Ongoing Forum Issues

A few notes on the ongoign forum issues.

The domain has broken. We are attempting to fix it alongside zetaboards support. For now use the default to access the forum.

There seems to be an issue with editing posts not being allowed by any user group. We are currently investigating the matter and hope to have this fixed shortly.

After testing another domain that I could add to the domain manager, I have determined ZB may not be broken. So I am switching the DNS to the same service I used that worked.

It’s either the DNS provider broke or it’s the domain register. I’ll keep everyone updated.

Some progress:

I believe that Cloudflare and ZB are not working correctly. Since we’ve been using them for several months without an issue it could only mean a change happened on Cloudflare and/or on the ZB side.

Good news is I got the domain added to the domain manager but the bad news is it still isn’t working currently. It could need another 24 hours after switching. I’ll update you once I have more info to share.

The domain issue has been resolved by using a subdomain of will still work as it redirects to the forum.