Packilvanian invasion of HoopHoopLand

— Begin quote from ____

Hello, and welcome to, the official website of the East Pacific’s alternate, boringly factual, and nuetral news stories. The current time is 1:30 PM. Our major news story for today is:

Union of Cybernetic Republics of Packilvania succesfully invades HoopHoopLand!

At exactly 9:00 AM this morning, a total of thirty Packilvanian troop pods fired from orbiting ships into HoopHoopLand airspace. HoopHoopLand Air Force fighters scrambled to intersect, but only succesfully attacked one of the pods, and did not even succesfully shoot the troop lander down.

Ten minutes later, all thirty pods hit the ground within HoopHoopLand, and began a full scale invasion. Within twenty minutes after that, the Presidential Palace, General Military Headquarters, and Strategic Military Headquarters had been stormed and captured.

Just Fourty minutes after that, at exactly 10:20 AM this morning, President Pratt, possibly under Packilvanian influence, ordered his troops to surrendur, and ordered that his entire population allow itself to be assimilated into the Packilvanian hive mind. Mild resistance continued for the next several hours, however those that did resist were either killed or captured and then forcefully assimilated.

However, resistance did not stop there. Several large HoopHoopLandish ports and military bases attempted to escape the island and reach the relative safety of other nations, or even the unclaimed shoreline. However, with the pledge of support by Kellsek, numberous naval vessels were moved into the area, and these Kellsekian fleets kept the majority of these efforts from succeding, and in total around 700 HoopHoopLanders are estimated to have escaped, nearly 150 having seeked harboring in an FPS Task Force in the area.

As of yet, only the government of FPS has responded, offering amnesty to those who escaped, and condemning the invasion. However, President Terrus has promised to keep the nation nuetral in any conflict that were to occur.

Yet, according to recent military reports, it seems both Kellsek and Packilvania are stepping up their forces in the area to full alert. The question is, who might appose them?

For more on this story, click here.

For a map of the east pacific, and those areas affected, click here.

— End quote

The Socialist Federation of Free Pacific States totally and completly condemns this unprovoked attack on HoopHoopLand by Packilvania and Kellsek. We simultaneously offer amnesty to any HoopHoopLanders who can make it to any FPS ships or territory, including the 150 on the freightor who already did so, or any HoopHoopLanders that can reach the FPS embassy to HoopHoopLand.

However, at this time, FPS will not be taking any action against Packilvania except totally and completly condemning the attack.

Whoa…I thought this happened a long time ago?

edit… I really should read all the posts before posting myself :unsure:

OOC: Technically, it did. However, were now taking a totally diffirent path then the first one…cold war…at least, that’s the idea I’d gotten. HoopHoopland himself said he’d been invaded by you, I just thought this would be the best place to start, because starting anywhere furthur then this would bring us back to the problems of he old alternant universe and…well…we never even resolved those.

OOC: If you’d like, we could start this a diffirent way…long as we start it in the first place. I mean, we’ve been talking about it for the past week, I thought it was time to get it going…again, if you’d like to restart and come into it another way…no problem.

This is no problem, but could we say that we have not attacked Wchovia yet?

I believe that war started before Hoop…

OOC: That’s what I was hoping on doing. Hence my not including anything about the Wachovian attack in the article, or my response. I was just gonna start off with you invading HoopHoopLand, being supported by Kellsek…and then switching from old to new. In other words, I stop having total control, and get to sit back and be a nuetral switzerland (in other words publish dumb articles and yell and scream but not put my money/might where my mouth is).

ooc: looks like it’s soon time for me to start some trouble. i’ll get to it shortly here.

Infinite Loop also Condems these actions against the soverign naitons of the East Pacific.
Safe haven will be offered and gauranteed to all Hoopians who wish to flee,
the Red Cross has been given the Cruise liners Lustitania and Mauratania with which to offer evacuation and medical services to the refugees. these two ships will be gaurded by the surface carrier City of New Orleans it will remain 1/2 mile awayso as not to draw the liners into fire should the carrier be attacked.

Arrrgh… we’re all dying!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


We’re all actually going to IL for tea

The Foreign Affairs Counselor’s face was rigid. The council had been there in the early days of the HoopHoopland incoporation as a nation and had helped the small nation gain entrance into the regional government.

No matter how Packilvania dressed it up this would be trouble. He was doubtful he could restrain the hawks on the council and the national newspapers were already printing up some rather vicious editorials.

“What brought them all to this point?” he wondered.

As he entered one of the council chambers he heard the raised voices. No doubt the Military Counselor was already at work, drumming up support.

well seeing as how the flow of refugees has picked up as we have only the choicest of tea in IL, we will dispatch the liners Andrea Dora and the Queen Amaterasu as well to aid in transporting them