Opening day

[ooc] Hikaru is suitably disguised, and now has a beardno one should openly realize who he is.
but he wil have a creepy way of recognizing others

As hikaru walked around the building straightning and dusting a little, he thought back to the od days, when He and Nei were a happy family, before that woman came into the picture, “Oh well” he said, “we will be open ina few days, day crowd only, is good, I hate the idea of running a dinner place”

As Hikaru walked through the main room of the restaurant, the kitchen door opened, and a man walked out. Dressed in tan pants, a white t-shirt, and a black jacket, the man seemed to blend in with the area around him. “Welcome to the Third Reich Decedant Cofee Shop.” He said, smiling.

Motenai started, and stepped back. The man laughed. “Please…don’t be frightened. The name’s Michael Garibaldi…I’m the guy they hired to work the cofee shop with you. Oh…and please, don’t try to pretend you don’t know who they are, Mr. Motenai. I know more about your situation, and about them, then you could ever wonder.”

OOC: Eh, thought I’d give the lurker a bit of a persona. I can edit if you think hes outstepping bounds.

Having heard of the goings on of a certain coffee shop. Yeaaghs very own Jewish Hitler Clone, Hitler (
) realizes he must try to put a stop to anything that could possibly awaken the darker side of him.
So, to calm his nerves, Hitler has decided to visit said coffee shop. Hopefully, this will not reawaken anything inside of him. But who knows?

(OOC: Whats the fun of a Third Reich w/o a Hitler?)

as the Fuerher enters the shop both Hikaru and Michael look, and nearly simultaniously say "Damn but you are a spitting image of Hitler, "
as Hitler looks around the shop Hikaru warns him "be careful around the Panzer, I dont know if it is safe or not, " he pauses, “Oh where are my manners, I am Yota Motaiuchi and this is my Cafe.”

Evil Lincoln enters the room, taking off his trademark blade-rimmed stovepipe hat before it hits the door. He notices Hikaru’s disguise immediately, without quite recognizing the man under it. He walks over to Hikaru. “Ah, you must be Captain Beard. It’s a pleasure to see you. How goes your fight with the Galactons?”

Hitler is greatful for the warm welcome from Yota. He is also happy to see some panzers.

“It has been a while since I last hopped into one of these” he sighed “would you mid if you let an old genocidal maniac take it for a spin, especially on this of all days (Auschwitz Liberation Day… really.)”

“If not, please pass me a newspaper and I will have a cup of your strongest espresso. Hold the sugar, please.”

With that, Hitler takes out his wallet, removes one of his New York Times and asks “do you accept Yeaaghian currency?”

“Sure thing Herr Fureher, we can take your cash, as for the Panzer you have given me a deliciously evil Idea, Im gonna have it rigged for simulation, then people can pretend to drive it for a few bucks”

Hikaru eyes Lincoln and Hitler, “you know if it wasnt just a fleeting suspicioun, I would say that this cage was a metting place for dead leaders”

[ooc] I think all Ep currencies are accepted on Christie island correct?

OOC: Seeing as theres no established EP currency, I don’t see why not.

Any response to the lurker, btw?

Hikaru still a abit taken aback by the suden appearance of Lincoln and Hitler,
turns to garabaldi and throws him an apron,
“If you are gonna work here lets see how you can sling Java, Personally I hate the stuff, but it goes well with caek and Bread and well, I like caek.”

[ooc] Mirror Hikaru can spell caek right.

Michael nodded. “On it.” Turning, he made his way back behind the counter, and began working with the just installed machinery.