[OLD] Templates for Provosts & Deputies

These are templates for usage by the Provost and their Deputies.

You do not have to use these templates, but make sure you’re clear in the information you’re conveying if you do not. Links to relevant items are always appreciated for record keeping.

To properly use these templates, make sure to disable BBC code first, paste the template, then re-enable BBC code. In the full text editor, scrolling down and hitting options shall show you the checkbox for that. If you’re posting in the quick text editor, click the three dots (…) and click “view original post” to disable BBC, and “WYSISYG” to renable BBC Code.


[TITLE OF PROPOSER] [PROPOSER/AUTHOR(S)] has nominated/proposed %url%** on [Month Xth, 202X UTC]. The nomination/proposal was seconded by [TITLE OF SECONDER] [NAME OF SECONDER] on [Month Xth, 202X UTC].

Pursuant to [INSERT NAME OF RELEVANT REGIONAL LAW], this nomination/proposal needs a [INSERT FRACTION MAJORITY] majority of voting Magisters to pass.

Voting begins on [Month XXth, XX:XX UTC], with a voting period of 168 hours (1 week). It will end on [Month XXth, XX:XX UTC].

Choices for voting: 
Vote AYE or FOR if you are in favor of the nomination/proposal.
Vote NAY or AGAINST if you are against the nomination/proposal.
Vote PRESENT or ABSTAIN if you cannot make a decision in good conscience.

It is required to supply the name of your citizenship nation in your vote.

[COPY AND PASTE ACTIVE MAGISTER LIST FROM https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/the_east_pacific/record-of-magisters-t6491-s60.html#p250012]


  • For the date a bill/nomination was proposed, use the date the nomination/proposal was originally posted on the forums.
  • Make sure to link to the relevant thread. KEEP the URL code blocks in.
  • Whenever it says nomination/proposal, use the word which is relevant. So if it’s a nomination, say only “nomination” not “nomination/proposal”.
  • Put the start of the vote at around the time you plan to post the actual vote, or a few minutes earlier.
  • For UTC conversions, try using this: UTC - exact time now - Time.is
  • For a vote to open, the author or co-sponsor of the bill must motion it and a Magister must second it. The bill cannot be edited after a second.


Basically, just use this template - inserting the relevant words if the bill passes or fails

This vote has concluded as of [INSERT UTC TIME].


# of voters including abstains] out of # of active Magisters] Magisters voted, fulfilling the quorum requirement of 50%. 
X Magisters voted FOR. Y Magisters ABSTAINED. Z Magisters voted AGAINST. 

The [Insert whatever is being voted on] has been [PASSED OR FAILED] with a X% majority of Magisters [in favor OR against].

Non-Voting Magisters (# of non-voting active Magisters):

[insert names of non-voting active Magisters]

If the motion passes, put PASSED & in favor. If it failed, put FAILED & against instead (this is assuming qurorum is fulfilled).

Things to note:

  • Inactive Magisters (suspended or on LOA) will just be ignored in the voting tally. So they will not affect vote quorum, vote majorities, and they won’t be mentioned in the “Magisters Not Voting” bit. However, if these Magisters return and vote before the vote closes, then they will be included in everything.
  • Abstained/Present Magisters do NOT count towards the vote majority in anyway, but they DO count for vote qurorum.
  • If qurorum isn’t met, the bill fails. Change the word “fulfilling” accordingly.

HOW TO NOTIFY THE EXECUTIVE (Notice from the Magisterium - Page 18 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk)

You are hereby informed that the %url% has passed as of [UTC TIME BILL PASSED VOTE].

You may sign this into immediate effect or veto it within 10 days of passage, which will end on [UTC DATE 10 DAYS SINCE VOTE PASSED]

  • Only enactment, amendment, and repeal of legislation need signatures.
  • Concordat amendments will bypass the Delegate and instead go to the Conclave for a Citizen referendum.
  • Try to notify the Delegate elsewhere as well, in whatever communications platform they most commonly use.
  • Treaties, war declarations, amendments & repeals to such do not need a Delegate signature, but you can ask for one if you wish.
  • You can modify the above template to notify the Delegate about confirmations, but such notification is not necessary.

HOW TO NOTIFY THE CONCLAVE OF CONCORDAT AMENDMENTS (Notification from the Magisterium - Page 5 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk)

In accordance with the Concordat, the Magisterium of the East Pacific notifies the Conclave of the passage of the %url%.

The Conclave is now responsible for administering a referendum of the citizenry to determine if the proposed amendment is accepted.

  • Remember, Concordat amendments are NOT signed/vetoed by the Delegate. Following Magisterium vote, they go directly to the Conclave.


  1. Make a new thread The Concordat and Laws of The East Pacific - The East Pacific - Tapatalk. Title it the name of the Act.
  2. Paste and fill out this template:

*--- Begin quote from ____*


*--- End quote*

Then post to create the new thread.
3. Make a new post in the same thread.
4. Paste and fill out this template:

The Magisterium voted %url% the [NAME OF ACT] on [DATE VOTE PASSED]. This enactment was signed by %url% on (DAY SIGNED).


  • If the Delegate did not sign or veto the Act, then the Act becomes law 10 days after passage. If the Delegate vetoed the Act but the Magisterium overrode the veto, then the law is enacted. Modify the above template in those situations.
  • The above template can be used for posting Magisterium Resolutions - just edit the template as needed and post in the proper place.


  1. Make a new post in the bill being amended.
  2. Paste and fill out this template:

The Magisterium voted %url% the [NAME OF ITEM] on [DATE VOTE PASSED]. This amendment was signed by %url% on (DAY SIGNED).


  1. Post the new Act/SOM/Concordat as amended into the opening post. Change the date within the quote block to the date the amendment was passed. If you cannot edit the post, ask a forum moderator for help.
  • Remember that amendments to the Standing Orders of the Magisterium or the Concordat are not considered by the Delegate, and ergo do not need the sentence on Delegate signatures.
  • For Concordat amendments, you will need to replace the sentence on Delegate signatures with one explaining what time the Citizen Referendum occurred and linking to said referendum (like how you linked to a Magisterium vote).
  • Some motions [VOTE] 2021 Security Package - Amendments to the Concordat - The East Pacific - Tapatalk will not use markup, and will instead state what is changed with plain words. In this case, post the BBC Code of the entire motion under “The Amendment” and post the newly amended legislation (changed following the directions of the motion) under “The Act/SOM/Concordat as Amended”.
  • If the legislation is rewritten, then replace the above two spoilers with one spoiler titled “The Act as Rewritten”, and post the entire rewritten Act in that spoiler.


  1. Go to the Act of the law that is being repealed.
  2. Paste, fill out, and post this template:

The Magisterium voted %url% the [NAME OF ACT] on [DATE VOTE PASSED]. This repealwas signed by %url% on (DAY SIGNED).

  1. Ask a forum moderator to lock the thread and move it Repealed Laws - The East Pacific - Tapatalk.


Prior to accepting an applicant, make sure their information (i.e. their resident nation, WA nation, public disclosure form, etc.) is correct. If not, instruct them to fix it. If you think all information is correct and there is no security concerns, accept the application. If the applicant does not have a WA nation in TEP, then you need to open a vote and follow these suggested steps.

  1. Make a question thread for the applicant. To do so, make a new post in the Magisterium subforum (same place we hold our debates), copy the following template, paste and fill it out in your post. Title the post “Magisterium Candidate: [INSERT CANDIDATE NAME HERE]”

[CANDIDATE NAME] has taken the Magisters Oath %url%.

In accordance with the Public Official Disclosure Act, their public disclosure was posted %url%.

You may ask the candidate questions within this thread until the vote closes.

  1. Once you post the question thread, keep the tab open - you’ll need the link.
  2. Now open a vote with the following template:

[CANDIDATE NAME] has taken the Magisters Oath %url%.

In accordance with the Public Official Disclosure Act, their public disclosure was posted %url%.

You may ask the candidate questions here: (PASTE LINK TO THE QUESTIONS THREAD YOU MADE EARLIER).

Given that the candidate does not have a WA nation in TEP, the Magisterium shall, by majority vote, decide whether the applicant will be accepted.

This bill requires a normal majority to pass.


Voting begins on [Month, Day, Year] at XX:XX UTC and will last a period of 168 hours. It will end on [Month, Day, Year] at XX:XX UTC. 

Voting Choices:
1. Vote AYE or FOR if you are in favor.
2. Vote NAY or AGAINST if you are against.
3. Vote ABSTAIN or PRESENT if you cannot make a decision in good conscience.

It is required to supply the name of your citizenship nation in your vote.


Active Magisters (# of active Magisters (those not on LOA and not suspended)):


  1. When the time comes, close the vote in the regular way (with the proper edits to show this is the acceptance/rejection of an application, not a bill).
  2. If the candidate is accepted, Record of Magisters - Page 5 - The East Pacific - Tapatalk. If you’re a DP, ask the Provost to do it.


**The 51st Magisterium of The East Pacific;**
Since [Post date you were elected, if this is a regular provost election]

Deputy Provosts:

List of active Magisters ([Insert # of Active Magisters]; as of [Insert Date list last updated]:
Insert here any Magisters who are not on LOA and are not currently suspended.

Suspension record:
Insert here any suspended Magisters.

Scheduled LOA:
Insert Magisters on LOA here w/ similar format as suspended Magisters.

Magisters No More:
Insert Magisters who resigned or were removed here.

*--- Begin quote from ____*


#1 - The XXst Magisterium began on [insert date began] and elected [Provost name] as Provost.
#2 - [Name(s) of Deputy Provosts] was/were appointed as Deputy Provosts on [Date appointed]
#3 - Insert further notes on changes of Magister statuses here.

*--- End quote*

  • Don’t need a template for this as much, but might as well considering Provosts can’t edit posts as of right now.
  • Post this everytime a new Magisterium begins