General Assembly Resolution #724 “Pre-Packaged Food Labels” (Category: Regulation; Area of Effect: Consumer Protection) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The World Assembly,
Acknowledging the genuine intent of GA 724 to increase safety;
Recognizing that food labels are important for the safety of the consumer;
Disappointed, however, that GA 724 “Pre-Packaged Food Labels” places excessive and impractical demands on labeling requirements, including complex considerations that extend beyond feasible implementation;
Concerned that such broad and thorough labeling requirements could make food labels overly complicated and difficult for consumers to interpret, potentially obscuring vital information and creating confusion rather than clarity;
Troubled that the resolution mandates labels to be “customized for the sapient inhabitants of that WA state” including additional customized standards for inhabitants "in different stages of their life cycles”, complicating standardization, risking labeling inconsistency, and unnecessarily requiring labeling that is legible for sapients at all stages of life, including infants;
Further noting that the fastidiously demanded documentation of additives, allergens, processing technologies, and warnings, as indicated in clauses (4.a), (4.b), (4.g), and (4.h), can overwhelm consumers by providing too much information at once, detracting from clarity and undermining the core purpose of safety labeling;
Worried that the target places substantial burdens on smaller producers, who may struggle to meet aforementioned requirements due to limited awareness of product sources, manufacturing technologies, and contaminants, thereby limiting product diversity and availability, and also limiting the ability of small business owners to self-determine;
Deeply concerned that the resolution’s call for specific “cannibalism” warnings introduces culturally and species-specific interpretations, which can lead to unnecessary warnings that consuming a particular dish would constitute cannibalism and could confuse consumers for whom it would not constitute cannibalism;
Concluding that the overly burdensome, inconsistent, and impractical nature of GA 724 outweighs its intended benefits and hinders its ability to effectively promote consumer safety;
Hereby repeals GA 724 “Pre-Packaged Food Labels”.