[OGO Nomination] Altys

If you ask me who deserves an OGO I’d say Aurora and Altys. Unforunately I’m not sure I have the proper inspiration to write one for Aurora right now but I firmly hope she gets the one she fully deserves one day soon.

As for Altys, well, here we are. I will say that while many Delegates have an OGO, either from before their Delegacy or after (with the “after” often having their Delegacy not be a key point, if a key point at all), I think Altys’s Delegacy was truly a heavy hitting one for TEP and I’d personally rank him as one of the best Delegates since 2020 alongside Libertanny and Aurora. Couple that with his technology, culture, and FA service nonstop for now nearly 4 years, and I think it’s clear Altys has had a major impact on this region that truly helped define it in this modern age.

Thus, I believe he deserves an OGO.

I wanted to try something fun so let me know if I should just make a shorter regular citation…

Also lemme know if there’s any inaccuracies!

0 objections

Not one objection! Looks good, and Altys deserves OGO!

Fully in support of this; it was an honour to serve alongside Altys is his WAA Minister and his long tenure and achievements as Delegate would render him more than deserving of an OGO :slight_smile:

I have some comments and reservations about the specifics but support the concept in theory. I’d like to request a delay on any motions for at least a week even if there’s no other comments, to allow me to finish my 15 page paper for uni, catch up on other NS duties, and get my thoughts in.

why am i still masked as grand vizier

planned to motion this in two weeks minimum so you’re good


Okay so like I said, support in principle, but I’d like to see some tweaks. First of all, length. Way too long. We shouldn’t be talking about every single thing Altys has done – we don’t even do that in SC Commendations. This was actually a discussion you and I had over Merlo’s OGO nomination that we want to make sure we’re centering the important stuff.

Altys was, like you said, a very solid Minister of Culture. That is not why he should receive an OGO, though. I would strike that entirely. Maybe keep the first sentence after “Let’s begin our tale” (which I don’t like, itself, btw). The third substantial paragraph is great context, but probably better as two short sentences as a part of the background.

The line “But that was not the path Altys chose, and what he did next (…) truly makes him worthy of this Order” basically makes my point for me. Altys had a great career prior to 2023, yes, I don’t deny that. But his 2023 career is so good that putting it at the same level as his past work does him a disservice.

The “For a time wherein the East” paragraph is perfect, I’d keep that exactly the way it is. The Lausanne paragraph, also very good, maybe could be shorter. “But Altys” – sure, yes. “As Delegate” – okay here’s my next concern. This is worth a line in the OGO, IMO, buuuut I don’t think spending half a paragraph explaining and then another half-paragraph citing a longform analysis explaining the situation is worth the character space. The sentiment could be conveyed much more briefly, and it would be easier to read. If they want the longer form, they can see my UTEP work (shameless plug, I know).

ANAL is great, but maybe a little shorter, and folded into the Lausanne section on FA. The fluff around “But in these days” could be cut and Altys has already spoken on the bot side of things. The conclusion paragraph could be cut. Overall I just don’t think a page-long narrative is the best way of doing this. A couple paragraphs briefly highlighting the best things he’s done is fine, I think.

If we do want to do this, it should only be accompanied by the amendment of all past OGOs because it’s unfair to suggest that 2023’s great heroes are better than 2020’s great heroes by virtue of devoting more time and effort to honoring them. It should be a systemic effort to reform OGO formatting and style or we should follow the existing format with minor tweaks and extensions across the years.

Nixed all of this as much as I could, but I strongly disagree with ommitting that information. Yes, it isn’t the primary focus of his OGO - and I probably put too much effort to it (thus the major cleaving) - but the content itself is still notable enough to note and show that Altys has done more to TEP before his Delegacy. In my eyes it complements his current work - not detract from it.

decided to change it to make it shorter with some other changes oop


Not sure if by “this” you mean the paragraph style in general or my uber long first draft - but either way I don’t see this reasoning as valid. If someone wants to take the time and effort to honor someone, they should. This does not make the previous OGOs any less honorable in any way, since although the citation is an important part of the Order the primary honor of the Order is mostly getting the badge and medal.

And in any case, anyone who, upon seeing Merlo’s probably-going-to-pass OGO alongside Altys’s, sees this and wants to revamp some OGOs they can always go so anyways. I’m not taking responsibility for such a task though, because it is out of my will to do. However, I have taken the responsibility of properly honoring Altys, which I firmly believe is best done if expanded on and not just crushed into one paragraph (which I think would be best for all OGOs in the future and I’d support endeavors to revamp past OGOs in that way even if I can’t contribute material effort to such a thing).

I think that’s just a differing philosophy then because to me it’s about acknowledgement of the hard work someone’s done rather than the title itself (which I’ve only ever used for myself when proving a point) – and if you acknowledge more of someone’s work you’re placing them above someone whose work you’re acknowledging less of. In other words, how come Altys’ time as MoC more important than Merlo’s time as Delegate? How come Altys’ work hosting HPFOF is more important than my work hosting HPFOF? How come Altys manually running REWARD is more important than Libertanny manually running REWARD? To me it’s a matter of equity. “Properly honoring” more than just one person out of all the OGO recipients.

This is also why I kept trying to push the idea of putting OGOs in a Resolution which we can amend. There is no existing mechanism for amending OGOs. You have to repeal it and replace it which is two separate votes and no one is going to vote to repeal a deserved OGO even if a better one is in the works because we wouldn’t even repeal an OGO that the recipient didn’t want.

[quote=“Mangegneithe, post:14, topic:18574”]
I think that’s just a differing philosophy then because to me it’s about acknowledgement of the hard work someone’s done rather than the title itself

I think then we’ll have to fundamentally agree to disagree on this.

There is no existing mechanism for amending OGOs.

I mean can’t we just add an amendment clause to the Awards Act?

reworded the tech clause to give credit to vussul since he probably deserves it.

will look into making this shorter later.

shortened it a bit, may try shortening it further later