Opinion: The Great Pacifican Lie

Opinion: The Great Pacifican Lie

Editorial written by Unistrut of the ADNNS

Commentary: The Great Pacifican Lie

This past week, the People’s Republic of The Pacific observed one year of control over the region and two years since Francos Spain rose to the delegacy and destroyed the entire Pacifican community. Of course, they didn’t talk about that part. The Senate of the PRP has seemed eager to both distance itself from the reality of the NPO regime and at the same time embrace the old NPO as its direct forebear. There is more than a bit of historical revisionism going on, and where there isn’t revision there is enforced amnesia. A clear view of the history of that regime would lead any reasonable citizen to ask questions that the Senate won’t like to answer and will bring to light very serious disconnects between the hopelessy flawed and convoluted “Francoist” ideological structure and the true nature of their rule.

Francos Spain: Userite

“The two classes recognised by Francoist Thought are the Feederites, who are the nations of their respective Pacific and seek to harness and work with the means of production (namely the Pacific region itself), and the Userites, who seek to exploit its fruits; by exploiting both the nations of the Pacific and the political structure set up within it to further their own political, military and social power.” --Unlimited, “Proper Francoist Thought”

The first observation one makes when reading the above statement is that there is no room for any other class. A nation is either a Feederite, or it is a Userite. When these definitions are applied evenly, taking into account the true origins and allegiances of all nations involved, it could be said that a vast majority of the current membership of PRP are Userites. Taking it a step further, it can be said that the progenitor of the “Pacific Revolution” himself was a Userite. Francos Spain was not an active member of The Pacific community before he took the delegacy through endorsement swapping. In fact, he was the founder of the region “Spain” and was residing there just three weeks before he rose to the delegacy. He sought to exploit the fruits of The Pacific by exploiting the nations of The Pacific through endorsement swapping, and the very open political structure set up within it to further his own political, military, and social power. Once he rose to the delegacy, all dissent was crushed. The voices of The Pacific fell silent, to be replaced by Userite conspirators such as Mammothistan and Unlimited. The very basis of Unlimited’s treatise is a sham.

The Politics of Invasion and Fear

After Francos Spain successfully invaded The Pacific, the former Pacific Army and many other groups tried repeatedly to regain control of the region over the course of his delegacy. Understandibly he and his cohorts in the New Pacific Order resisted these counter-invasions and used them as the excuse for the continued repression of the exile population. This was taken a step further by their attempts to extend their rule to the other feeder regions. The only feeder not targetted with a takeover attempt was The East Pacific- home to the friendly delegacy of the Farker, 1 Infinite Loop. All other feeders were attacked, and The North Pacific finally fell to the NPO agent UPS Rail in May 2004. When the region was passed to the puppet “ALSO” regime of Great Bight in order to draw heat off the NPO, it was patently obvious to all interested observers that this was the intent of the ploy. Upon the ejection of Great Bight from the UN for unspecified rule violations, Francos Spain left The Pacific to support his ally and immediately garnered nearly 80 endorsements inside The North Pacific. Had Great Bight not been restored to the UN before the update occurred Francos Spain would have been elected delegate of The North Pacific. The NPO and PRP have conveniently and constantly ignored the facts concerning their attempts (and failures) at imperialism. Instead they take up the mantle of the martyr , struggling to stave off the imperialism of others. Any voice of dissent within their region is discredited by dismissing them as an agent of foreign powers. Furthermore, any who ask questions that make the ruling junta uncomfortable will find themselves with that same distinction. Similar to the Reichstag fire in Germany these actions are indicative of a group which is unable to justify its actions on their own merits and needs to resort to chicanery to avoid inflaming public opinion against them.

The ADN Scapegoat

The Alliance Defense Network was fully prepared to end the destructive conflict with PRP, granting them diplomatic status and giving fully serious consideration to a joking application submitted by Mammothistan. This was met with demands for apologies for past ADN actions by the PRP, with absolutely no admission of wrongdoing on their part. They still conveniently ignored the origins of the conflict and used machinated claims of invasion to push the talks to a stalemate. Without ADN, there would be no raison d’être for their junta. Recognizing that the ADN is the only group realistically capable of throwing over their Senate, they exploit this fact in the ways I have described above and also to slander ADN members and their regions in order to poison their relations with neutral regions. They repeat these slanders often enough that they become ‘fact’ in the minds of the uninitiated. ADN counters this with patience, truth, and the self-assurance that they continue to fight the good fight. The most exasperating part for the higher level ADN members is the knowledge that ADN was never a leader in the anti-Francos Spain movement and has only remained concerned these two years later because they are continually dragged back in. The author of this piece and several others have sought over the past year to extricate ADN from the malicious political manuevering of the feeder regions and most especially that concerning The Pacific. The fact that I and others have been unsuccessful in that endeavor is indicative that ADN is truly needed… especially by the PRP.