Official Languages of TEP

Codexian is the official language.


The Oan Isles – Oan (native name: Oalanu)

The Republic of Duelland:

Officials languages: Codexian(English), Spanish

Recognize languages: Codexian(English), Spanish

Codexian (English): 84%

Spanish: 13%

Other: 3%

Furnifold languages, by order of predominance:

Codexian - English
Iasathi - Greek
Farci - Farsi
Thursian - Swedish
Spandard - Spanish
Reoa - West Polynesian made up language

Might as well get this down.

Official Languages of Fortuna:
Fortunan - Italian with heavy influences from Codexian (English)

Official Languages of Eridani Theta:
Eridani Thetan: Italian with heavy influences from Unonian

Official languages of. . .

Greater Ardsland: Ardlian

Mariarty: Uinotuin

Alinia: Uinotuin, Codexian

Eurokraine: Codexian

Bailstria: Uinotuin

Ardlian is basically the Serbian language exclusive to Greater Ardsland and present in some areas around the country’s neighbors.

Uinotuin is a commonly used language in the continent of Arcturia. It is basically Spanish mixed with Niuean.


Spandard - Spanish
Kuthern - Spanish & Welsh Mix
Telsh - Welsh

The official languages of Mariarty are Spanish and Catalan, while English and French are also spoken.


Oalanu (Oh-wah-lah-noo) is the official language of the Oan Isles, a regionally recognised language in Konoa and East Polynesia and spoken in other countries such as the Yor Isles and Furnifold. It belongs to the West Polynesian language family. It is a synthetic language, with fusional, derivative and agglutinative characteristics. It has five vowels, nine consonants and two approximants, five articles, four moods, three tenses, and eight pronouns. It is completely made up. The full article is available here:

Rua autu u olu ta ku i Oalanu lana, howa i tukilu ko eneaeni.

Marilyn Manson: Mansonian

Gah, I forgot all about this thread. I’ll be adding everyone’s languages in today. If I could have someone else monitor this as well if ever I forget- that’d be fantastic (Cartographers, RP Moderators).

the official language of Blueacia is Blueacian which in the real world is Frisian. but the most spoken language is Staynish (dont know which real language that is)

The primary language spoken by the Vel’dorei is Verdrasse, which itself draws inspiration from Darnassian and Thalassian. English and Staynish are learned for diplomatic and international purposes.

The official language of Ayaupia is ayaupian (ayopi), a made up language (I’m still working on it).

Ayaupian is a national language made up to make a compromise and unite three different dialects : asconian, palayonian and nestonian (asconi, palayooni and nestoni), each one having a different pronounciation and system of writing.