, if you so choose, extend to us a registration of interest through our Urthian Worker's Internationale - Information - The East Pacific - Tapatalk, where you can also find more information and ask questions about the UWI.

Onwards comrade.


In the name and on the behalf of His Majesty Mital II, King of the Acronian Empire, I hereby extend our official recognition of the Proletarian Communes of Auraliyu as a sovereign state.

We seek to begin formal diplomatic relations with your great country, beginning with mutual diplomatic recognition, exchange of embassies, and a program of cultural exchange between our two nations. I look forward to begin building a productive, mutually beneficial relationship with your country and your people.

Most Sincerely,
Atra Lanash Metravar
Minister of External Affairs
Acronian Empire

To the Office of the Secretary of State for the Proletarian Communes of Auraliyu,

Grindoligarch sees it as a mutually beneficial endeavor for our nations to establish an exchange of embassies, a mutual acknowledgment of sovereignty, and a non-aggression pact to ensure peace between our nations and protect/secure any future pacts or arrangements made either through this correspondence or in the future.

If it would prove that both of our nations are working towards similar technological advancements and are at a similar point in such endeavors, a research agreement may prove mutually beneficial as well.

Furthermore, Grindoligarch is interested in opening trade between our nations and is able to provide the following exports: machine parts/manufacturing (on request for specific parts or machines), military equipment (infantry equipment, tanks, planes, drones, ships, etc.), Information Technology, computer parts/computers, mining, and timber. In large part in regards to types of machines/machine parts, military equipment, and computer parts/computers production is very flexible and we can change the production of certain factories to fulfill specific requests in any of the previously mentioned fields that apply. Though we will need to specify the security measures we take in order to secure our nation before a trade can begin.

Let’s hope for a mutually beneficial relationship and for a continuation of peace and prosperity for our nations.

~Mikhail Volkov, International Representative of the Grindoligarch Administration Party

(quick post)


The following embassies has had their messages reviewed by our staff,
-Grindoligarch, Technocratic Unified State of
-The Acronian Empire
-Urthian Worker’s International

We have received your messages and will be honored to work with you in the future

Shackles Be Damned
-Marlos Evendile