Pax Net

Music Plays

"Good morning Packilvania! This is Carl Cornwall reporting with the latest in the governments never ending quest to better our lives. Today, the reorganization of the ruling beuracracy was completed, resulting in a much more streamlined government. Major changes include:

1: Disbanding of the Hive central authority structure.
2: Annexing all Hive territories into the Pax (Packilvanian) territorial hierarchy.
3: Relocating Pax citazens to a central location in the Empire.
4: Relagating old planets as outposts on the fringes of the Empire. No longer will there be major population centers near the fringes.
5: Placing several mining planets on display for potential sale to East Pacific Entities.

What a grand plan to re-unify and solidify Pax power throughout the territories! Wait… I am sure you all heard the calls of our bretheren as I did. For those of you not of the Hive, the colony ships have begun transfer into the Sol system.

This has been Carl Cornwall reporting. Remember. Peace through Power.