Operation Buffer

A naval task group comprised of a Juan Carlos class carrier, multiple frigates and cruisers, and several landing ships sat off the horizon of several islands. Following the task group 50 miles behind was a fleet of cargo ships retrofitted with landing pads for fast delivery of materials and equipment. On the carrier, Jump Jet Harriers sit poised and at the ready for launch when the leaders give their words.

Meanwhile at the capitol of Rhodesialund, the two presidents stood at a podium that they shared, facing a camera, waiting for the red light to finally come on. A few agonizing moments later it comes on.

“Citizens of Rhodesialund and any foreign nationalities watching this, the possibility of a war is too strong for us to ignore. We have commenced Operation Buffer, a purely self-defensive military operation that involves laying claims to two certain island chains to the west of Rhodesialund,” said one president.

The other president spoke up, “This is, again, a purely self-defensive operation in which Rhodesialund lays claims to these islands to act as a buffer zone between us and the nations across the sea. We possess no threat to other nations and trade will resume as normal.”

Back at the task force, the Harriers shot off the deck of the carrier and into the air, providing air superiority over the landing force that went full steam to the select few islands. Several SH-3 Sea Kings laden with Marines and equipment took off from the deck of the amphibious landing ships and flew towards the islands…

These islands are two of their targets in efforts of building a better defensive against anything that would be coming across the seas…

[/spoiler][edit_reason]Cannon Accuracy[/edit_reason]

A day later and the islands are in full control of the Rhode military. A C-130 Super Herk begins flying low to drop off essiential supplies and equipment to maintain a military presence on the islands. Some of the equipment being airdropped by other planes were cruise missile launchers and SAMs that would offer an effective defensive barrier against any would be attackers…


Several missile and cruise missile launchers were set up on the numerous islands in control, they being placed in strategic locations on each island and cleverly camouflaged. Quickly assembled radar stations dot the islands.

Construction of ports and airfields begin on several islands, for ease of logistics. The general of the Marines in Tigerstriped BDUs and olive drab body armor walks alongside the Grand Admiral on the largest island of the southern chain. “… be a great location.”

The Grand Admiral, instead of in his dress whites, was now in his navy blue BDUs and replied, “Maybe, but you need port access, the closer the better.”

“Hmmm… Guess that there’ll have to be some ‘SeaBees’ coming then.”

“I’ll gladly loan a few SeaBee units to you.” The Admiral noted. He knew that these islands would not only serve as a barrier against any military attacks, but training grounds for the Navy and Marines, maybe Air Force if they played along nicely. The ‘Marshal’ was difficult at times and refused to loan any strategic airlift planes, instead only granting the C-130s since they were “more than adequate enough.”

Sea Bees on the other hand, were a unit of the Navy comprised of military construction workers. Wherever the Navy goes and want’s things built, the Sea Bees are there.

[edit_reason]big images[/edit_reason]

“Sir Sir we have another issue!” hollered a messenger

“what is it now” barked a rather tense Kaiser

“The nation known as Rhodesialund has invaded a series of islands just to the south of Davinhia.”

“Hmm we cannot tolerate this. Have General Schultz send the following message to the government of Rhodesialund”

To Whom This May Concern,
The Prussian Empire is appalled by the aggressiveness that is being displayed as we speak. We shall not tolerate pointless invasions. Please reply with a satisfactory report on why these islands are neccessary for you to maintain.
Kaiser Wilhelm III
Kaiser of the Prussian Empire
“So Say We All” [/spoiler]

“Oh another thing. Make sure the General has our troops ready to go” says a very shot Kaiser.

“Aye Aye - so say we all!”

“So Say We All”

The two presidents were in their office overlooking plans for the islands with the Secretary of Defense while an official messenger burst into the room with a piece of paper, panting loudly and walking towards the heads of state.

“Sirs, you are gonna want to see this!” She huffed.

One of the presidents took the paper and looked it over, the other and the secretary of defense looking at him. “Well, guess the Kaiser of Prussia is a little itchy nowadays. Wonder what’s in his pants,” he says jokingly.

The Sec Def responded, “So, guess the man himself missed the actual televised broadcast then. I thought we allowed it to be broadcast worldwide?”

The other president remarked, “Guess the Kaiser was enjoying his sauerkraut a bit too much this morning.”

“Oh I think it was more than just sauerkraut he had in bed this morning,” smirked the head of state holding the telegram while raising an eyebrow at the two men attending to the table. He faces the messenger and says, “Thank you for bringing this to us, I will personally draft a message to the great Kaiser and relieve him of his worries.”

The messenger nodded and walked out promptly, attending to other matters. The now standing alone president walked to his side of the desk and fired up his laptop to send a telegram.


Dear Kaiser of the Prussian Empire,

As one of the heads of state of the Federal Republic of Rhodesialund, I am sending this telegram to you to ease your worries about our military expansion.

We mean no credible threat to the great empire of Prussia, we only sought a defensive opportunity. The goal of the conquest is to establish a military barrier against any foreign threats coming across the seas should a war between the Vekaiyun Union and Pax Draconia ever break out. We admit this may be a paranoid assumption but the recent developments, more specifically a coup in a Vekaiyun Union ally, has us more than concerned. The mentioned Vekaiyun Union ally is Smigsachenweiz, or at least it was formally named. We feared that this was only bringing the two closer to war in an already unstable region.

With the islands being purely of military defensive use, no trade shall be interrupted nor shall any ships of foreign nationalities molested. We also only choose to establish legitimate claims on as few islands as possible, thus us only choosing two specific island chains instead of the entirety of the region. These island chains are established as strategic locations in which a large anti-air and anti-ship barrier be established, effectively shutting off any access through should any belligerents send a landing force.

We mean this as no military threat to your empire and hope you understand our reasoning. We wish you success in the future.

Trafford Parker,
Head of State of the Federal Republic of Rhodesialund.

[/spoiler][edit_reason]Correction of Smigsachenweiz for Canon RP[/edit_reason]

— Begin quote from ____

To the Presidents of Rhodesialund,

Your unwarranted aggression in the east Keigan Sea is appalling. Long have the people of Pacifika enjoyed peace on the continent, yet you jeopardize it and the lives of those you claim to defend.

Consider this ultimatum: The armed forces of Rhodesialund have 72 hours to cease all offensive actions and halt building efforts pending inquiry by the Council of Nations and allowance of international inspector from Pasifika nations. Should the deadline expire, the Victoria Treaty Organization and the armed forces of the Grand Pacific will intercede.

Hon. Marcus Sydney, Governor of the Republic

Hon. Katherine Hera, Director of the Navy

Gen. Brockaert Sampson, Supreme Commander VICTOR Forces

cc. Commander, Aelitian Armed Forces; Commander, Severisenian Armed Forces

— End quote

[edit_reason]words and the spelling thereof.[/edit_reason]

— Begin quote from ____

Trafford Parker,
The Prussian Empire cannot condone the occupation of these islands. Should you maintain possession, the Imperial Navy would be forced to take a rather round about approach to dock from the West into Ports in the the Prussian Empire. I demand that the troops you have landed on these islands be immediately withdrawn. Should you not comply within 96 hours, the Prussian Empire will be forced to reconsider the classification of your nation.

Kaiser Wilhelm der GroBe
Kaiser of the Prussian Empire
“So Say We All”

— End quote

— Begin quote from ____

— Begin quote from ____

To the Presidents of Rhodesialund,

Your unwarranted aggression in the east Keigan Sea is appalling. Long have the people of Pacifika enjoyed peace on the continent, yet you jeopardize it and the lives of those you claim to defend.

Consider this ultimatum: The armed forces of Rhodesialund have 72 hours to cease all offensive actions and halt building efforts pending inquiry by the Council of Nations and allowance of international inspector from Pasifika nations. Should the deadline expire, the Victoria Treaty Organization and the armed forces of the Grand Pacific will intercede.

Hon. Marcus Sydney, Governor of the Republic

Hon. Katherine Hera, Director of the Navy

Gen. Brockaert Sampson, Supreme Commander VICTOR Forces

cc. Commander, Aelitian Armed Forces; Commander, Severisenian Armed Forces

— End quote

[edit_reason]words and the spelling thereof.[/edit_reason]

— End quote

(Quoted for posterity)

— Begin quote from ____

— Begin quote from ____

Trafford Parker,
The Prussian Empire cannot condone the occupation of these islands. Should you maintain possession, the Imperial Navy would be forced to take a rather round about approach to dock from the West into Ports in the the Prussian Empire. I demand that the troops you have landed on these islands be immediately withdrawn. Should you not comply within 96 hours, the Prussian Empire will be forced to reconsider the classification of your nation.

Kaiser Wilhelm der GroBe
Kaiser of the Prussian Empire
“So Say We All”

— End quote

— End quote

(Quoted for posterity)

“SIRS! YOU WANT TO SEE THIS!” says the messenger that busted into the room once again.

The Sec Def remarks, “What is it this time!” The messenger walks over and hands them the recent telegram and then walks out. A minute later audible groans and frustration emitted from them.

Trafford Parker, one of the presidents, states,“Well, it’s not a complete loss, the message we received from from the British Grand Pacific states that we should stop all offensive operations and construction unless otherwise stated. Thanks to our rapid forces, we already have control of all the islands, plus they are uninhabited, so we have that going for us. We will stop all building operations unless further stated by the Victoria Treaty Organization. If they try to change the message, they will be screwed and lose credibility, and that will go over like a lead balloon. The telegram will be used as a bargaining chip should they ever go back on their words or squeeze something in.”

Webster Jess, the other head of state says, “Well, what about the Prussian Empire?”

“Him? We have a 24 hour period after the 72 hours the officials from VICTOR gave us. Should they reverse their decision, we can wipe our hands clean and if Prussia has a problem, we can always tell them we were ok’ed,” replied Trafford.

“But what about the inspection team?” questioned the Secretary of Defense.

Trafford replied, “Easy, we allow them to inspect our forces and progress on the islands. The islands have little to no mineral value, same thing goes to ecology. Heck, we will even let them look at our plans if they so desire. They won’t be able to find any dirt on us even if they wanted to.” The president spoke confidently, knowing that they spent a lot of time being highly selective of what islands they were to take. He suspected initially that it would gain the attention of VICTOR, preparing for it. He thought to himself in his mind, ‘no local population on those islands, no minerals, no exotic animals, this will go along smoothly and without a hitch.’

Webster replied, “I’ll formulate an official telegram to VICTOR.” He walked over to the desk and pulled up the messaging system…

— Begin quote from ____

To the honorable representatives,

Hon. Marcus Sydney, Governor of the Republic

Hon. Katherine Hera, Director of the Navy

Gen. Brockaert Sampson, Supreme Commander VICTOR Forces

The military forces of the Federal Republic of Rhodesialund will gladly halt all military operations and building efforts pending inquiry.

As Head of State, I will gladly accept any and all international inspectors from Pasifika nations along with a small military detachment to ensure their safety.

It is also respectively requested that an official telegram be sent to the Prussian Empire should such inspections and inquiries take longer than expected.

Webster Jess, Head of State of the Federal Republic of Rhodesialund.


— End quote

The General walks towards the Kaiser’s dining table. He takes his seat

“Now General Schultz, have we heard anything from Trafford Parker?” asked the Kaiser

“No sir we have not.”

“Hmm that is most concerning… I think it might be time we send a little message from 50,000 ft up…”

“Trafford, we got a situation here,” says Webster from one head of state to the next.

“Let me guess, VICTOR didn’t bother sending a telegram to Prussia huh?” he replied.

“Yep, we just received notice from the Marshal of the Air Force that there is a strong possibility that Prussia might attack us.” Jess said as he held the phone and sat across the other president at the shared desk.

“Well, I had a feeling VICTOR would try and screw us over.” Parker sat there with his index fingers resting on his temples as he stared blankly across the room.

The other president spoke into the phone with the Marshal of the Air Force for a quick minute then hung up. Trafford Parker was still sitting there until he grinned and then looked up at his partner. “It seems that things are falling into place better than we expected.”

“I had half expected you to say that,” said Webster Jess. “The Marshal said he would scramble a detachment of fighters to monitor the skies until they do what we think they would do.”

“I’ll get on the horn with the Grand Admiral and General of the Marines to resume military operations on the islands,” replied the other president as he reached over to the phone that sat on his end of the desk. He spoke a few words to the secretary, who then transferred the call to the admiral and general. A few minutes later the phone was finally hung up. “Well, we followed VICTOR’s demands to the letter, their neglect to inform Prussia and allowing them to interrupt such investigation and inquiry pretty much means that they are now null and void.”

Webster replied, “Well, I’ll formulate a telegram to VICTOR and express our displeasure with them.”

— Begin quote from ____

To the honorable representatives,

Hon. Marcus Sydney, Governor of the Republic

Hon. Katherine Hera, Director of the Navy

Gen. Brockaert Sampson, Supreme Commander VICTOR Forces

It is my duty to inform you of the Federal Republic of Rhodesialund’s displeasure at VICTOR’s neglect to inform the Prussian Empire of such investigation and inquiry taking place. As of recent, the Prussian Empire has launched threats against our nation. Such condoning of Prussia to further interrupt such inquiry and investigation only means that they are null and void. Such actions taken on part of VICTOR only reveals that it is not an organization to promote peace and stability, but rather the opposite.

Webster Jess,
President of the Federal Republic of Rhodesialund


— End quote


Meanwhile, the first of two F/A-22 Raptors took off to monitor the skies and monitor any Prussian aircraft that come into range. Their orders were simple, “Monitor the airspace, only shoot down if provoked.”

The General of the Marines received word to continue operations due to the nullification of the inquires and investigation by VICTOR. He stood at his command post on one of the many islands and chewed his cigar. The cruise missiles were ready to go, the marines were on edge, plus there was a surprise the old marine had coming in. “For special occasions” he said once to the Grand Admiral, “but only if we were provoked…”[edit_reason]RP’ing accuracy about Prussia launching a threat.[/edit_reason]

“They did what? It has been all of 12 hours!” Katherine Hera couldn’t believe the rashness of the southern neighbors. “And I suppose I am to play postmaster for the damn Rhodies?” The director shook her head in continued disbelief. She looked over the assembled chiefs. “Keep eyes on both the Prussians and the Rhodesians. If either side shoots, I don’t want them making the trip home. I’m briefing the governor-general.” She looked at the bank of clocks on the sit room wall. " 12 damn hours into this and the fools are ready to kill one another…"

The government of Davinhia is appalled. A conflict so close to home. Davin Hue said to his brother, John Hue, “This nation is under a possible threat posed by a nation, stupid enough to do this. I have no ideas as to what to do, you’re the minister of defense, do something.”

John reached out to all the nations defending this land, and even the ones attempting to annex it. “This isn’t land to mess with. It is close to the power of Prussia, and us, Davinhia. I suggest not attacking it, just to receive a few more islands. I am going to side with anyone who is defending these islands, and make sure they win. Even if it requires military force. Make sure these lands are not annexed, as they are for new nations to claim, not an enemy.” He stops.

Davin Hue makes his way to the cabinet room, and calls Vladimir Scaramastro, the vice president to make a stance on this.

“I hate the ideas of annexing such a small part of land. Go big or go home, know what I’m saying?” Vlad says.

(OOC http://www.reactiongifs.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/popcorn_stephen_colbert.gif

President Malkov held a press conference today concerning the recent Rhodelundian military actions taking place to the South.

“It is my opinion, as well as the opinion of my Cabinet, that it is unnecessary for me to make any comment on Rhodesialund’s recent military action. However, you, the people, have been calling for me to condemn or endorse these actions. To this I will say, it is not my place to judge the conflict of nations so distant from Ferrum Terra, officially or otherwise. And though I wish others would follow my example, it is their freedom to choose not to. Thank you.”

Meanwhile, a messenger has been sent to Rhodesialund with a letter.

— Begin quote from ____

To whom it may concern,

It has come to my attention that you are under incredible scrutiny from neighboring nations for your defensive military movement. I would like to inform you that not everyone is unsympathetic with your position. Whatever the outcome of this situation, I commend your concern for the safety of your nation.


President Conda Malkov

P.S. That took some serious balls.

— End quote

Trafford Parker sat in his chair, slumped over with his hands to his face, his elbows resting on his knees. He was silently crying after the news he just received. The Secretary of Defense, Ronald Song, was a dear friend to him. The SecDef died in a terrorist attack just recently, The Rhode Reader was displayed on the president’s personal laptop with the news.

Webster was not in the room, he decided to give his Co-President room to grieve while he focused his attention on other matters. Jess was angered over such an attack on Rhode soil. He was not sure whether to believe that this was an attack by other nations or just simply an unfortunate event. He was not a man to rush to decisions, unlike his counterpart. “To pull out from the islands and focus on security or to remain,” he thought to himself. It was later decided that it would be best to “wait and see.” He was in the presidential media room, preparing a statement to release to the general public.

Did the other nations really sanction this or was it a matter of unfortunate timing, he had no idea but there are efforts underway to find out…

Meanwhile in Grove Street,
The Davinian cabinet was debating an act of war, or to sit back and watch. John, Vlad, Davin, and Cassandra all voted for an act of war, but of course they are the Davin Party. The other, George Fitzgerald, a pacifist, hated the act of war. He sat down and sighed, probably going to cry later. John walked to the security building, just 5 minutes away. He stepped up to the podium in front of the building.

“Hello, citizens of Davinhia, I am your defense minister, as you all should know me. We’ve decided to move DEFCON to 4, in order to get ready and prepare just in case we need to go to war. The Cabinet went 4-1, and that will stay. Being a pacifist nation, with most weapons in the arsenal, we sometimes need to defend. And we shall do this, and will threaten Rhodesalund anyway we can. The M-1 missile systems should do it, and shall possibly knock them out of those southern islands.” He steps off of the podium.

The military puts up the M-1 test missile systems, in an act of threatening Rhodesalund out of those islands. Put up to strategically hit a major city on the west coast of mainland Rhodesalund.

Marcus Sydney lowered his head and rubbed his forehead. Katherine Hera sat to his left, still shaking her head in disbelief.

“Any chance of, I don’t know, anybody sitting down to talk or is this continent ready to blow itself to hell?” The governor-general asked.

The director answered, “I doubt it, Mr. Governor. The troubles in Yasteria has the developing world wanting a piece of the action. The lesser powers are eager to flex what muscle they have in the hope of favors or favorable negotiations.”

Marcus nodded. “Inform Director Quinn I want his person and ambassadors from Prussia, Rhodesialund and Davinhia in Williamshaven tomorrow morning. Notify Severisen and Aelitia that I will be deploying VICTOR forces stationed here and that some of their boys will be involved. I’ll set Director Hammond to work preparing sanctions for those who fail to show.”

— Begin quote from ____

Marcus Sydney,

The Vekaiyuns are watching this situation closely as it develops, despite being on the other side of the world. Should you require our assistance, we would be willing to provide support. However, our armed forces remain guarded in Dveria and in the increasingly hostile situation in Allegheny. Therefore, support must come from other means.

Ikrisia Levinile
Premier of Vekaiyu

— End quote

— Begin quote from ____

Ikrisia Levinile,

The Republic extends warm greetings and much appreciation for your words of support. However, the troubles here are second an emerging Pax-Draconica. Help is coming.

In friendship,
Marcus Sydney
Governor-General of the Grand Pacific

— End quote

OOC: 'The Duo' - NSWiki

Marcus kicked the door down, and the duo entered the empty apartment. It had a weird, almost soviet-era feel to it, far from unique in a row of buildings. Perfect for their uses of it.

The duo wasn’t exactly used to taking government contracts for their ‘services’, but the contract offered really couldn’t be refused. Nonetheless, they now where, of all places, in the midst of a invasion, “observing”. Though their minders had stated to avoid inflicting casualties, they had to do what they had to do, and were appropriatly armed.

The pair consisted of Marcus, a human in his early 30’s, by far the leader, with a more scruffy look and (now) almost a full beard. The shooter by far, he was the old school ‘operator’, and behaved strictly as such, running a kevlar vest over his T-Shirt, jeans, and boots. Though not identifiable as Military, he packed heat as such.

And then there was Max, a Vulpine male in his early 20’s, Marcus ran into him in the 2010 Vekaiyun Civil War, at 17, in his own mess of trouble with the local “militia”. After a rather heroic escape, Marcus took him under his wing and snuck him out of the country, and he eventually was given (albeit, under the table), South Hills citizenship under a new name as part of payment for a operation in Dveria. The (self taught) group hacker and a half-decent pilot (He was being forcefully drafted into service with the then Maxist air force at the time), rather rebellious though effective at his various jobs. As he himself believes his family to be dead or missing, Marcus has more or less been a father figure, though more of a brotherly figure as time went on.

Nonetheless, the duo over time gained a reputation as a effective force, morals aside. They’ve even been jokingly blamed for any bombings at international meetings by South Hills intelligence forces, after the duo pulled such a operation off last year.

“You got it?”

“Got it, transmitting the coordinates now.” The group had a good view over the bay, and was relaying coordinates of Rhodesialund’s assets in the area.

“We may need to be ready to bail.”

“Mhm, I have the ditch kit ready.” The ‘ditch kit’ was civilian outfits and a small set of explosives. They were prepared to blow most of their equipment and play as lost travellers if needed.

“Not as bad as Tano, but this is notable.” noted Max, still transmitting various coordinates near the window.

“Mhm” replied Marcus, as he looked down at a Armored Personell Carrier below.

“Interesting to see how the locals will respond”

“Doubt there are any locals, this place looks totally abandoned.”

“Would be a nice vacation spot, too.”


"What’s the plan on if they decide to get curious? noted Max, looking down below at the APC.

“Head up and lay claymores, they’ll probably bug off or itle stall them long enough to move accross to the building next door. They’re close enough to zipline.”

“And ziplining won’t draw any attention?”

“Fair enough. Either way, just like Ye’leli, best bet is that they don’t get curious. They won’t have the time to search this entire building unless we give them a reason.” Right as he finished his statement, he pulled Max down from the window as a helicopter buzzed by, looking around the area, it hovered for a second before moving on.

“Like that.”

100 Nautical Miles from outpost, Cruiser Destroyer Squadron 1

“We’ve been ordered to set course for these islands, recently occupied by Rhodesialund.”

“And for their proclaimed exclusion zone?”

“The whole point I believe is to test it, sir.”

“Aye aye, make us a heading.”

“Aye aye, Captain!” The ships moved to a heading direct for the islands, making flank speed.

“There has been something else noted, sir.”


“We have two operators gathering intel on the islands, due to their uninhabited nature, it is rather difficult as stated for them to remain for long. They may be contacting us for rapid, armed, or both rapid and armed exfil.”

“Keep me posted.”


SHS Jacksonville (McCloud Class Cruiser)
SHS Todd McCloud (McCloud Class Cruiser)
SHS Josiah Bartlet (Miles Prower Heavy Destroyer)
SHS Titan (Buena Vista Class Destroyer)
SHS Bay Area (Beuna Vista Class Destroyer)
SHS Bainbridge (Miles Prower Heavy Destroyer)
SHS Pen Hills (Beuna Vista Class Destroyer)
SHS Wyatt (Logistics Class Oiler)


— Begin quote from ____

Hon. Katherine Hera,

We are closely monitoring the status of events, and wish to re-iterate our backing of RGP’s position on recent events. We wish to further make you aware of the presence of Cruiser Destroyer Squadron 2 in the area, and wish to inform you its ships are under the RGP’s command in event a conflict occurs.

In addition, we are welcome to the idea of intelligence sharing in relation to these events.

Admiral Preston Cole,
South Hills Far East Fleet,
A. Prower Navy Operations Center,
District 58

cc. Vekaiyun High Command, Laiatanese High Command

— End quote