On the Role of Nazis in NationStates

On the Role of Nazis in NationStates
Posted by Zeorus, June 11, 2013

I do not believe that the existence of NS Nazis as a group is a problem that needs fixing, or a problem at all. It is my fervent belief that they provide a valuable element to the game, whether it be in the world of R/D, roleplay or in inter-regional diplomacy, whether or not their presence is pleasant, enjoyable or desirable. This ties into my dualistic beliefs concerning good and evil as well as my beliefs concerning right to belief, expression and speech.

Concerning good and evil- In accordance with my religious beliefs as a Latter-Day Saint, it is my view that “there is an opposition in all things” (2 Nephi 2:11). As such, good and evil are two distinct conditions in the world that, while inherently conflicting with one another, depend upon each other for their very existence. The nature of all things is dependent upon opposition- there can be no good without evil, just as there are no shadows without light. Otherwise, good ceases to be good because there is nothing to compare it to- nothing to make it good. As such, there can be no happiness in the world unless there is misery, and no sin without righteousness.

In the case of NationStates, Nazis are a necessity because they provide the evil which must be present in order for this other world* to have any good in it. It is the nature of games to have an adversary against which one is to fight and (hopefully) triumph. Without that necessary evil, a game becomes limited in its ability to keep the player interested or engaged. While not all NSers engage in such an approach to the game, Nazis do fill this role for a significant portion of the players as an enemy to fight against in the world of roleplay, the battlefields of R/D, or the halls of inter-regional diplomacy via the World Assembly or groups such as Founderless Regions Alliance, United Defenders League or the former Sovereign Confederation.

Concerning the right to free belief, expression and speech- As the honorable Naivetry once stated, “NationStates is a game of ideologies.” This is, of course, true- NationStates was explicitly created as a political simulation game, however exaggerated or satirical it may be at times. Since its creation, NS has become home to myriad beliefs political, religious, economic, social and philosophical. This spectrum ranges from the far left where I reside, in the worlds of socialism, communism and anarchism to the far right where conservatives, fascists and capitalists make their home, and to other ideological worlds entirely such as theocracy and monarchy. This diversity is what part of makes the game unique and engaging and is enabled by the freedom of sociopolitical expression and belief granted the players by the game administrators.

In my view, raids on NS Nazis simply based upon the fact that they hold to the tenets of Nazism is a disrespect to this freedom which is central to the game. I thoroughly reject the notion that any ideology can objectively be determined to be good or evil. As such, raiding of Nazis simply because they are Nazis is to me little more than a McCarthyist “My beliefs are superior to yours, so I’m going to wipe you out of existence.” If these players are engaging in behaviors such as spamming, harassment or griefing, then by all means respond accordingly. If they raid you, go ahead and raid them right back to teach them a lesson. It is when their ideological label becomes a criterion that I object to Nazi raiding. If they aren’t bothering anyone, just leave them alone. Let them be in their hatefulness.

NS Nazis do not need to be gotten rid of or removed from the game; quite on the contrary, we need them and they need us. Who would play the part of our despicable enemy against whom we must fight in the name of freedom, justice, and all that is good and right? Who would be the incarnation of evil itself, against whom we must model our beliefs and behavior? Good cannot exist in a vacuum. The Nazis exist in NS by necessity.

*I also, from a philosophical standpoint, view NationStates as a world or reality separate from RL. To be discussed at a later time.