Despite the spectacular success of Packilvania’s the conquest of TEP by the Elite Empire that occurred one universe over was a little patchier:
Welcome to TEP in full war. Packilvania and Drak have invaded and counter invaded each other. Vekaiyu has blitzkrieged Listonia under the guise of protection and stability. Warre and Allegheny have formed a defensive pact to protect Tassalvalta, and they have made a cooridor to the sea for Allegheny. Bai Lung has withdrawn from it’s holdings within KashgarDalu, wisely.
Warre has blitzkrieged into the Jeneras, and using royal trickery absorbed Lupan into the realm. A number of vassals exist within it’s realm now, and despite it’s monarchial state, it’s one of the freeest within the region.
Dovakhan is ignoring it all, while Dannistaan, Nahris, and Kelssek all broke out into civil war [respectively]. Inevitably, the socialist and near communist nations of the central cooridor of TEP have formed an unified state for defense, where trad is free but where military prescience is high.
RNH has Diploannexed Reziel [Or was it vice Versa?], and they have in turned ‘lent stability’ to a southern, landlocked nation.
Iskios was ‘diploannexed’ by Elafos, as well. The rifle kind of Diplomacy. And in a change of fate? The biggest threat in TEP is actually… the nekomimis within Loop, who have lead a Dalekmimi’s coup of the parliament, and now control the Loopese military.
Carbonis was minding it’s own business when it’s borders expanded, however.
Happy to be of service to the men and women of the Elite Empire’s military.
Did East Malaysia survive? :o can’t see, but thinks so xD
Oh Warre!
— Begin quote from ____
Happy to be of service to the men and women of the Elite Empire’s military.
— End quote
is glad to have your nation because you are providing all of TEEE? (The East Elite Empire) with sexy uniforms!
Haha…I don’t know if I should be afraid by this thread or happy!?
— Begin quote from ____
Haha…I don’t know if I should be afraid by this thread or happy!?
— End quote
In TEP, is there a contradiction there?
I’m so sad 'cause it ended T-T